Razzoli Roberto
Professore Associato
Università degli Studi di Genova
Sito istituzionale
SCOPUS ID: 8788787300
Orcid: 0000-0002-9807-6665
Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Abstract: In the last 50 years, the number of companies producing automated devices for surgical operations has grown extensively. The population started to be more confident about the technology capabilities. The first patents related to surgical robotics are expiring and this knowledge is becoming a common base for the development of future surgical robotics. The review describes some of the most popular companies manufacturing surgical robots. The list of the company does not pretend to be exhaustive but wishes to give an overview of the sector. Due to space constraints, only a limited selction of companies is reported. Most of the companies described are born in America or Europe. Advantages and limitations of each product firm are described. A special focus is given to the end effectors; their shape and dexterity are crucial for the positive outcome of the surgical operations. New robots are developed every year, and existing robots are allowed to perform a wider range of procedures. Robotic technologies improve the abilities of surgeons in the domains of urology, gynecology, neurology, spine surgery, orthopedic reconstruction (knee, shoulder), hair restoration, oral surgery, thoracic surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and endoscopy.
Keywords: Commercial products | End effectors | Endoscopic | Robotic surgery | Robotically assisted | Surgical robotics
Abstract: The constant growth in global energy demand, and corresponding prices rise, is soaring new engineering methods for reducing energy consumption in manufacturing processes. For decades, industrial robotics have been enabling quality enhancement of end-products by using flexible manufacturing processes, without much concern to energy cost, but now a makeover is happening. Calls for sustainable and green manufacturing processes are being promoted across the globe with the aim to produce more goods and with less consumption. In this paper, a new method is presented focusing on the optimization of energy intake by industrial robots, without the need to change their hardware set and just modifying the trajectory planning of the end-effector. A test case scenario consisting of a robotic cell with 4 pick-and-place manipulators has been set to validate the method. Starting from a pre-scheduled trajectory, robots are moved at the highest speed and acceleration and, by performing the sequenced operations, the optimal trajectories are defined. The goal is to find a trajectory that minimizes the time cycle and the total energy consumption, while avoiding collisions between the robots’ links: comparing the results thereof to those of the pre-scheduled trajectory, noticeable energy saving has been obtained along with possible decrease of the cycle time.
Keywords: Computer-aided engineering tools | Energy efficiency | Robot scheduling | Trajectory planning | Virtual prototyping
Abstract: One of the main objectives of Industry 4.0 is to build up Smart Factories with improved performance as for productivity, together with lowered maintenance times and costs. In this perspective, Prognostic and Health Management (PHM) is a proactive method to industrial services enhancing maintenance according to the health of the system. PHM entails diagnostic and prognostic engineering tools to recognize the health of the system, and then to choose the prime maintenance actions. The diagnostic tool has to be capable to handle a sizeable volume of data and determine, by means of processing algorithms, the proper set needed for the analysis. The software named MADe can be used as a helpful utility to engineers; it is a model-based toolkit for Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) analysis, capable of optimizing maintenance activities based on the information given by the software, relating to sensor choice and to maintenance strategies. In the PHM framework, the detection of incipient failures is central task of the monitoring the health status of systems that include components sensitive to fatigue or aging. In fact, timely diagnosis allows to schedule maintenance reducing the impact on production outcomes. Based on these considerations, the present paper explains a technique for detecting incipient failures in fatigue sensitive parts, by means of an Equivalent Damage Index (EDI), that can be calculated from the measured signals on the real plant. This procedure is validated, as well as other cutting-edge techniques, to prove its accuracy in detecting incipient breakdowns.
Keywords: Anomaly detection | CBM | Incipient failure | Industry 4.0 | MADe | PHM | Residual Life Estimation | Smart factory
Abstract: In the context of Industry 4.0, condition-based maintenance (CBM) for complex systems is essential in order to identify failures and mitigate them. After the identification of a sensor set that guarantees the system monitoring, three main problems must be addressed for effective CBM: (i) collection of the right data; (ii) choice of the optimal technique to identify the specific dataset; (iii) correct classification of the results. The solutions currently used are typically data driven and, therefore, the results are variable, as it is sometimes challenging to identify a pattern for all specific failures. This paper presents a solution that combines a data driven approach with an in-depth knowledge of the mechanical system’s behaviour. The choice of the right sensor set is calculated with the aid of the software MADe (Maintenance Aware Design environment), whereas the optimal dataset identification technique is pursued with a second tool called Syndrome Diagnostics. After an overview of such methodology, this work also presents RSGWPT (redundant second-generation wavelet packaged transform) analysis to show different possible outcomes depending on the available sensor data and to tailor a detection technique to a given dataset. Supervised and unsupervised learning techniques are tested to obtain either an anomaly detection or a failure identification depending on the chosen sensor set. By using the described method, it is possible to identify potential failures in the system so to awarely implement the optimal maintenance actions.
Keywords: Condition-based maintenance | Failure identification | RSGWPT | Supervised learning | Unsupervised learning
Abstract: This article presents the development of a prototype robotic eye-motion system for a novel simulator of ocular and craniofacial trauma that was developed for practical skills training of eye surgeons and first responders. The simulator fills a gap in the ophthalmological training domain, specifically between virtual reality-based systems for cataract and retinal repair and part-task trainers without quantitative measurement capabilities. Combining physical anatomical modules, instrument tracking and embedded sensors with a data acquisition/feedback system in a portable bench-top structure, it offers an alternative to animal- and cadaver-based training. The prototype robotic eye system described includes multiple human eye globe motion features: eye pitch and yaw motion, proptosis, and sensing of applied force to detect pressure/load applied to the globe.
Keywords: Computer-aided design | Medical robotics | Simulation-based-training | Virtual and physical prototyping
Abstract: Purpose: The scope of the work is to present the state of the art of robotically assisted surgical systems and to give a general idea about how technology can help today and tomorrow robotic surgery. The road to innovation passes through research and on field trials; for this reason, not only commercial surgery robots, but also innovative prototype robots, proposed by the Academic world, are presented. Design/methodology/approach: Following a short introduction, robotically assisted surgery systems are introduced discussing their architectures and main peculiarities. A further section is dedicated to the key enabling technologies that will make possible to improve current systems and that will lead to a new generation of surgical robotic systems able to meet the patient's needs and facilitate the surgeon's task. Finally, brief concluding comments are given. Findings: The idea of using robots for surgery was born many years ago and in a short time a market demand was created. Today the market is very dynamic, and several new products are updated and created for the execution of both traditional and new procedures. The article provides a guide for the reader who has an interest in this area. Originality/value: This paper provides an insight into the commercial robotic surgical systems and a look on research prototypes from academic and industrial worlds.
Keywords: haptic feedback | laparoscopy | miniature instruments | minimally invasive surgery | remote surgery | robot surgery
Abstract: The paper describes a novel Clench-and-Release Device (CRD), which can be used to quickly replace the rear wheels of bikes equipped with disk brakes, while also being suitable for front wheels. Since a quick wheel replacement is a pressing demand during competitions, the CRD reduces time wasted in situations like flat tire replacement. At the same time, it can be useful also for amateur bikers, who desire a simple way to lock/release a wheel without the risk of getting dirty or being unable to properly align the brake’s disk and pads. In fact, thanks to the CRD, both brake and pinion packs are kept in place at all times and the chain remains engaged with the gears, even after wheel removal. Although similar devices can be found on the market, the proposed CRD provides an improved design since: (i) pinions and brake are placed on the same side with respect to the wheel symmetry plane perpendicular to the wheel axis of rotation; (ii) the front and the rear wheel share the same hub; (iii) manual operations are definitely easier; (iv) the wheels are compatible with different types of transmission; (v) the brake discs are more protected in case of crashing. A patent for the Italian region has been filed.
Keywords: Computer-aided design | Through axle shaft | User centered design | Wheel quick release | Wheels’ fast removal
Abstract: This paper reports about project-based learning activities carried out within the course of Design of Automatic Machines at the University of Genova. This didactic experience, provided to the students enrolled in the second-level degree in Mechanical Engineering, aims at providing the knowledge of those methods and tools required to optimally design functional parts of automatic machines, here including the mechanical architecture and the actuation subsystem. Lecture hours are equally devoted to the introduction of theoretical concepts and to lab exercises, which leverage on the extensive and advanced use of dedicated CAD/CAE software tools (i.e. PTC Creo). In particular, the projects are related to the in-depth study of automated packaging systems, initial (sub-optimal) design solutions being provided by an industrial partner with years of practice in the sector. After a description of the educational goals, the presentation discusses the phases of the activity and the main methodological aspects. In addition, the adopted tools for the design and simulation of the developed systems are discussed in detail.
Keywords: CAD-based shape optimization | CAD/CAE tools | Design parametrization
Abstract: Robotic deburring (RD) still requires long and delicate physical tests to tune the process-parameters, thus drastically reducing the robotic cell productivity. Henceforth, engineering methods and tools are needed to optimise the RD application within a virtual environment, replicating the real behaviour of the robot tooling under different process conditions, namely unpredictable variety of burr size/shape and limited accuracy of the robot motions. To this purpose, the spindle compliance, which plays a fundamental role, is unfortunately not evaluated by state-of-the-art simulation tools. The present paper proposes a virtual prototype (VP) of a radially-compliant spindle, suitable to assess and optimise the deburring efficiency in different case scenarios. A multi-body model of the spindle, integrated with the process behavioural model, predicts process forces and optimal deburring parameters, delivering the contour maps of the envisaged deburring error as function of feed rate and tool compliance. An industrial case-study is provided.
Keywords: parameter design | passively compliant spindle | robotic deburring | virtual prototyping
Abstract: The actual use of Industrial Robots (IR) for assembly systems requires the exertion of suitable strategies allowing to overcome shortcomings about IR poor precision and repeatability. In this paper, the practical issues that emerge during common “peg-in-hole” assembly procedures are discussed. In particular, the use of passive Remote Center of Compliance (RCC) devices, capable of compensating the IR non-optimal performance in terms of repeatability, is investigated. The focus of the paper is the design and simulation of a flexure-based RCC that allows the prevention of jamming, due to possible positioning inaccuracies during peg insertion. The proposed RCC architecture comprises a set of flexural hinges, whose behavior is simulated via a CAE tool that provides built-in functions for modelling the motion of compliant members. For given friction coefficients of the contact surfaces, these numerical simulations allow to determine the maximum lateral and angular misalignments effectively manageable by the RCC device.
Keywords: Compensation Strategies | Compliant Flexures | Peg-in-hole assembly | RCC Device | Robotic assembly | Virtual Prototyping
Abstract: According to recent researches, it is desirable to extend Industrial Robots (IR) applicability to strategic fields such as heavy and/or fine deburring of customized parts with complex geometry. In fact, from a conceptual point of view, anthropomorphic manipulators could effectively provide an excellent alternative to dedicated machine tools (lathes, milling machines, etc.), by being both flexible (due to their lay-out) and cost efficient (20-50% cost reduction as compared to traditional CNC machining). Nonetheless, in order to successfully enable highquality Robotic Deburring (RD), it is necessary to overcome the intrinsic robot limitations (e.g. reduced structural stiffness, backlash, time-consuming process planning/optimization) by means of suitable design strategies and additional engineering tools. Within this context, the purpose of this paper is to present recent advances in design methods and software platforms for RD effective exploitation. Focusing on offline methods for robot programming, two novel approaches are described. On one hand, practical design guidelines (devised via a DOE method) for optimal IR positioning within the robotic workcell are presented. Secondly, a virtual prototyping technique for simulating a class of passively compliant spindles is introduced, which allows for the offline tuning of the RD process parameters (e.g. feed rate and tool compliance). Both approaches are applied in the design of a robotic workcell for high-accuracy deburring of aerospace turbine blades.
Keywords: Engineering methods | Industrial robotics | Intelligent factory | Virtual prototyping
Abstract: The liberalization of electricity market in Europe led to a growing competition between energy producers, making crucial the ability to optimize the management strategies of power plants. Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP) have to operate in a flexible way, with frequent and rapid variations of the power produced, in order to quickly adapt to the frequent changes in load imposed by the demand. Nowadays, they typically operate in cycling mode with daily start-up and shut-down. The components of the plant are subjected to great cyclical variations in temperature, which induce stresses on materials, especially during the start-up phases. The present activity concerns the assessment of life consumption -caused by these operations- on the rotor of the steam turbine of the CCPP (800 MW) inside the Tirreno Power thermal plant located in Vado Ligure, Italy. The aim is to draw a set of curves representing the percent life expended per cycle as a function of rate of steam temperature change and magnitude of the overall temperature increase. These curves are called Cyclic Life Expenditure curves (CLE). In the future, the developed methodology will be used to reduce the start-up times, keeping under control the life consumption of the rotor and optimizing the maneuvers that generate thermal transients.
Keywords: Start-Up Turbine rotor CLE Curves | Steam Turbine | Thermoelastic stress
Abstract: Mini-invasive surgery deserves increasing attention to lower the post-operative stay in hospital and lessen falls-off complications. This leads to the trends in robots, as innovative integrated computer-aided implements. Out of front-end haptic effectors, the background support is turning to inclusive on-duty functions, e.g., surgical planners, operation assistants, etc., making possible the rethinking of protocols to progressively embed the innovations offered by the micro- and nano-technologies. The chapter brings in surgical robotics, with focus on technology and design issues of the remote-mode operation assistants. The investigation leads to define the technical characteristics of a CRHA, Co-Robotic Handling Appliance, to be purposely developed, to support the duty-split approach surgical planner. The expected features are outlined, including analysis of operation potential of special-purpose contrivances (i.e., automatic changing device of the surgical tools) and of scope-driven enhancers (i.e., exploration of the intervention theatre, IT).
Abstract: The goal of the study is investigating the odd claim of the human civilisation, which modifies the wild natural surrounds by synthetic alterations, defined improvements, bestowing 〈value added〉. Indeed, the history seems sanctioning that the 〈life-quality〉 on the earth has been expanding, with enhanced chances and increased resources, compared to the native prospects of the wilderness. Only at the millennium turnover, the ecology globalisation shows the impeding threats of over-depletion/pollution, exceeding the extant recovery and reclamation capabilities of the environment. The new imperative turns to be the 〈sustainable growth〉, with caginess in defining if the trends can be positive, being conditioned by the empowered recycling, retrieval and renovation measures. In fact, sustainability requires lifecycle supply-chain visibility, resource bookkeeping and revamp planning. The lifecycle starts when the idea of a product is born and lasts until complete disposal after realisation and operation. In the musts' specification/analysis, the crucial policy (global plans, detailed design, assembly plots, etc.) are followed by manufacturing, testing, delivery, diagnostics and operation, advertising, service, maintenance, etc.; then, disassembly and firing are scheduled, requiring reclamation and recovery, via re-cycling (material reprocessing) or re-using (part refurbishing). The present study summarises pilot cues for understanding the product-process agendas, using the TYPUS metrics and the KILT model, prospected by the authors, in previous works. © J.UCS.
Keywords: Eco-project | Ecology globalisation | Economy globalisation | Lifecycle management | Sustainable growth
Abstract: The sustainable growth dilemma requires providing well-matched prosperity to current citizens, aimed at preserving suited life-quality standards. Currently, civilization intentionally alters the surrounding wilderness. The changes include using biological sources (agricultural revolution) and energy supplies (industrial revolution) purposefully promoted and performed by men. The modern growth decisively exploits skilful provisions acquired from fossil and fissile earth stocks, through totally technical and non-conservative ways. The instant disadvantages of this are paid by contamination, inexorably altering the bio-sphere. The engineer's doings in the new millennium have to cope with ecological quality objectives, curbing the industrialism practices, in view to provide visibility of all induced changes and to apply the responsible recovery measures. Here, the overview of the state of the art is shown, in particular addressing the design of "product-service" items, deliberately considering the early specifications for the lifecycle and the dismissal phases, and the integration prerequisites in the supply chain management, explaining the usefulness of network aids and the connected commercial modifications. The challenge is extraordinary and involves socio-cultural aspects, too. The discussion, although offering sketchy images, concerns technical suggestions, basically limited to assessing the life cycle eco-coherence as total company challenge. The business design conditions embed compulsory legal issues, requiring worldwide management.
Abstract: This paper deals with Epi.q, a family of mobile robots whose main characteristic is a wheel-legged hybrid locomotion. These multi-purpose robots can be successfully exploited for security and surveillance tasks. The document presents state of the art security robotics, the Epi.q mechanical architecture, the concept behind the robot driving unit, three prototypes and the design of a new one. © 2013 Wang et al.; licensee InTech.
Keywords: Epi.q Robots | Ground Mobile Robot | Stair Climbing | Surveillance | Unmanned Vehicle | Wheel-Legged Locomotion
Abstract: Mini-invasive surgery deserves increasing attention to lower the post-operative stay in hospital and lessen falls-off complications. This leads to the trends in robots, as innovative integrated computer-aided implements. Out of front-end haptic effectors, the background support is turning to inclusive on-duty functions, e.g., surgical planners, operation assistants, etc., making possible the rethinking of protocols to progressively embed the innovations offered by the micro- and nano-technologies. The chapter brings in surgical robotics, with focus on technology and design issues of the remote-mode operation assistants. The investigation leads to define the technical characteristics of a CRHA, Co-Robotic Handling Appliance, to be purposely developed, to support the duty-split approach surgical planner. The expected features are outlined, including analysis of operation potential of special-purpose contrivances (i.e., automatic changing device of the surgical tools) and of scope-driven enhancers (i.e., exploration of the intervention theatre, IT).
Abstract: The sustainable growth dilemma requires providing well-matched prosperity to current citizens, aimed at preserving suited life-quality standards. Currently, civilization intentionally alters the surrounding wilderness. The changes include using biological sources (agricultural revolution) and energy supplies (industrial revolution) purposefully promoted and performed by men. The modern growth decisively exploits skilful provisions acquired from fossil and fissile earth stocks, through totally technical and non-conservative ways. The instant disadvantages of this are paid by contamination, inexorably altering the bio-sphere. The engineer's doings in the new millennium have to cope with ecological quality objectives, curbing the industrialism practices, in view to provide visibility of all induced changes and to apply the responsible recovery measures. Here, the overview of the state of the art is shown, in particular addressing the design of "product-service" items, deliberately considering the early specifications for the lifecycle and the dismissal phases, and the integration prerequisites in the supply chain management, explaining the usefulness of network aids and the connected commercial modifications. The challenge is extraordinary and involves socio-cultural aspects, too. The discussion, although offering sketchy images, concerns technical suggestions, basically limited to assessing the life cycle eco-coherence as total company challenge. The business design conditions embed compulsory legal issues, requiring worldwide management.
Abstract: The civilisation is bewildering accomplishment, rooted in voluntary measures that men conceive and apply to the surrounds, aiming at improving their life-quality. The paper gives an overview of how the artificial mind worlds coherently prefigure such (actually ascertained) happening, with, nevertheless, emerging construal ambiguities. The devised pictures are background of increased concern about the man civilisation continuation. The sustainability of the growth is impeding threat, produced by the ecology globalization, viz., the vibrant alarm on bio-sphere (today mistrusted) reliability. In truth, several reasons exist for fear about future growth, especially, when considering the advanced countries, too much used into undiscerning faith about financial instruments. The ecology comes to be sharp intruder in the economy globalisation prospects, worsening the already actually serious events. The analysis, without hiding the critical character of the challenge, is somehow comforting. The progress, if organised on merely a posteriori rationales, will persist, on condition of ground-breaking discoveries of the man intelligence. The <cognitive revolution> is a devised upturn, offsetting the current industrialism over-pollution and over-consumption, by means of the <to dematerialise> and the <to re-materialise> routines of the robot age technologies.
Keywords: Cognitive revolution | Collective order | Economy globalisation | Human civilisation | Meme evolution | Sustainable growth
Abstract: The civilisation is bewildering accomplishment. rooted in voluntary measures that men conceive and apply to the surrounds, aiming at improving their life-quality. The paper gives an overview of how the artificial mind worlds coherently prefigure such (actually ascertained) happening. with, nevertheless, emerging construal ambiguities. The devised pictures are background of increased concent about the man civilisation continuation. The sustainability of the growth is impeding threat, produced by the ecology globalization, viz., the vibrant alarm on bio-sphere (today mistrusted) reliability. In truth, several reasons exist for fear about future growth, especially, when considering the advanced countries, too much used into undiscerning faith about financial instruments. The ecology comes to be sharp intruder in the economy globalisation prospects, worsening the already actually serious events. The analysis, without hiding the critical character of the challenge, is somehow comforting. The progress, if organised on merely a posteriori rationales, will persist, on condition of groundbreaking discoveries of the man intelligence. The <cognitive revolution> is a devised up-turn, offsetting the current industrialism over-pollution and over-consumption, by means of the <to de-materialise> and the <to re-materialise> routines of the robot age technologies.
Keywords: Collective orders | Ecology globalisation | Human civilisation | Knowledge society | Sustainable growth
Abstract: The international stability is viewed as corollary of the sustainable growth. This has only technology-driven solution, at global village extension, with required appropriateness and shared acceptation. The survey, on such guess, looks at the robot age potential, as supplementary aid in the balanced world deployment that adds to the socio-economic and politico-legal frames. The analysis moves from the globalisation issues, at the known (economic) global and (ecologic) no-global pictures, to outline the traits of the post-global robot age, consistent with the sustainable growth, international stability, and grounded on the force of the law. Stability based on the law of the force was the past option, even allowing steady truces. In this analysis, globalisation makes this choice unfit, having doubtful economic and social sustainability and not achieving ecologic sustainability consistently and for the long term. Copyright © 2012, IGI Global.
Keywords: Economy vs. Ecology Prospects | Globalisation and World Stability | Knowledge Society | Social Change Models | Technology and the Environment
Abstract: Humanitarian demining is a calamity of war affecting many third world countries. Mines are cheap weapons, built to sustain horrible injuries that target active people with a knock-on effect upon economic growth. The clearing is time consuming and expensive. Clearing is an engineering duty and the humanitarian goal is a technical challenge. Advanced robotics fulfils this task cleanly and reliably on the condition that upgrades and cost are met, meaning that they lose third-world appropriateness. The challenge is to turn local machines and awareness into effective robotic aids, willingly used by the local people, and to enhance the on-going outcomes. The solution to the demining problem shall be a low cost robotic outfit with resort to nearby available resources and competences (e.g., drawn from the local agricultural machinery and know-how). This paper discusses an ongoing project that aims to develop a low-cost robot with intelligent remote-command abilities, as a cheap productivity upgrading, assembled from standard farming devices, through the shared know-how and commitment of locally involved operators. During the study, the authors have developed a low-cost robot capable of removing mines. The robot consists of modified agricultural components including its mobile carrier and the mine effector. © 2012 Hemapala and Razzoli; licensee InTech.
Keywords: Demining robots | Hydraulic actuators | Mine removal | Remote control
Abstract: Nowadays, the globalisation complex and confused scenarios show that the industrialism cycle has arrived to an impasse; sustainable and long-lasting progress requests strong changeovers. The technology challenge needs solving the over-pollution and over-consumption figures of the current industrialism: to that purpose the world ought to radically modify the political set-up moving to global village sustainable growth, ruled by <the force of the law> and turning to <hyper-democracy>, to assuring balanced citizen/authority interplay.
Keywords: Economic globalisation | Hyper-democracy | Knowledge society | Social-ecology-economy-cognitive global views
Abstract: The engineer's doings in the new millennium have to cope with the ecological quality objectives, claimed by requirements for sustainable long-term growth; the challenge is extraordinary and involves socio-cultural aspects, too. Here, an overview of the state of the arts is flashed, in particular addressing: - the design of 'product-service' items, deliberately considering the early specifications for the lifecycle and the dismissal phases and: - the integration prerequisites in the supply chain management, explaining the usefulness of networks aids and the connected commercial modifications. The discussion, although offering sketchy suggestions, concerns the proper assessing of the life cycle eco-coherence as utter entrepreneurial challenge: the business design prerequisites incorporate legal issues, so it is not sufficient they are separately dealt with outside the firm. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
Keywords: Extended Enterprise | Integrated Design | Lifecycle Eco-compliance | Product-Service | Reverse Logistics
Abstract: The XXI century engineer's activity is deemed facing the eco-targets required by the sustainable growth mandatory requirements. The technical challenge is impressive, not less than the socio-cultural efforts. The paper presents a survey of the state of the arts, especially discussing: the development requirements at the product-service design phases, purposely dealing with the lifecycle and end-of-life key prerequisites; the integration conditions at the supply chain management phases, wittingly discussing the networking aids and related business changes. The presentation is limited to important hints. The usefulness of the discussion concerns the consideration of the lifecycle eco-consistency as total entrepreneurial challenge: it is not enough to separately tackle the design prerequisites out of the enterprise integration, with all needed functions and facilities; and vice-versa.
Keywords: Extended enterprise | Integrated design | Lifecycle eco-compliance | Product-service | Reverse logistics
Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to describe the development of a robot for surveillance able to move in structured and unstructured environments and able to overcome obstacles with high energetic efficiency. Design/methodology/approach - The proposed Epi.q-TG hybrid robot combines wheeled and legged locomotion. It is equipped with four threewheeled locomotion units; traction is generated by the two forecarriage units, while the two rear ones have same geometry but are idle. Each front unit is actuated by a single motor with the interposition of an epicyclical gearing, accurately designed in order to suitably switch between wheeled and legged motion. The robot changes locomotion mode from rolling on wheels (advancing mode) to stepping on legs (automatic climbing mode) according to local friction and dynamic conditions. Findings - The experimental results confirm the design objectives. In advancing mode, the robot behaves like a four-wheeled vehicle, with high speed and energetic efficiency. In automatic climbing mode, the robot can walk on uneven and soft terrains and overcome steps with remarkable height with respect to its dimensions (up to 84 per cent of the locomotion unit height). Practical implications - Besides surveillance, Epi.q-TG can be successfully used in many tasks in which it is useful to combine the advantages of wheeled and legged locomotion, e.g. unmanned inspection of nuclear and chemical sites, minesweeping, and intervention in disaster zones. Originality/value - The core of the project is the epicyclical mechanism of the locomotion unit, which switches between advancing mode and automatic climbing mode without control action. This solution limits the control and actuation complexity and consequently the robot cost, widening the range of possible applications. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Keywords: Motion | Robots | Surveillance
Abstract: Mini-invasive surgery deserves increasing attention to lower post-operative stays in hospitals and to lessen fall-off complications. This new book is devoted to surgical robotics, with a focus on technology and design issues of the remote-mode operation assistants. The investigation leads to define the technical characteristics of a CRHA, co-robotic handling appliance, to be purposely developed, to support the duty-split approach surgical planner. © 2010 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
Abstract: The family of Epi.q mobile robots is based on a three-wheeled locomotion unit which is capable of switching between wheeled locomotion and legged locomotion depending on the dynamic conditions, without control intervention. This feature allows to conjugate the benefits of both the locomotion modes: high speed and energetic efficiency on even terrains with the wheeled locomotion, and mobility performance on uneven terrains and in presence of obstacles with the legged locomotion. Two prototypes of the Epi.q family have been already realized and tested, with positive results; a further evolution with four actuated locomotion units (instead of two active and two idle units) is currently under construction. The present paper outlines the evolution of the family of Epi.q mobile robots and proposes several possible architectural evolutions exploiting a modular approach; this approach could be used also to simplify the design phase, obtaining different mobile robots from a limited set of base modules. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.
Abstract: Part of manufacturers' responsibility when bringing out new products is to consider their environmental footprint. The legal supply chain combines hardware/software delivery, granting on-duty conformance to use preservation, and end-of-life take-back, with compulsory recovery targets. These entrepreneurial competencies appear externally, in respect to old manufacturing practices, which were internal. Networking options provide fundamental technological aids. This chapter analyses some technologically-driven solutions which stand out for the exploitation of net concerns at these three integration levels: business project co-operation, through spot-wise agreements; the factually united organisation or virtual corporation; joint and several liability, or extended corporation. The checks are centered on the bottom up series of appraisals, to evidence the return on investment from below so that the partnership permanently spurs motivation and fosters competition through properly established facilities/functions integration into unified competitive entrepreneurial organisations. © 2010, IGI Global.
Abstract: The millennium start deals with tangled globalisation scenarios, together showing that the industrialism cycle turns into a blind alley. The upcoming progress, requests drastic changeovers. The shortly recalled scenarios, to some extent, mention well assessed views, specifically, the economic and the écologie ones; in addition, suggest changeful visions, i.e., the social and the cognitive ones, to allow devising possible growth continuance.
Keywords: Knowledge Society | Social-Ecology-Economy-Cognitive Global Views | Sustainable Growth
Abstract: The human progress is described as sustainable growth corollary. This has stable technology-driven solution, at the global village extension, thus, it requires appropriateness and shared acceptation. The survey, on such guess, looks at the robot age potential, as supplementary aid in the balanced world deployment that adds to the socio-economic and politico-legal frames. The analysis moves from the globalisation issues, at the known (economic) global and (ecologic) no-global pictures, to show that the alternatives worked out due to the extant political settings cannot enjoy stability, even if imposed by the law of the force. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
Keywords: Economy vs Ecology Prospects | Globalisation & World Stability | Knowledge Society | Social Change Models | Technology & Environment
Abstract: The human progress is described as sustainable growth corollary. The latter has only technology-driven solution, at the global village extension, thus, requiring appropriateness and shared acceptation. The survey, on such guess, looks at the robot age potential, as supplementary aid in the balanced world deployment that adds to the socio-economic and politico-legal frames. The stability based on the law of the force was past option, even allowing steady truces; the globalisation, in our analysis, makes the choice unfit, having doubtful economic and social sustainability and not achieving ecologic sustainability on the required long term horizons. The extant guesses based on the global or the no-global views are recognised lacking stability. Here, we outline the traits of the post-global robot age, consistent with the sustainable growth, and, there through, with the international stability grounded on the force of the law. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
Keywords: Economy vs Ecology Prospects | Globalisation & World Stability | Knowledge Society | Social Change Models | Technology & Environment
Abstract: The chapter discusses the wealth generation mechanisms of the industrialism from its intrinsic cultural start, associated with the western-world stile. The prospected remarks single out several characterising features, in opposition to the east-Asia habits and cultural marks. Among other points, noteworthy remarks lead to prise complexity, instead of exploiting the reductionism. This is recognised as the robot age sign, opposed to the industry age patterns. The all discussion does not provide full solutions, rather suggests looking at the industrialism founding motivations (up to the cultural backing), in view to devise worthy alternatives. © 2010, IGI Global.
Abstract: The eco-protection acts imply reorganising the manufacture business, towards product-service supply chains. The innovation can be tackled at two ranges: - the presetting of the knowledge management surroundings, to deal with the extended producers' responsibility; - the incorporation of the entrepreneurial facility/function assembly, to accomplish the product-service delivery. The paper surveys the knowledge management frame, specifying the standard PLM aids, with account of the PLM-SE and PLM-RL requirements, giving especial attention on the alternative net-concern options, from virtual, to extended enterprises infra-structures.
Keywords: Knowledge management | Lifestyle design | Product-service | Reverse logistics | Service engineering
Abstract: The robot mine clearing, based on cheap farming equipment, aims at transforming the terrorist antipersonnel mine into useless practice, after that the land reclamation is readily fulfilled by standard means. The paper addresses the following lines: to conceive and implement lowcost robotic equipment, assuring effective, safe and reliable demining; to allow simple equipment integration, with resort to low-cost and widely available agricultural fixtures; to provide the basis for on-duty assessment and training assistance by alarm (warning, emergency) effective management; to make easier the operators groundwork, involved in self-learning and up-grading duties. The mixedmode automation, through remote-steered robotic effectors, grants balanced resources use on the strategic, tactical and execution horizons.
Abstract: The growth sustainability requires dramatic changes to lower the natural resources consumption and the surroundings pollution, by recovery/remediation processes. The EU policy aims at the extended producers/suppliers responsibility, with effective charges on the products allowed to be put on the market, used and called-back, in view of the properly small impact and transparent lifecycle acknowledgement. This leads to «extensions» in designing the new offers with integrated monitoring and service functions. The design for the lifecycle eco-effectiveness is accomplishment, better qualifying the far-seeing companies according to the EU eco-policy. The idea is to reach the duty visibility, by the extended plug-and-play concept, based on series of integrated design options, assigning the structural and functional modules, for the operation monitoring, the reliability assessment and the impact appraisal. This instrumental setting includes intangible information/communication aids, to confer ambient intelligence abilities. This way, the on-process visibility is assured, and exploited for on-duty servicing and end-of-life processing. The example case chosen deals with the critical situation of the parts manufactured in plastics, which are deemed to represent most relevant portion in the cars to come. The following recovery options are possible: - the reuse of the reconditioned items, according to suitably assessed life-extension opportunities; - the recycling of the warn-out components, with the regeneration and reusing of the materials; - the thermal recovery of residual stuffs, within careful handling and pollution-safe warnings ; - the reduction to registered ASR, automobile shredding residue, within the EU directives limits. The on-board information system includes, as innovative feature, the resort to identifying tags or labels, to be read and written through wireless links. The technology exploits cheap and compact supports, allowing the labelling of the component, from production, to lifecycle, with an identifying code. The RFID, Radio Frequency Identification Device, is privileged, as ideal means for the component traceability and the history, use modes/styles and cumulated issues storing.Copyright © 2008 by ASME.
Abstract: Demining is calamity of third world countries. The clearing is ceaseless, more expensive than the spreading, and terrorist return is obtained by weakening of the antagonistic population. The mines are cheapest weapon, built to make horrible injuries, affecting active people, with major falls-off into economic growth. The disaster is notably cruel in Sri Lanka, with anti-person mines spread in the northeast region. After the ceasefire, the international organisations started the mine sweeping, with poor issues, due to politico-economical motivations in direct bond with wants in the technical effectiveness. The pitiable situation is worsened, as most rich lands are removed from farming exploitation, with increasing of the internally displaced persons. Now, clearing is engineering duty, and the humanitarian goal comes to be technical challenge. The advanced robotics fulfils clean and reliable tasks, on condition to upgrade sophistication and cost and to loose third-world appropriateness. The challenge is to turn local machines and awareness into effective robotic aids, willingly used by the local people, and to enhance the on-going outcomes. The analysis, mainly, addresses the following points: - the engaged technologies need to provide special purpose outfits and to involve operators having adapted uniformity; - the work-flow pre-setting ought to detail the duty-cycles and to establish the standard achievements; - the planning has to specify the on-process warning/emergency management and the failure protection rules; - the operators' instruction and training shall aim at off-process optimised work-flows to circumvent risky issues; - the effectiveness comes from organised routine agendas, in conformity with allotted tasks and emergency events. This is a mix of organisational and technologic demands, calling for responsible commitment of the involved people, so that the local Civil Service is entitled to do the clearing operations, and the all engaged community is solidly concerned. The winning solution shall look at low-cost robotic outfits, to be obtained with resort to nearby available resources and competences (e.g., drawn on from the local agricultural machinery and know-how), and full account of the cost limits, while aiming at the process effectiveness by the mix of enabling cues, principally deferred to enhancing the regional awareness and the factual dedication. The paper stresses on fairly unorthodox robots, addressing unmanned effectors facilities joined with intelligent remote- command abilities, not as advanced achievements, rather as cheapest productivity upgrading, assembled from standard farming devices, through the shared know-how and commitment of locally involved operators. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.
Abstract: Purpose - Humanitarian demining is addressed as an engineering-driven duty, aiming at optimal price/effectiveness figures, joining low-cost robotics and flexible automation. The mine sweeping is highly dangerous task, and safety is sought by automatic rigs, with remote steering and control. The small price is achieved with resort to locally available equipment, technology and know-how. Design/methodology/approach - The robotic solutions are split at three levels: the mobility enabler, exploiting standard agricultural machinery; the demining outfits, specialising cheap end-effectors; the robot path planner, exploring reliable remote govern options. The approach aims at the pace-wise deployment of consistent rigs with assessed productivity and tiny investment. Findings - The paper explores basic ideas to modify common agricultural machines, placing in front proper effectors and specifying the guidelines needed to choose both carriers and suitable demining tools. The remote command logic of the suggested demining strategy is then outlined, specifying the communication and instrumentation for the case study. Finally, the warning/emergency occurrences management is described. Practical implications - The ensuing robotic equipment joins the remote-command abilities, with safe and reliable management of dangerous tasks and emergency healing, to the technological appropriateness (shared know-how and commitment) and the price tag fitness (on-place device availability). The final set-up grants dramatic up-grading, as compared with the current demining practice. Originality/value - Unmanned mine-clearing is presently a sophisticated accomplishment of the industrialised countries' armies. By the prospected methods/fixtures, the technical/economic feasibility of the practice is shown to be practicable in third-world countries. © 2009 Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Keywords: Explosives | Hazardous materials | Remote control systems | Robotics
Abstract: The chapter deals with developing small and cheap autonomous underwater vehicles, AUV, entrusted of extended manoeuvrability for surveying and docking missions, requiring accurate path tracking and attitude control, capable of travelling at low speed, down to the proper depth, to accomplish the assigned tasks with reliable autonomy and without relevant impact on the surroundings. The to day available AUVs, generally, make use of several propellers, distributed around the body, to achieve the desired mobility with full attitude control. The solution requires the closure of multiple loops between sensors and actuators, highly cross-coupled and dependent on dynamics non-linearity and marine surroundings disturbances. The prospected solution considers a properly shaped vehicle, to grant minimal drag for lowering power consumption. A single rear propeller has in charge propulsion and manoeuvring. The propeller can be oriented around two axes, say, pitch (for heaving) and yaw (for veering); the screw (hydrodynamic) torque is balanced by variable tilt fins, either, by counter-rotating vanes. A three degrees of freedom parallel-kinematics robotic wrist provides the joint path-and-attitude selection and the twist off-set, by driving the propeller assembly through three independent actuations. The devised submarine wobble-free autonomous navigator, SWAN, is a considerable upgrading of the vectored thrust planning, due to the innovative robotic actuation, permitting the joint heave and veer setting up, with the total balancing of the screw effect around the vehicle axis. The attitude preservation is important figure, each time the AUV's mission requires the accurate angular positioning of the carried instrumentation. The solution makes use of a ductrestricted propeller, with externally driven pitch-and-yaw bending and twist to counter-act the screw torque by continuous rotation, either, by tilted fins. The balancing wile assures local hover or docking, accomplished by active duct counter-rotation, while steady surveying missions exploit the reactive mode, for optimal efficiency. The through-out discussion of the prospected innovative robotic actuation is given, with characterisation of the basic functional and structural features, with account of the on-duty properties and of the conditioning design specification. This way, the noteworthy SWAN's peculiarities emerge, to equip advanced AUVs. The vectored control strategies are also discussed in the chapter. To that purpose, different AUV moving modes (approach to desirable point of space, approach to desirable point of space with desirable orientation, moving on the desirable spatial trajectory, etc.) are taken into consideration. The related examples algorithms, which operate on the heave and the veer setting and on the twist compensation, are investigated, for each navigation mode, also discussing the manoeuvrability abilities of the enhanced vectored propeller actuation, with added autonomy for docking and hovering. The chapter intends to provide full design and development frames of the advanced SWAN solution. The results, obtained by modelling the competing navigation modes, are addressed to document the effectiveness of the innovative robotic actuation, and to show how to work out the duty-oriented solutions, with the resort to the special purpose parallel wrist, in driving the manoeuvring thrust.
Abstract: The study deals with the extended manufacturers’ responsibility, asking on-duty eco-servicing and end-of-life recovery, for the put in the market products. The product-service provision is acknowledged solution, which greatly benefits from networked layouts. The function/facility assembly, each time necessary, is made available at different structure levels, depending on the legal liability and intra-organisational setting. The networking value added pertains to the intangibles domain and its appraisal ought to preserve the layout complexity. The outlined evaluation procedure aims at merging synthetic views of the supply chain project, net-concern setting and governing policies, after combined self-assessment checks, to offer the reference frame to recognise the alternative actual potentials. © 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Keywords: extended enterprise | networking appraisal | organisational value | product-service
Abstract: The product lifestyle design is necessary sustainable growth accomplishment, enforced by the enacted eco-regulations. The paper discusses the incumbent restructuring of the manufacturing companies, recalling the innovation at the design phase, by effective product-process-environment-enterprise, 2P2E, integration, supported by suitably detailed modelling and simulation features, M&SF, leading to information intensive value chains based on: - net-concerns, gathering and enabling business set-ups, from the facility/function market; - service dealers, for the extended enterprise added value operations; & recovery rulers, for reverse logistics accomplishments and tasks overseeing. A short outlook of the topics is sketched, and, for explanatory purposes, example developments are recalled, referred to industrial situations emerging from the recent EU environmental policy. © 2008 International Federation for Information Processing.
Keywords: Extended enterprise | Lifecycle diagnostics | Lifestyle design | Modelling & simulation features | Reverse logistics
Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to consider surgical robotics, with a focus on technology and design issues for remote-mode operation assistance. The investigation leads to the definition of the technical characteristics of a co-robotic positioning device (CRPD), to be developed in support of a split-duty approach to planning. The expected characteristics and advantages are outlined, including the operation potential of special-purpose devices (e.g. an automatic changer for surgical tools) and of scope-driven enhancers (e.g. the exploration of the intervention theatre). Design/methodology/approach - The paper addresses example developments based on projects performed with the co-operation of other robot laboratories in Munich and Paris. The CRPD concept is applied in relation to the DLR KineMedic® arm (developed by the Munich laboratory), and with the LRP prototype mini-arm (built by the Paris laboratory). Findings - Minimally-invasive surgery deserves increasing attention to reduce post-operative hospital stays and to reduce complications. This leads to new trends in robotics, to facilitate safe, fast and accurate remote manipulation, and integrated computer-aided implements. The features of the example CRPD design are summarised for the two cases. Practical implications - The overall comments consider minimally-invasive robotic surgery as a given intervention practice in the near future, and the split-duty approach, supported by the CRPD technology, as a valuable aid for human-robot co-operation, according to the "best-of-skills" idea, supporting intervention under the surgeon's control. Originality/value - This investigation shows new results aimed at expanding the operation versatility of robotics with integrated intelligence, to enhance scope-driven alternatives and out-of-reach handling with improved dexterity and safe autonomic processing. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Keywords: Remote handling devices | Robotics | Surgery
Abstract: Purpose - The aim of this paper is the development of a modular robotic system for generic industrial applications, including assembly. Design/methodology/approach - A library of robotic modules has been designed; they are divided into two categories: link modules, not actuated, and joint modules, actuated; the library is characterized by a relatively low number of elements, but allows the assembly of a wide variety of medium-size serial robots. Findings - The prototypes of two joint modules (a revolute joint module and a wrist module) and of some link modules have been realized. The behaviour of several serial robots composed of the designed modules has been assessed by multibody simulation. The results confirm the goodness of the proposed approach. Research limitations/implications - The two prototype modules are under test in combination with simplified modules. The further steps of the research programme will be the completion of the prototype library, and an experimental campaign on different serial chains. Practical implications - Modularity allows one to achieve a great variety of robots starting from a small set of modules, in order to match different operative requirements. Moreover, modularity dramatically reduces the time-to-repair of the robot and consequently improves its overall availability; this is a fundamental feature for modern industrial enterprises aiming at maximizing the resources availability. Originality/value - The proposed mechanical design of therevolute joint modules, based on a harmonic drive that connects two bodies in relative rotational motion, is compact and robust. Modularity is not restricted to mechanics: a distributed control system is adopted to make the reconfiguration of the robot easier and quicker.
Keywords: Assembly | Production methods | Robotics
Abstract: The product design methodologies and practices are expected to face in the short future important changes, to deal with the lifecycle requirements of the growth sustainability. These changes aim at granting the visibility over the points-of-service, in connection with the on-duty conformance-to-specification tests, and at the point-of-dismissal, to comply with the enacted recovery (reuse, recycle) rules. To that purposes, the major innovations develop along complementary lines: to establish appropriate knowledge frames, which embed lifecycle economy of scope proper orientation; to exploit modelling and simulation functions M&SF, which provide the pertinent product-view specialisation. The paper offers an introductory overview of these lines, to address the design practice management requirements, by a multi-disciplinary approach, with concern on available information technology CAD tools that embed algorithmic and heuristic blocks to offer mixed mode simulation-and-emulation aids, and PLM tools that explore Ambient Intelligence and net-concerns to tackle with the on-duty and end-of-life services provision.
Keywords: Lifestyle eco-design | Modelling & simulation | Net-concern | Product-service
Abstract: The robot mine clearing, based on cheap and widespread farming contrivances, provides considerably unusual prospects, which aim at enhancing safety, reliability and efficiency, to transform the terrorist anti-personnel mine into almost useless practice. The talk develops along the following lines: · to conceive and implement low-cost robotic equipment, assuring effective, safe and reliable demining: the resources (facilities, functions, fixtures) choice lets devising worthy strategies; · to help out equipment integration, with resort to cheap and widely available (agricultural) fixtures: the on-process adaptive work-cycles lead to better tactical concert; · to provide the modelling and simulation background for the on-duty assessment and training assistance: the alarm (warning, emergency) management brings to efficiency and safety; · to make easier the operators groundwork, involved in self-learning and up-grading duties: the mixed-mode automation grants balanced resources use on the strategic, tactical and execution horizons.
Keywords: Military applications | Remote steering | Robotic mine-sweeping
Abstract: The paper proposes a new highly automated drilling system able to create holes up to 20 m depth in rocky walls using standard 1.5 m length rods. The drilling system, to be used to automate rocky walls consolidation, has to be positioned in the points of the map earlier defined by the geologist; for this reason it is hosted onto a semiautonomous climbing platform, with rods stored on-board. An automatic system is also required to feed the drilling head with new rods while the hole progresses and to recover the rods once the hole is up. The drilling system mainly consists of: a commercial drilling rig with the requested modifications for the interfacing to an automatic feeding system; a manipulator (endowed with a suitable gripper) for the loading/unloading of the rods; a storage buffer for allocating the rods. In the paper, the alternatives considered for the design of the whole drilling system are shortly recalled, explaining the guidelines which led to the final architecture, as well. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Automation | Construction robotics | Drilling system | Remote handling
Abstract: Recently, the manufacturing business is moving from an economy of scale to an economy of scope, under global competition for customers' satisfaction. Under those conditions, for companies around the world, surviving in business means to satisfy at least three challenges: granting the on-duty performance, at the point-of-service; addressing value-added intangibles; and lowering life-cycle eco impact. These changes in industry reflect on the human society; they are driven both through economical and political measures, as well as being increasingly affected by ecological constraints. Servicing and recovering become challenging demands. Besides technical aspects, the emphasis is in enabling economic profits on the supply chain (by new businesses in maintenance, remanufacturing, etc.), with account of legal acts (suppliers responsibility, landfill regulation, etc.), ruled by voluntary agreements or by compulsory targets frames. Our emphasis is on the following new paradigms: extended virtual enterprise and extended product, service engineering, life-cycle engineering, product life-cycle management, proactive maintenance, recovery, reuse, recycling, ubiquitous computing and communication, and so forth. © 2007, Idea Group Inc.
Abstract: The paper addresses the flexible assembly and disassembly of electromechanical products in white industry. The work is in the frame of a research project on modular assembly systems for innovative production systems. For the assembly and disassembly of washing-machine components, instead of a sequence of dedicated stations with specialized grippers designed for each component, the alternative solution of high degree-of-freedom assembly cells using reconfigurable grippers for components holding and handling is investigated. A low-cost, multifunctional adaptable gripper for handling cylindrical and prismatic shaped parts within dimensional ranges typical of the washing machines components, as provided by the industrial partner Electrolux-Zanussi, is presented and its functionalities shown and evaluated. Copyright © 2006 IFAC.
Keywords: Assembly | Automation | Design | Handling | Manipulation
Abstract: The pursued goal of the present paper is to foresee modular solutions which are suitable for scale production of mobile robots for surveillance in airport indoor and outdoor areas. To this aim, a possible mechatronic modular architecture is proposed, giving details about the mechanical layout, the actuation characteristics, the power supply figures and the command-control organization. The application of quite consolidated modularity methodologies, already successfully exploited in the industrial field, offers the possibility of creating different mobile robots by the proper combinations of basic frame modules and traction/steering modules; this allows to match different requirements in terms of vehicle mobility (average speed, number of traction/steering wheels, maximum slope, etc.) and operability (payload, autonomy, type of onboard equipment, size/arrangements, etc.). Modularity, other than in the production phase, gives significant advantages during service and maintenance, reducing the MTTR and improving the overall availability. It is worthwhile noting how the outlined approach to mobile robotic systems may be effectively extended to the monitoring of similar sites, such as large squares, stock-park spots, containers districts, cars storing places, and the likes. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.
Abstract: The present study aims at exploring how to turn information and communication technology (ICT) networked tools to supply cooperative added-value duties and ecocompatibility certifying activities, as competitiveness is the permanent goal, but ecosystem preservation is a nonremovable asset. The chapter is organized into four sections. The first introduces the basic sustainability paradigm shifts, to switch from the affluent to the thrifty communities, showing that the knowledge society critically affects this transition. The following section deals with the information framework requested to characterize the extended artefact (or product-service) on the life-cycle span, dismissal included. The subsequent section considers the collaborative networked organizations needed to support the ecoconsistency management of the extended artifacts by means of net concerns, under the direct oversight of independent certification bodies. The last section outlines trends in the economical, legal, political, and social surroundings, aiming at the appropriateness of Web platform options. © 2005, Idea Group Inc.
Abstract: Purpose - To set-up the study of an unmanned system for refuelling of vehicles, with attention to VOCs recovery. Design/methodology/approach - Presents the architecture of a robotic arm for refuelling. Special attention was allocated to the safety characteristics of the automatic refuelling station assuring the highest protection of people and their safeguard against accidents, preventing any dangerous response of the robotic arm in all the predictable conditions. A concurrent engineering methodology jointly with the life-cycle approach was adopted for the study and evaluation of the equipment. Findings - Finds that a six DoF arm with a tubular architecture with relocated actuation equipped with a specifically designed filler satisfying stage II rules is suitable to perform the task of safe refuelling of vehicles. Research limitations/implications - Provides hints to design refuelling stations, also for fluids of the future (e.g. hydrogen). Practical implications - This robot is a low cost and efficient solution for replacing humans in petrol pump stations, while preserving environmental health. Refuelling will be comfortable and safe even in adverse climate conditions or for dangerous fuels (e.g. hydrogen). Originality/value - Introduces a robotic arm made with tubes so that cables, pipes and VOCs run inside it and a filler granting easy mating with the cap and VOCs collection. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Keywords: Equipment safety | Organic compounds | Petroleum | Pumps | Robotics
Abstract: The paper deals with the consolidation of rocky slopes and walls and proposes enhanced automation and original solution to avoid risky undertakings, when firming-up is accomplished to safeguard peopled areas, highways, dwelling houses or public works. The topic shows growing environmental concern, aiming at removing human operators, unless, possibly, for preliminary in-site set-ups. The prospected solution looks after a goal-oriented robotic rig enabled for tethered wall climbing and equipped for churn drill, boring and cast-in-situ piling. The work-cycle is fully monitored, to provide remote evidence whether tasks are performed the right way and to collect any relevant (basic geology, on-duty remarks, etc.) data, supplying full on-line (with no extra-cost) assessment of the achieved issues. The investigation avails itself of proved technologies and existing fixtures, suitable for compelling requests and dangerous work-conditions and is based on the collaboration with experts currently engaged for rocky wall consolidation and owners of several patented devices. Hereafter few hints on the overall arrangement are given, to enlighten the climbing motion sweeping out the rocky walls. This paper deals with the development of the main module of Roboclimber: the climbing structure. The design methodology and the mechatronic solutions are presented and discussed at functional and structural levels.
Keywords: Design methodology | Legged locomotion | Mechatronics | Telerobotics
Abstract: The paper proposes a new highly automated drilling system able to create holes up to 20 m depth in rocky walls using standard 1.5 m length rods. The drilling system, to be used to automate rocky walls consolidation, has to be positioned in the points of the map earlier defined by the geologist; for this reason it is hosted onto a semiautonomous climbing platform, with rods stored onboard. An automatic system is also required to feed the drilling head with new rods while the hole progresses and to recover the rods once the hole is up. The drilling system mainly consists of: a commercial drilling rig with the requested modifications for the interfacing to an automatic feeding system; a manipulator (endowed with a suitable gripper) for the loading/unloading of the rods; a storage buffer for allocating the rods. In the paper, the alternatives considered for the design of the whole drilling system are shortly recalled, explaining the guidelines which led to the final architecture, as well.
Keywords: Automation | Construction robotics | Drilling system | Remote handling
Abstract: There is an urgent need for sustainability in markets and in our economic system. This need is in the face of a growing destruction of non-renewable resources and the ceaseless degradation of the environment. It is generated by affluent societies, relentlessly replacing tangible goods, and is based on wealth economics trading in new products to continue expanding well-being. Industrialised countries are facing the challenge of maintaining living standards, while lowering consumption. This paper describes the novel opportunity offered by trading off products-services, namely, enhanced products or extended deliveries, which include the life-cycle and recycling incumbents and supplies, with a transparent accounting of resource depletion. Product enhancement relates directly to information content, it is consistent with the wealth driven economics of the knowledge society, and it naturally leads to the description of manufacturing processes by KILT-models. There, in addition to investment I and labour L, both knowledge K and tangibles T are considered as independent productivity factors. In that context, the use of TYPUS-metrics is required to assess resource decay. This opportunity is related to extended enterprises and co-operative infrastructures. These provide a critical means to manage product life-cycles for sustainability with a measure of the resulting environmental impact. The developments are presented as innovative steps, necessary to enable eco-consistent changes with technological issues framed in coherent social and legal arrangements. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Extended enterprises | KILT-models | Method innovation | Sustainability | TYPUS-metrics
Abstract: The delivery of manufactured goods may be specified as a function of four independent factors. In addition to the conventionally considered invested capital I and contributed labour L, know-how and technology K has been recently recognised as an important independent input to the economic system, while tangible resources T may be introduced to provide an accounting of material and energy depletion. In this paper, sets of technology-driven developments are considered based on these four independent factors while setting aside economic, social, legal and political considerations. Eco-consistency concepts are reviewed followed by a discussion of the basic green-engineering approach to eco-design. These discussions lead to more specific issues including a focus on the clear accounting of the consumption of tangible resources. Also considered is the trade-off between sustainability costs and technology benefits to manage production and enterprise growth aiming both at ecological safety and economical return. The conclusions address development strategies that will be important in the foreseeable future. An extensive reference list has been provided for this interdisciplinary field. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Eco-design | KILT-models | Method-innovation | Product-service | TYPUS-metrics
Abstract: The paper presents a robot prototype designed for the autonomous fuelling of vehicles, with attention on users safety and surrounding impact. The overall duty is analysed and proper suggestions are developed to organise the operation cycle in view of regulatory schemes, most likely, soon issued by Authorities for development sustainability rules. The manipulation architecture appears to be central requirement for the effectiveness of any feasible fixture and the main characteristics of the purposely selected solution are shortly summarised. For the related overseeing arrangement, the project moves from an analysis of prototypal fixtures, already built and tested in the USA and EU, and looks about opportunities in standardising subsets of vehicles devices to simplify the fuelling tasks.
Keywords: Autonomous fuelling | Environment safety and protection | Marginal safety | Multibody systems dynamics | Robotic system design | Service robotics