Call for papers - track "Advanced Design and Information Technologies", Conferenza ASME IMECE 2024 di Portland (Oregon - USA)


Si segnala il track "Advanced Design and Information Technologies" alla Conferenza ASME IMECE 2024 che si terrà dal 17 al 21 Novembre 2024 a Portland (Oregon, USA). La scadenza per la sottomissione dell'abstract è il prossimo 19 Marzo 2024. I paper selezionati saranno suggeriti alla rivista "ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering". Maggiori informazioni al seguente...

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Call for papers - "Advancements in Cycling Performance Enhancement Strategies for Cyclists: From Amateurs to Elite"


Giuseppe Sanseverino, dottorando dell’Università Tecnica di Chemnitz e socio ADM, segnala la Call for Papers per lo special issue dal titolo "Advancements in Cycling Performance Enhancement Strategies for Cyclists: From Amateurs to Elite". I lavori saranno pubblicati nella rivista Frontiers in Sports and Active Living (Q2, indicizzata Scopus). La deadline per la sottomissione dell'abstract è...

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Call for papers - "Fourth Edition of Focused Section on TMECH/AIM Emerging Topics"


Call for Papers The Fourth Edition of Focused Section on TMECH/AIM Emerging Topics Submissions are called for the Fourth Edition of Focused Section (FS) on TMECH/AIM Emerging Topics. This Focused Section is intended to expedite publication of novel and significant research results, technology and/or conceptual breakthroughs of emerging topics within the scopes of TMECH...

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Call for Papers - IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics - Focused Section on Compliant Mechanisms for Mechatronics


Paper Submission : 1 March, 2023   Topic: Compliant Mechanisms (CMs), along with Soft Robotic devices formed therewith, may be defined as engineering systems achieving force and motion transmission via the deflection of flexible members. CMs have increasingly gained a strong foothold in the scientific arena owing to their hinge-less nature, shock...

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The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano organizes the 2nd International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Automation (ISIEA 2023)


The Chairs of the 2nd International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Automation (ISIEA 2023) are glad to invite ADM members to participate in the event. ISIEA 2023 is an initiative of the Industrial Engineering and Automation macro-area of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. ISIEA 2023 will take place in Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy, on June 22nd-23rd, 2023. ISIEA welcomes...

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Call for papers - 1st International Conference on Hybrid Societies


The first international Conference on Hybrid Societies is organized by the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center Hybrid Societies at Chemnitz University of Technology (CRC 1410 Hybrid Societies funded by the German Research Foundation), in which a highly interdisciplinary group of researchers from psychology and engineering sciences to mathematics and computer science to the social sciences...

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Call for papers | 4th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing


Carissimi Colleghi, il prof. Antonio Padovano comunica che dal 2-4 novembre 2022 si terrà in Austria la quarta edizione della conferenza internazionale ISM – International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing.  La conferenza, già patrocinata da ADM, tocca numerose tematiche che spaziano molto all’interno del grande universo della 4a rivoluzione...

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International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing - JCM2022


Dear Colleagues,We are pleased to invite you to join the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (JCM2022) that will be held on the island of Ischia (Italy) on June 1st-3rd 2022.JCM 2022 originates as the 11th Joint Conference of ADM (Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi dell'Ingegneria Industriale), INGEGRAF...

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3rd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM) - 17-19 November 2021


Over the past few years, the growing and intensive development of information technology in the manufacturing industry has led to a significant change in the methods and tools supporting the factories of the future. The hot topics around Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing aim at the digital and organizational transformation of traditional factories and industrial systems as well as several...

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ADM2021 International Conference – ROME – September 9-10, 2021


The ADM2021 International Conference aims to provide a national and global forum for presenting and discussing the latest advances in Design Methods and Tools in Industrial Engineering, Mechanics, Materials, and Technology. Call for papers   The Conference The Conference is organized by ADM – Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi dell’Ingegneria Industriale (Italian...

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ADM2021 International Conference – ROME – September 9-10, 2021


The ADM2021 International Conference aims to provide a national and global forum for presenting and discussing the latest advances in Design Methods and Tools in Industrial Engineering, Mechanics, Materials, and Technology. Call for papers   The Conference The Conference is organized by ADM – Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi dell’Ingegneria Industriale (Italian...

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IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality


IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Bari, ItalyOctober 4 to 8, 2021   This year IEEE ISMAR, similar to IEEE VR, will have two separate Calls for Papers: 1. This first call is for submission to the TVCG journal paper track.   The accepted papers will be published in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and...

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ETRIA World Conference “TRIZ Future” 2021 “Creative solutions for a sustainable development” – Bolzano and online 22-24 September


Dear colleague, It is our pleasure to announce TFC21, the ETRIA World Conference “TRIZ Future” 2021 titled “Creative solutions for a sustainable development”. The conference will take place in Bolzano, Italy, and online on Sep 22-24 2021. All the information is available here. The Conference is organized by the European TRIZ Association (ETRIA) together with the Free...

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Call for papers for Track 6: Design Systems and Complexity


Call for papers for Track 6: Design Systems and Complexity of the forthcoming ASME – IMECE 2020 to be held in Portland, Oregon, USA, November 2020. Track flyer   Track Scope and Topics of Interest  This track aims at sharing knowledge, experience and up-to-date scientific information in the areas of design of complex system, providing an overview of methodologies, tools and...

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Call for Papers per la special issue "SUSTAINABILITY - Product Eco-design in the Era of Circular Economy"


Si segnala la Call for Papers della special issue "SUSTAINABILITY - Product Eco-design in the Era of Circular Economy". Guest editors:Prof. Claudio Favi (Università degli Studi di Parma, Marco Marconi (Tuscia University, Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 October 2020 Maggiori informazioni: SUSTAINABILITY - Product Eco-design in...

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Call for Papers per la special issue "Innovative Textiles in the Era of Circular Economy"


Il Prof. Rocco Furferi segnala una call for papers per il journal Applied Sciences per una special issue sul tema "Economia Circolare per il settore Tessile". Maggiori informazioni al seguente link:

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Call for Papers on Design and manufacturing of advanced composite products


Call for Papers per la special issue della rivista International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) intitolata: “Design and manufacturing of advanced composite products”. Topics: Numerical analysis, design for, advanced composite materials, manufacturing processes, process simulation, sustainability, optimization, decision support.Important Dates ➢ 1 st...

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