International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing - JCM2022

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to join the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (JCM2022) that will be held on the island of Ischia (Italy) on June 1st-3rd 2022.

JCM 2022 originates as the 11th Joint Conference of ADM (Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi dell'Ingegneria Industriale), INGEGRAF (Asociación Española de Ingeniería Gráfica) and S.mart (Systems, Manufacturing, Academics, Resources, Technologies).

The event is co-organized by the University of Naples Federico II and the University of Campania L. Vanvitelli.

The first announcement of call for papers is available online:


More information (organization, topics, key dates) and specific calls for contributions can be found online:


All the accepted papers will be published on Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, a book edited by Springer, indexed in SCOPUS, and selected papers will be published on ISI/Scopus indexed International Journals.

The best papers of the Conference and the best papers authored and presented by a researcher younger than 35 years in age will be awarded (Best Conference Paper Award and Best Young Researcher Paper Award).


Kind Regards

JCM 2022 Organising Team

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