Special Issue "3D Sensing and Imaging for Biomedical Investigations"


Dear Colleagues, In recent years, there has been a considerable development of sensors for three-dimensional acquisition in the biomedical field with the aim of both reducing the electromagnetic radiation to which the patient is subjected and improving their resolution and accuracy. This is opening up new scenarios for diagnostics, treatment planning, and follow-up procedures and studies....

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Dal 17 al 18 marzo 2022 il Workshop Internazionale "Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM): Future Interactive Devices - DEFINED"


Dal 17 al 18 marzo 2022, a Malta, è in programma il Workshop Internazionale dal titolo "Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM): Future Interactive Devices - DEFINED" di cui i colleghi del settore Ing-Ind/15 dell'Università di Pisa sono tra gli organizzatori.   In particolare, il workshop è parte delle attività organizzate all'interno del Progetto...

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International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing - JCM2022


Dear Colleagues,We are pleased to invite you to join the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (JCM2022) that will be held on the island of Ischia (Italy) on June 1st-3rd 2022.JCM 2022 originates as the 11th Joint Conference of ADM (Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi dell'Ingegneria Industriale), INGEGRAF...

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Special Issue "Automated Product Inspection for Smart Manufacturing"


Dear Colleagues, In recent years, the manufacturing industry has experienced major changes as a result of growing trends towards automation, integration, and data exchange. The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0 as it is called) refers to all those methods that enable improvements in product design and manufacturing with the main objective of capturing, optimising, and deploying...

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Terzo International Comfort Congress - 2 e 3 Settembre 2021


Il Terzo International Comfort Congress, originariamente previsto dal 1 al 3 Settembre 2021 presso la Nottingham Trent University (UK), si terrà online (a causa delle restrizioni sanitarie dovute alla pandemia) nei giorni 2 e 3 Settembre 2021.  Il Congresso è organizzato in partnership con il Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors e in...

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Special Issue "Modeling, Testing and Applications of Metallic Foams and Cellular Materials"


Dear Colleagues, Research on metallic foams, and more generally on cellular materials, is currently focused on different fields, such as numerical modeling, testing, material design, and manufacturing. Metallic foam applications concern lightweight and crashworthiness design. Cellular materials are also studied for multifunctional components, bioengineering, and biomimetic design. These research...

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Conferimento titolo di emerito al Prof. Angelo Oreste Andrisano


Il Prof. Francesco Leali comunica che la cerimonia di conferimento del titolo di emerito al Prof. Angelo Oreste Andrisano si terrà il giorno 30 giugno 2021 a partire dalle ore 10.30. La cerimonia verrà trasmessa in streaming su UNIMORE TV (https://tv.unimore.it/). Di seguito la locandina e il pieghevole dell'evento:  

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3rd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM) - 17-19 November 2021


Over the past few years, the growing and intensive development of information technology in the manufacturing industry has led to a significant change in the methods and tools supporting the factories of the future. The hot topics around Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing aim at the digital and organizational transformation of traditional factories and industrial systems as well as several...

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Ancora aperte le candidature all'Innovation Village Award 2021


Innovation Village Award è un premio annuale che valorizza le esperienze di innovazione sostenibile realizzate nei territori, che possano apportare un contributo per il raggiungimento dei 17 Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile fissati dall’Agenda 2030 dell’ONU. Il premio è istituito e sostenuto da:Knowledge for Business, società promotrice e...

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2° workshop CoCoAM - luglio 2021


Cara/o collega, nel luglio 2019 è stato organizzato dal CoCoAM (Comitato di Coordinamento Intersettoriale sull’Additive Manufacturing) il 1° workshop sulle attività svolte in ambito Additive Manufacturing dai ricercatori degli SSD dell'area 09/A3. Nell'ottica di continuare a promuovere e sostenere progetti ed...

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