3rd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM) - 17-19 November 2021

Over the past few years, the growing and intensive development of information technology in the manufacturing industry has led to a significant change in the methods and tools supporting the factories of the future.

The hot topics around Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing aim at the digital and organizational transformation of traditional factories and industrial systems as well as several other sectors.

The International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM) provides the perfect setting and a unique opportunity for knowledge exchange, the review and discussion of theoretical advances, research results, and industrial experiences, among scientists, researchers, decision makers, practitioners and students.

The ISM Organization Committee is delighted to announce that the ISM 2021 will be held under the Patronage of ADM – Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi dell’Ingegneria Industriale.


Proceedings and Indexing

The ISM 2021 Conference Proceedings will be published as a dedicated issue of the Elsevier Procedia Computer Science (CiteScore 2019: 2.5). Launched in 2009, Procedia Computer Science is an electronic product focusing entirely on publishing high quality conference proceedings. Procedia Computer Science is Open Access and indexed in Scopus, thus providing maximum exposure for your work. For authors publishing in Procedia Computer Science, accepted manuscript will be governed by CC BY-NC-ND license.


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