Due webinar promossi dal Consiglio scientifico dell'Associazione ADM


Care Colleghe e Cari Colleghi, per il 2021, il Consiglio scientifico ha promosso due webinar su tematiche che riteniamo possano essere di interesse per i membri della nostra Associazione.Il primo riguarda i “Metodi e strumenti CAE per l'ottimizzazione multidisciplinare in fase di prototipazione virtuale“, relatore sarà il Prof. Giovanni Berselli dell’Università di...

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Special Issue "Advanced Design and Manufacturing in Industry 4.0"


Dear Colleagues, Industry 4.0 (I4.0) topics are directly related to the concept of "Smart Factory", outlining a new vision in which the traditional factory evolves into a fully automated, digitized, flexible and connected system capable of learning and adapting to new scenarios. The rapid developments of modern I4.0 technologies related both to information technology (IT) and operational...

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Special Issue "Product Development in Net-Shape Metal Powder Technologies"


Dear Colleagues, Metal powder net-shape and near net-shape technologies are increasingly interesting, as they allow producing parts as close as possible to their final shape, eliminating or reducing secondary operations, and consequently reducing scrap, costs, time to market, and environmental impact. Among them, Press and Sinter, Metal Injection Moulding, and, recently, Metal Additive...

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ADM2021 International Conference – ROME – September 9-10, 2021


The ADM2021 International Conference aims to provide a national and global forum for presenting and discussing the latest advances in Design Methods and Tools in Industrial Engineering, Mechanics, Materials, and Technology. Call for papers   The Conference The Conference is organized by ADM – Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi dell’Ingegneria Industriale (Italian...

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International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition ASME IMECE 2021 - November 1–4, 2021


Dear Colleague, We would like to inform you of the forthcoming ASME –IMECE 2021 to be held online 1-4 November, 2021.   We cordially invite you to submit a paper to the following Conference Track: Track 6: Design Systems and Complexity   This track aims at sharing knowledge, experience and up-to-date scientific information in the areas of design of complex system,...

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IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality


IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Bari, ItalyOctober 4 to 8, 2021 https://ismar21.org/   This year IEEE ISMAR, similar to IEEE VR, will have two separate Calls for Papers: 1. This first call is for submission to the TVCG journal paper track.   The accepted papers will be published in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and...

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Special Issue "Focus on Integrated Collaborative Systems for Smart Factory"


Dear Colleagues, The Issue aims to disseminate challenging research dealing with design methods, technologies, and systems for a collaborative factory enhanced by Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 principles. Interconnected technologies aiming to improve factory efficiency and productivity—supported by Industry 4.0 pillars—have to be enriched by a deeper system humanization and a renewed...

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Special Issue "Augmented Reality for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence"


Dear Colleagues, in collaboration with the journal Frontiers in Robotics and AI we are organizing an article collection on “Augmented Reality for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence”. The goal of this research topic is to bring together state-of-the-art achievements in AR, Robotics and AI. We encourage authors to submit original research articles, case studies, reviews, theoretical...

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Special Issue "Years of Design Creativity research: What is Industry Aware of?"


Design research should provide outcomes that contribute to the technological development, the product innovation and, generally, to improve industry and life. However, while it can be quite obvious for those branches that produce "tangible" research (e.g. about machinery, mechanics, information technology, materials), it is not trivial to evaluate the extent to which less practice-oriented...

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Special Issue "EcoDesign: The Importance of Manufacturing Sustainable Products"


Dear Colleagues, The design and development of products for daily use is changing due to the new drivers derived by the paradigm of sustainability with its three pillars: economic, environmental, social. Product manufacturing plays a critical role in the product’s life cycle, thus designers and engineers are encouraged to rethink the way products are conceived, integrating sustainable...

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