Call for papers for Track 6: Design Systems and Complexity

Call for papers for Track 6: Design Systems and Complexity of the forthcoming ASME – IMECE 2020 to be held in Portland, Oregon, USA, November 2020.

Track flyer


Track Scope and Topics of Interest 

This track aims at sharing knowledge, experience and up-to-date scientific information in the areas of design of complex system, providing an overview of methodologies, tools and applications for understanding how the application of emerging technologies impact on critical engineering issues activities such as product design, manufacturing, management, and integration of information along the product/system life cycle. 

Topics include:

  1. Product and Process Design  
  2. CAD, CAE and CAM  
  3. Optimization 
  4. Design for Additive Manufacturing 
  5. Design for Sustainability  
  6. Social Context Aware Design  
  7. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Design 
  8. Bio-inspired Design 
  9. Human modelling for product design and manufacturing 
  10. Design for Human Robot Collaboration 
  11. Smart Cyber-Physical Systems design 


Important Dates:

Submission of Abstract for Full Papers:   March 16, 2020

Author Notification of Abstract Acceptance: March 30, 2020

Submission of Full-Length Paper: May 11, 2020


For more information, please, visit the  conference website


Track Organizers

  • Caterina Rizzi (University of Bergamo, Italy)
  • Giorgio Colombo (Polytechnic of Milan, Italy)
  • Miri Weiss Cohen (Braude College of Engineering, Israel)


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