Grazioso Stanislao
Ricercatore TD(A)
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Sito istituzionale
SCOPUS ID: 57188641255
Orcid: 0000-0003-4731-2370
Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Abstract: In engineering design, the selection of the optimal design solution represents a critical phase for the development of successful products. In this paper, we present ELIGERE, an open source decision support system targeted at engineering design applications. It allows to rank multiple design solutions with respect to different evaluation criteria according to the evaluations provided by a group of experts. ELIGERE is composed by three main modules: (1) a distributed web application, for generation and participation to the decision making session; (2) a mathematical engine, based on the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process, to quantify the results of the decision making session according to the evaluation of the experts; (3) a relational database, to collect and store data. The most important contribution of this paper is introducing a practical and effective software tool that facilitates decision-making analysis based on the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process, thereby allowing better-informed choices on concept selection, as it has been designed with a specific focus on the engineering field. In this paper we describe the key concepts of ELIGERE and its modalities of use in several real use cases. Finally, we compare ELIGERE with the widely used general purpose decision support software based on the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process.
Keywords: Concept selection | Decision support systems | Engineering design | System evaluation
Abstract: In this work, we present a general control architecture for robotic systems dedicated to the remote handling of in-vessel components in fusion machines. This control architecture will be tested for the inspection and maintenance of the first wall components of the RFX-mod2 experiment, in the scope of the New Equipment For the Experimental Research and Technological Advancement for the Rfx Infrastructure (NEFERTARI) project. The architecture is split into low-level and high-level layers. The former is used for the low-level control of the robotics systems and to manage safety; the latter is used for the high-level planning and implements several sub-modules, such as a Virtual Reality (VR) environment for the visualisation of the robot's digital twin. Moreover, an Application Programming Interface (API) is intended to connect the two layers, and the communication between modules and layers is provided by the ROS2 framework. A typical usage of such a framework involves a human operator who is teleoperating the real robot, data from motor encoders are used as inputs for the dynamic model module. This module is used to compute the forward dynamics in real-time, providing an accurate simulation of the robot (digital twin) in the virtual environment.
Keywords: Control architecture | Digital twin | Remote handling | Robotics | ROS2
Abstract: This paper describes a robust design approach to optimize the design of smart shorts for muscle activity analysis. A practical application related to electromyographic shorts for monitoring six main thigh muscles is shown. Starting from a 2D digital model of a pattern block related to the shorts, a robust design approach is applied to optimize the design of textile electrodes for surface electromyography analysis in terms of size (i.e., diameter), and location (i.e., inter-electrode distance). The aim is to reduce the sensitiveness to noise factors (i.e., skin lubrication condition, anthropometric variability and gesture type) guaranteeing the best performance in terms of Signal Noise Ratio. The experimental campaign related to football activities allows the practical application of the proposed approach for the design of smart shorts for football. The results allow to define the optimal configurations for the six muscles of interest. This work might pave the way for the development of tailored smart garments for electromyography analysis.
Keywords: electromyographic system | human body scanning | robust design | wearable sensors
Abstract: Soft robots are increasingly advancing into heterogeneous contexts, however they still suffer from different sustainability issues including limited lifetime, disposal and poor energy efficiency. These issues severely limit their spread usage thus leading to the need for new materials and efficient actuation systems. The main goal of this work is to find out in scientific literature the main indicators concerning environmental sustainability in pneumatically actuated soft robots. To reach this goal, we used the PRISMA methodology to explore, in a systematic manner, available indices related to environmental dimension of sustainability. The indicators found are reported with the absolute and relative metrics adapted from the references and two proposed categorizations: i) one related to the part of soft robotic system, ii) the other one related to the LCA-oriented Product Lifecycle (PL) phase. The study highlights the lack in the literature of indicators related to energy consumption regarding environmental dimension of the manufacturing process, thus opening the possibility of future studies in this direction.
Keywords: Pneumatic actuation | Soft Robotics | Sustainability
Abstract: In this paper, two concepts of silicone–based pneumatic soft bending actuators with stiffening capability are presented and compared in terms of performances and sustainability. The first concept is a PneuNet bending actuator with a vacuum chamber, while the second one is a Fiber–reinforced bending actuator, again with a vacuum chamber. Both soft actuators are able to perform a bending movement and are able to increase their stiffness through layer jamming. The two concepts are first compared in terms of overall performances, namely bending behavior, capability to exert tip forces and stiffening capability. After, they are compared in terms of sustainability, through the analysis of the energy that they require for movement execution.
Keywords: performances | pneumatic soft actuators | Soft robotics | stiffening | sustainability
Abstract: In this work we briefly review some of the current available solutions of long reach manipulators that have been or are serving as robotic equipment for remote maintenance in fusion reactors. These robotic equipment are long reach since they are intended to access inside the fusion reactors through small–scaled access ports and are designed to remotely install/replace in-vessel mechanical components within the reactors. We start the work by analysing the design criteria commonly used and the most interesting concepts from the authors’ perspective, where we found a general scheme that could be adopted for the most cases when we study this kind of robots. Finally we present a discussion and draw our conclusions.
Keywords: Fusion Reactors | Long Reach Manipulators | Remote Maintenance
Abstract: This paper proposes a virtual reality-based dual-mode teleoperation architecture to assist human operators in remotely operating robotic manipulation systems in a safe and flexible way. The architecture, implemented via a finite state machine, enables the operator to switch between two operational modes: the Approach mode, where the operator indirectly controls the robotic system by specifying its target configuration via the immersive virtual reality (VR) interface, and the Telemanip mode, where the operator directly controls the robot end-effector motion via input devices. The two independent control modes have been tested along the task of reaching a glass on a table by a sample population of 18 participants. Two working groups have been considered to distinguish users with previous experience with VR technologies from the novices. The results of the user study presented in this work show the potential of the proposed architecture in terms of usability, both physical and mental workload, and user satisfaction. Finally, a statistical analysis showed no significant differences along these three metrics between the two considered groups demonstrating ease of use of the proposed architecture by both people with and with no previous experience in VR.
Keywords: control mode | digital twin | human-robot interface | man-machine systems | remote control | teleoperation | virtual reality
Abstract: Tip steering by induced deformation constitutes one of the most prominent feature to effectively navigate constrained environments with soft growing robots. In this work, we analyze the effects of design parameters on the tip steering capabilities of pneumatically-actuated soft growing robots built from fabric. More specifically, we consider the variability of material, fabric Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (fPAM) diameter, and backbone internal pressure and statistically quantify the effect on the maximum curvature achieved by the robot when a constant fPAM input pressure is applied. In our considered settings, we found a statistically significant main effect (p<0.05 ) of the fPAM diameter and a relevant interaction effect between this and the material factor. These findings provide useful guidelines for the design of fabric-based PAM-actuated soft growing robots with enhanced tip steering capabilities.
Keywords: Design of bioinspired soft robots | Soft actuators | Soft robotics
Abstract: This paper describes the design of a novel fabric–based antagonistic pneumatic actuator with multiple chambers that can be used for the development of soft continuum manipulators for collaborative tasks. The concept consists of three pneumatic chambers of fabric material capable of being actuated independently. By connecting multiple actuators of this kind, it is possible to obtain soft continuum manipulators capable of complex movements and able to change the stiffness of their elements. In this work we highlight the design and prototyping of the soft actuator and we present the preliminary experiments in terms of motion and stiffening capabilities.
Keywords: Fabric pneumatic artificial muscles | Soft actuators | Soft continuum manipulators | Soft robotics
Abstract: The paper focuses on a preliminary study of an easy-to-customize capacitive soft sensor to measure forces that can enable soft robot features like sensitive skins or permits dexterous object manipulation thanks to the perception of the grasping force. The prototype has been realized overlapping five different layers choose among commercial and easy to find materials. The sensor is completely composed by customized or self-produced parts. The stack definition involves compatibility test to define the correct combination of layers and adhesives. An evaluation of the behavior has been performed applying weights in the range [20–5800] g finding a mean sensitivity of 0.143 pF/kg over an initial value C0 of 3.151 pF. The sensor prototype showed good performance in term of sensitivity and hysteresis in the defined application range. Dielectric viscoelastic phenomena and decreasing repeatability have been observed in the upper part of the measuring range. The sensor proposed shows promising characteristics encouraging future developments.
Keywords: Capacitive force sensor | Conductive inks | Customizable force sensor
Abstract: Objective and reliable assessment of motor functions, such as dexterity, is a key point for evaluating worker’s abilities. In this context, the proposed work presents a tool for objective automatic assessment of the Minnesota Dexterity Test using cameras with depth sensors. Typical performance measurements (i.e., total time and associated percentiles) were estimated using custom algorithms. In addition, the possibility to identify the qualifiers for the code d440 of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health was implemented in the developed algorithms. The proposed tool can also identify the mistakes most frequently committed by the subjects. To prove the capabilities of the proposed method, a series of experimental trials was conducted with 10 healthy young volunteers. Results showed that the developed tool helps clinicians to obtain performance feedback and evaluate patients’ dexterity quickly without bias.
Keywords: Automatic assessment | Biomechanics | Depth cameras | Manual dexterity | Motion capture
Abstract: This paper proposes a systematic approach for involving the clinicians in the design of medical devices, here used for the development of a soft robotic glove for rehabilitation. The approach considers the integration of different methodologies that take into account the emotional information of the clinicians considered as end–users (i.e. Kano–Kansei) and a deep analysis of the needs of both the patients and the clinicians (i.e. house of quality). Based on this user–centered approach, the paper develops different rehabilitation concepts realized through the technique referred to as design of experiments. Finally the optimal one is chosen re–involving the clinicians and using the ANOVA analysis.
Keywords: Hand rehabilitation | Product development | Soft robotics | User-centred design
Abstract: This paper presents the use of surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals for the actuation of soft pneumatic artificial muscles. The idea behind this paper is finding a relationship between a natural muscle and an artificial muscle, do it through an analysis of the sEMG data. We start from the characterization of a specific soft pneumatic artificial muscle and we relate the root mean square value of the sEMG signal to the contraction of the actuator itself. This work might pave the way for the development of intuitive wearable interfaces for the actuation of soft robots.
Keywords: Human biosignal | Soft actuators | Surface electromyographic sensors | Wearable technologies
Abstract: Design methods for sports engineering allow to improve the world around the athlete. In cycling, a sport device that can be useful to reduce and monitor the risk of injuries is a smart glove equipped with pressure sensors. The literature underlined how the current design methods lack the comprehensive consideration of sensors integration for force analysis at the handlebar. Furthermore, the majority of existing solutions is based on resistive pressure sensors. In this work, we present mainly two advancements with respect to the state-of-the-art: (1) user-centered design methodology for the glove development, which allows to take care about the main design parameters which involve the cyclist, namely her/his anthropometric characteristics and her/his sport gesture analysis (achieved by the pressure analysis on the handlebar) during classic grip position of cycling (i.e., top grip); (2) prototyping of custom-made capacitive pressure sensors instead of classic commercial resistive pressure sensors. The work involves the concept generation, the selection of the optimal concept through Kano and Quality of Function Development as well as the preliminary prototyping of one capacitive pressure sensor, realized using a fabrication process involving additive manufacturing techniques and silicon molding.
Keywords: capacitive sensors | human body scanning | injury risk | user-centered design
Abstract: Artificial limbs can help people missing body parts to restore some of their daily-life activities. However, the user should spend up to a few months to intuitively control the new device. During this period, she/he may suffer pain due to wearing or using the prosthesis inappropriately. This research presents a virtual simulator that allows the user to carry out training sessions for controlling the prosthesis. A set of Surface Electromyographic (sEMG) sensors are used to acquire the signals from user's muscles and send them to a recognition algorithm that interprets the patient's intentions. Simultaneously, the patient observes the response of her/his device on the simulator. Two studies are presented: the first study evaluate the performance of three different recognition algorithms i.e., Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), based on the successful recognition of the patient's intentions. The second study investigates the least number of sEMG sensors to be used, as having less components improves the patient's wearability and decreases the processing time. The developed simulator represents a real prosthetic device, PRISMA hand II. The results showed the superiority of the MLP with 80% of successful recognition when 6-sEMG sensors are used. If a reduced set of gestures is considered (frequently needed by the patient), 90% of successful recognition could be achieved. Less sEMG sensors significantly degraded the performance of the recognition algorithm as only 53.8% of successful recognition could be achieved. All experiments were conducted with the help of a patient with below-elbow amputation.
Keywords: Active prosthetic hand | Biomechatronic application | Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) | Pattern recognition | Rehabilitation robotics | sEMG signal processing
Abstract: This paper proposes a System Engineering-based iterative design approach for the DTT HyRMan, an hyper redundant manipulator conceived to perform Remote Maintenance (RM) of the FW modules and inspection tasks in the DTT vacuum vessel. According to the “RFLP” paradigm of the “V-model” (Requirements, Functionalities, Logical and Physical architecture, with the respective test phases), after having defined the manipulator's Requirements and Functionalities, the Logical and Physical architectures have been established. In particular, the current design of hyper redundant manipulator is characterized by twelve joints (two prismatic and ten revolute), with a Planar and a Dexterous Arm. Once defined the ideal operative procedures, the Verification phase of Systems Engineering approach has been carried out. The HyRMan behaviour has been simulated and tested in virtual environment under the in-vessel geometric constraints, to evaluate the overall encumbrance and the remote operations feasibility. The kinematic analyses were performed simulating links and joints as rigid bodies, using the software Delmia in the same Dassault Systèmes V5 platform used for 3D CAD modelling (CATIA V5). Flexibility analyses performed in SimSOFT have confirmed that the HyRMan can be modelled using the rigid body assumption with sufficient confidence, as flexible effects along the length of the links are negligible with the current design of the manipulator. The workflow of actions implemented within the virtual platform and the obtained results are discussed in the paper, further to the evaluation of alternative design solutions in case of reachability or collision avoidance criticalities for the HyRMan.
Keywords: DTT | Flexibility simulation | Hyper redundant manipulators | Kinematic simulations | Remote handling system | Systems engineering
Abstract: In this paper we present the preliminary evaluation of an active soft bellow exoskeleton for assistance during overhead tasks. The evaluation was performed using objective (i.e., joint angles and muscle activations) and subjective (i.e., Borg Cr R-10 and System Usability Scale - SUS scales) measurements. The subject, involved in the experimental campaign, performed in laboratory conditions a drilling overhead task typical of the automotive industry, once using the exoskeleton and once without the exoskeleton. The preliminary results underlined the positive effect of the exoskeleton in terms of physical effort and usability.
Keywords: biomechanics | overhead tasks | soft exoskeletons | usability
Abstract: This work proposes a geometric approach to inverse kinematics of hyper-redundant manipulators used for remote maintenance of nuclear fusion reactors. The approach is particularly suited to be adopted in real-time human-in-the-loop control strategies involving high-frequency control feedback and requiring safe interaction between the manipulator and the in-vessel environment. The capability of the inverse kinematic method to find a solution for a set of different robot end-effector poses, inside a toroidal environment, was tested on the HyRMan kinematics, i.e. the Hyper Redundant Manipulator developed in the framework of the Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) project. The simulation tests were aimed at assessing performance of the proposed method in terms of accuracy in the end-effector positioning, computational burden, distance from obstacle, distance from joint angles and torque limits and success rate of the task execution. The achieved results were compared to the ones obtained through an iterative method proposed in literature, i.e. the one based on the computation of the Jacobian pseudo-inverse, demonstrating overall higher performance of the proposed approach and comparable ability to safely avoid obstacles and joint limits.
Keywords: Hyper-Redundant Manipulators | Inverse Kinematics | Nuclear Fusion | Remote Maintenance
Abstract: Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) is the next Italian facility for nuclear fusion research aiming at bringing alternative divertor solutions to a sufficient readiness level to be adopted by the European DEMOnstrating fusion power reactor (EU-DEMO). Since a non-negligible activation is expected on plasma-facing components after DTT shutdown, remote maintenance is mandatory. This work deals with the concept selection for the DTT remote maintenance strategy, in the 2019 reference configuration. First, we present the criteria that we have derived for evaluation of design alternatives. Then, we briefly present the design alternatives developed so far for divertor and first wall remote maintenance. With this regards, three alternatives have been developed for divertor remote maintenance and two alternatives have been developed for first wall remote maintenance. The concept selection process is based on the use of ELIGERE, a decision support tool for concept selection based on the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process. More than 20 experts from several European institutions have been involved in the concept selection process. The work concludes by presenting the results of the concept selection process, in terms of optimal strategies for divertor and first wall remote maintenance.
Keywords: DTT | Remote maintenance
Abstract: In this paper, we present a biomechanical analysis of the upper body, which includes upper-limb, neck and trunk, during the execution of overhead industrial tasks. The analysis is based on multiple performance metrics obtained from a biomechanical analysis of the worker during the execution of a specific task, i.e. an overhead drilling task, performed at different working heights. The analysis enables a full description of human movement and internal load state during the execution of the task, thought the evaluation of joint angles, joint torques and muscle activations. A digital human model is used to simulate and replicate the worker’s task in a virtual environment. The experiments were conduced in laboratory setting, where four subjects, with different anthropometric characteristics, have performed 48 drilling tasks in two different working heights defined as low configuration and middle configuration. The results of analysis have impact on providing the best configuration of the worker within the industrial workplace and/or providing guidelines for developing assistance devices which can reduce the physical overloading acting on the worker’s body.
Keywords: Biomechanics | Digital human models | Electromyography | Ergonomics | Industry | Overhead tasks
Abstract: This work proposes a novel virtual reality system which makes use of wearable sensors for testing and validation of cooperative workplaces from the ergonomic point of view. The main objective is to show, in real time, the ergonomic evaluation based on a muscular activity analysis within the immersive virtual environment. The system comprises the following key elements: a robotic simulator for modeling the robot and the working environment; virtual reality devices for human immersion and interaction within the simulated environment; five surface electromyographic sensors; and one uniaxial accelerometer for measuring the human ergonomic status. The methodology comprises the following steps: firstly, the virtual environment is constructed with an associated immersive tutorial for the worker; secondly, an ergonomic toolbox is developed for muscular analysis. This analysis involves multiple ergonomic outputs: root mean square for each muscle, a global electromyographic score, and a synthetic index. They are all visualized in the immersive environment during the execution of the task. To test this methodology, experimental trials are conducted on a real use case in a human–robot cooperative workplace typical of the automotive industry. The results showed that the methodology can effectively be applied in the analysis of human–robot interaction, to endow the workers with self–awareness with respect to their physical conditions.
Keywords: Cooperative workplace | Ergonomic analysis | Human– robot physical interaction | Virtual reality | Wearable sensors
Abstract: A Cayley map for the special Euclidean group SE(3) is introduced to relate, for a soft continuum robot, the Lie algebra of internal deformations with the Lie group of rigid–body motions. This Cayley map is used for approximated and exact kinematic shape reconstruction of soft continuum robots, under the hypothesis of constant deformations. This map could be used for deriving computationally efficient interpolation schemes for soft robots, since it does not involve transcendental functions as those introduced by the exponential parametrization of soft robot kinematics.
Keywords: Cayley transform | Differential geometry | Kinematics | Soft robotics
Abstract: Humans drive in a holistic fashion which entails, in particular, understanding dynamic road events and their evolution. Injecting these capabilities in autonomous vehicles can thus take situational awareness and decision making closer to human-level performance. To this purpose, we introduce the ROad event Awareness Dataset (ROAD) for Autonomous Driving, to our knowledge the first of its kind. ROAD is designed to test an autonomous vehicles ability to detect road events, defined as triplets composed by an active agent, the action(s) it performs and the corresponding scene locations. ROAD comprises videos originally from the Oxford RobotCar Dataset annotated with bounding boxes showing the location in the image plane of each road event. We benchmark various detection tasks, proposing as a baseline a new incremental algorithm for online road event awareness termed 3D-RetinaNet. We also report the performance on the ROAD tasks of Slowfast and YOLOv5 detectors, as well as that of the winners of the ICCV2021 ROAD challenge, which highlight the challenges faced by situation awareness in autonomous driving. ROAD is designed to allow scholars to investigate exciting tasks such as complex (road) activity detection, future event anticipation and continual learning. The dataset is available at https://github.com/gurkirt/road-dataset; the baseline can be found at https://github.com/gurkirt/3D-RetinaNet.
Keywords: action detection | Autonomous driving | Autonomous vehicles | Benchmark testing | decision making | Decision making | road agents | Roads | situation awareness | Task analysis | Vehicle dynamics | Videos
Abstract: Applications as robotic harvesting or pick and place in the agrifood domain require robotic grippers able to gently manipulate delicate products, while guaranteeing high gripping power and adhesion forces on smooth surfaces. Existing soft grippers are mainly based on pneumatic bending actuators which can guarantee a gentle manipulation, but they suffer from low gripping power and possibility of slip of the manipulated object. This paper describes a novel design concept of soft robotic pneumatic gripper with embedded suckers. The concept consists of four soft fingers, each one comprising an elastomeric structure with two separate air paths, one for pressurizing the finger for generating bending motion, one for vacuum–based adhesion to the object’s surface via suction pads distributed along the surface of the finger. In this work we highlight the concept design of the mechanical system and the pneumatic control unit.
Keywords: Bioinspired design | Concept design | Soft grippers | Soft robotics
Abstract: The presented work shows how a user centered approach might be used to generate and select the optimal design of smart garments for biosignal acquisition. Design is driven by human biosignal analysis, allowing the translation of subjective user’s feelings into technical specification and the definition of customized criteria for concepts evaluation. So, different concepts are generated and, involving users again, the optimal one is chosen using multi criteria decision making based on Fuzzy AHP theory. A case study on a wearable system (i.e., electromyographic shorts) for football performance and risk injury analysis is shown.
Keywords: Biological knowledge in engineering science | User centered design | Wearable technologies
Abstract: In this study we propose a brief analysis of recent soft wearable robots for upper–limb which could have a major impact on future developments and applications. The systems are analysed with respect to: design concepts, actuation systems, sensing systems, control strategies and applications. Finally, a discussion and open issues are presented.
Keywords: Exoskeletons | Soft robotics | Wearable robotics
Abstract: In this work we derive the requirements of a soft upper-limb exoskeletons starting from the biomechanical analysis of human workers while performing three different industrial overhead tasks in laboratory settings. The results of the work allow to define the degrees of freedom which need to be supported to reduce the biomechanical overloads, as well the dimensional characteristics, in terms of required lengths and forces, of the soft actuators of the wearable robot.
Keywords: Biomechanics | Design | Industrial tasks | Soft exoskeleton | Soft robotics | Wearable robotics
Abstract: This chapter presents the ergonomic assessment of a typical shelf filling task performed by the store clerk. The proposed methodology is based on a robust design approach, which considers all the main factors that have influence on the ergonomic assessment of a typical refilling operation. The ergonomic assessment is based on two ergonomic indices, one specific for establishing the ergonomically optimal working height for lifting, and one specific for selecting the refilling process modality which minimises the clerks’ effort. The research work has been performed using both virtual simulations and real laboratory experiments. The goal is to provide input to a suitably designed robotic handling unit encapsulating a standard supermarket trolley. The handling unit consists in a suitable SCARA-like arm and two actuated trays, which allow to serve the cases with the products contained in the trolley at an ergonomic height for the clerks, with the aim of reducing refilling-related musculoskeletal disorders and thus improve clerks’ health and wellbeing.
Keywords: Biomechanical risk | Collaborative robotics | Ergonomic assessment | Ergonomic indices
Abstract: This paper presents the preliminary design of a teleoperation system for a bimanual bartending robot, with reference to the BRILLO (Bartending Robot for Interactive Long Lasting Operations) project. The aim is to simulate the remote control of the robotic bartender by the human operator in an intuitive manner, using Virtual Reality technologies. The proposed Virtual Reality architecture is based on the use of commercial Head Mounted Display with a pair of hand controllers and the virtual simulation of the remote environment of the robot, with the robotic simulator CoppeliaSim. Originally, virtual simulations of the robot environment have allowed to identify the possible scenarios and interactions between the customers and the different robotic systems inside the automatized bar: the totem for the selection and payment of the order, the robotic bartender to prepare the cocktail and the mobile robot for the cocktail serving at the table. Secondly, focusing on a sequence of main tasks that the robotic bartender must perform for the cocktails preparation, the operator’s control on the simulated robotic system has been reproduced. In fact, the aim of this first experimental phase is to test the interaction between the human operator and the simulated immersive environment for the remote control of the robotic system. Two use cases have been reproduced: the first is related to the recovery from a failure situation such as the fall of a glass, while the second refers to the trajectory training to perform some repeating actions. Six operators (three males and three females), who already knew the taks, with an age between 25 and 40 years and a minimum experience with VR technology for personal entertainment, have been involved in the test phase. For this reason, the paper will finally discuss the perception of the involved operators about the use of the proposed VR architecture in terms of usability and mental workload.
Keywords: CoppeliaSim | HTC VIVE Pro | Remote control | Teleoperation | Virtual Reality
Abstract: Soft continuum robots are a new class of robotic devices, which are very promising for enabling measurement applications especially in remote, difficult-To-reach environments. In this work, we propose the use of a particular soft robot, which is able to evert and steer from the tip, as a sensor delivery system. The measurement system consists of two major sections: i) the robotic platform for movement purposes; and ii) the sensing part (i.e., a sensor attached to its tip to enable the measurement). As a case study of the use of the soft-growing robot as a sensor-delivery system, the transportation of a wireless temperature sensor towards a remote hot source was considered. The preliminary results anticipate the suitability of soft continuum robotic platforms for remote applications in confined and constrained environments.
Keywords: 4.0 Era | Monitoring systems | Remote Measurements | Remote monitoring | Sensors | Soft Growing Robots | Soft Robotics
Abstract: Soft continuum robots are a new class of robotic devices, which are very promising for enabling measurement applications especially in remote, difficult-to-reach environments. In this work, we propose the use of a particular soft robot, which is able to evert and steer from the tip, as a sensor delivery system. The measurement system consists of two major sections: i) the robotic platform for movement purposes; and ii) the sensing part (i.e., a sensor attached to its tip to enable the measurement). As a case study of the use of the soft-growing robot as a sensor-delivery system, the transportation of a wired thermocouple towards a remote hot source was considered. The preliminary results anticipate the suitability of soft continuum robotic platforms for remote applications in confined and constrained environments.
Keywords: Remote Measurements | Remote monitoring | Sensors | Soft Growing Robots | Soft Robotics
Abstract: In this paper we show an overview of the preliminary strategy planned for remote maintenance of neutron–activated and contaminated components of DTT machine, in the 2019 reference configuration. The remote maintenance of such a complex machine has impact on different aspects of the DTT machine: layout of the tokamak hall, vacuum vessel and cryostat structures, in–vessel components. To date, the number and size of vacuum vessel ports as well as the segmentation and size of in–vessel mechanical components of DTT have been established by a compromise between operational and maintenance needs. An extensive multidisciplinary work has been done in deriving the requirements for the DTT remote maintenance strategy. Each vacuum vessel sector is divided into five ports: in the current configuration, the top and bottom divertor cassettes are expected to be removed, respectively, from four lower lateral ports and from four equatorial horizontal ports; the first wall modules at the inboard side are expected to be installed/removed from all the upper ports; the first wall modules at the outboard and upper sides are segmented such that they can be removed from four equatorial horizontal ports. The work describes the current strategies for divertor and first wall remote maintenance systems, as well as a first conceptual design of the remote maintenance equipment of DTT machine.
Keywords: DTT | Remote maintenance
Abstract: The use of fast and accurate scanning systems for human worker digitization might pave the way towards the development of multiple best practices to be implemented in industry, for enhancing safety and wellness of workers. In this work, an advanced measurement system for human body 3D reconstruction is used for extracting anthropometric characteristics of a worker, which are then used for estimation of joint torques in a simulated lifting task.
Keywords: 3D body measurements | 3D body scanner | Digital human modeling | Industrial ergonomics
Abstract: Measurement and monitoring systems (MMSs) are intrinsically part of 4.0 and, in particular, of cyber-physical systems (CPSs). However, by introducing the 4.0 enabling technologies into MMSs, also the vice versa can be accomplished, and MMSs can evolve into a cyber-physical measurement system (CPMS). Starting from this consideration, in the present work, a preliminary case study of a CPMS is presented: an innovative robotic platform to be used for measurement systems in confined and constrained remote environments. The proposed system is a soft growing robot that includes a robot base, to be placed outside the remote environments, and a robot body that accesses the site through growth. A pneumatic actuation mechanism enables the controllable growth of the system (through lengthening at its tip), as well as its controllable steering. The system can be equipped with sensors to enable remote monitoring tasks, or can be used to transport sensors in remote locations. The ultimate goal is to achieve a self-adapting, fully-autonomous, reliable and safe system for monitoring applications, particularly useful for the remote inspection of unknown and/or constrained environments.
Keywords: 4.0 | Inspection | Monitoring systems | Remote monitoring | Soft continuum robots | Soft growing robots
Abstract: The most effective expression of the 4.0 Era is represented by cyber-physical systems (CPSs). Historically, measurement and monitoring systems (MMSs) have been an essential part of CPSs; however, by introducing the 4.0 enabling technologies into MMSs, a MMS can evolve into a cyber-physical measurement system (CPMS). Starting from this consideration, this work reports a preliminary case study of a CPMS, namely an innovative bioinspired robotic platform that can be used for measurement and monitoring applications in confined and constrained environments. The innovative system is a "soft growing" robot that can access a remote site through controlled lengthening and steering of its body via a pneumatic actuation mechanism. The system can be endowed with different sensors at the tip, or along its body, to enable remote measurement and monitoring tasks; as a result, the robot can be employed to effectively deploy sensors in remote locations. In this work, a digital twin of the system is developed for simulation of a practical measurement scenario. The ultimate goal is to achieve a self-adapting, fully/partially autonomous system for remote monitoring operations to be used reliably and safely for the inspection of unknown and/or constrained environments.
Keywords: 4.0 Era | Monitoring systems | Remote monitoring | Remote sensing | Soft growing robots
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a user-centered approach for the design of ergonomic workplaces. The method is based on the evaluation of subjective opinions and objective measures from the worker, while performing the industrial tasks. The ergonomic design of industrial workplaces will have impact in reducing the musculoskeletal disorders of workers.
Keywords: Adaptable workplace | Human-oriented design | Industry 4.0 | Worker ergonomics
Abstract: Mathematical modeling of hybrid soft robots is complicated by the description of the complex shape that they undergone when subject to actuation and external loads. It might be noticed that several approaches have been used so far in robotics, and the problem is not yet fully solved. This short paper aims at presenting an overview of modeling and simulation approaches for soft robots based on finite element methods. Benefits and perspectives of future directions are also discussed.
Keywords: Finite element method | Modeling and simulation | Soft robotics
Abstract: Nowadays, technology in sport plays an important role to help training and judgement processes. This study proposes the use of a wearable inertial system to derive novel biomechanical indices for the assessment of performance and infringements in race-walking. These indices are built from five inertial-based parameters: loss of ground contact time, loss of ground contact step classification, step length ratio, step cadence and smoothness. The biomechanical indices are customized for elite race-walkers, and represented on a radar chart for an intuitive analysis of performance and infringements. From the radar chart, a synthetic index regarding the athlete’s overall gesture is derived. The validation of the biomechanical indices is carried out in field tests, involving nine elite race-walkers wearing an inertial sensor located at the end of the column vertebra (L5–S1). A statistical analysis is used to determinate the quality and reliability of the proposed indices and of their representation. The results show that these biomechanical indices can be implemented on a wearable inertial system for assistance in training and judgement in race-walking.
Keywords: Biomechanics | Field tests | Graphical data analysis | Infringements | Performance | Race-walking | Wearable sensors
Abstract: In this paper we present novel biomechanical indices for site-specific assessment of injury risk in cycling. The indices are built from a multifactorial analysis based on the kinematics and kinetics of the cyclist from the biomechanical side, and muscle excitations and muscle synergies from the neurophysiological side. The indices are specifics for three body regions (back, knee, ankle) which are strongly affected by overuse injuries in cycling. We use these indices for injury risks analysis of a recreational cyclist, who offered to participate in the experiments. The preliminary results are promising towards the use of such indices for planning and/or evaluating training schedule with the final goal of reducing non-traumatic injuries in cycling.
Keywords: biomechanics | cycling | electromyography | injury risk | laboratory test
Abstract: A fast and objective evaluation of kinematic characteristics of an elite athlete's gesture is necessary for refining her/his performance. When the athlete has a reduced capacity and/or reliability of expression, as in the case of subjects with intellectual impairment, objective performance analyses are even more important. In this work, we present a preliminary study regarding performance analysis on sprint tests performed by elite athletes with intellectual impairment, wearing an inertial sensor at the bottom end of their vertebral column. In particular, we compare three different inertial-based algorithms for automatic detection of temporal events, in steady-state velocity phase, with respect to the benchmark values obtained through video analysis.
Keywords: functional sports assessment | inertial sensors | intellectual impairment | kinematic parameters | sprint test
Abstract: Excessive values of force on L5/S1 joint can cause work-related musculoskeletal disorders, such as low back pain. Currently, the reference solution for estimating such variables is the combination of optoelectronic system and force platform, used for calculating the bottom up inverse dynamics in laboratory settings. Here we propose and validate a novel, completely wearable solution, composed by twelve inertial measurement units and pressure insole sensors. We validate the wearable solution with respect to the output of the reference solution, with data collected simultaneously on a subject performing lifting and releasing tasks with two different loads. The results are encouraging towards the use of the wearable methodology, considering the great impact of such a solution in a real manufacturing scenario.
Keywords: biomechanical loads | ergonomics | motion analysis | occupational disease | wearable system
Abstract: People with intellectual impairment show low performances in motor control, especially in complex movements. Performance analysis methods, based on wearable inertial sensor, are often used in typical developed swimmers but have never been used in swimmers with intellectual impairment, for whom the use of quantitative systems would be even more important. This paper presents a case study conducted on freestyle swimmers from the functional evaluation project of the Italian Sport Federation for athletes with Intellectual Impairment (FISDIR). The tests were conducted by five Italian elite swimmers with intellectual impairment using a structured experimental protocol which foresees an inertial sensor located on the wrist. Key freestyle temporal and kinematic parameters were assessed. A high-speed camera was used as a benchmark to validate the inertial-based parameters. The preliminary results indicate that the proposed inertial-based approach correlates over 90% with the performance indices obtained with the camera-based approach, and therefore it could represent a useful tool for monitoring and improving the training.
Keywords: intellectual impairment | performance analysis | sports biomechanics | swimming | wearable inertial sensor
Abstract: This paper presents IART, a novel inertial wearable system for automatic detection of infringements and analysis of sports performance in race walking. IART algorithms are developed from raw inertial measurements collected by a single sensor located at the bottom of the vertebral column (L5–S1). Two novel parameters are developed to estimate infringements: loss of ground contact time and loss of ground contact step classification; three classic parameters are indeed used to estimate performance: step length ratio, step cadence, and smoothness. From these parameters, five biomechanical indices customized for elite athletes are derived. The experimental protocol consists of four repetitions of a straight path of 300 m on a long-paved road, performed by nine elite athletes. Over a total of 1620 steps (54 sequences of 30 steps each), the average accuracy of correct detection of loss of ground contact events is equal to 99%, whereas the correct classification of the infringement is equal to 87% for each step sequence, with a 92% of acceptable classifications. A great emphasis is dedicated on the user-centered development of IART: an intuitive radar chart representation is indeed developed to provide practical usability and interpretation of IART indices from the athletes, coaches, and referees perspectives. The results of IART, in terms of accuracy of its indices and usability from end-users, are encouraging for its usage as tool to support athletes and coaches in training and referees in real competitions.
Keywords: Biomechanics | Inertial sensor | Judgment | Race walking | Step classification | Training improvement | User-centered design
Abstract: This paper describes a mechanics–based framework for virtual prototyping of soft robots, i.e. robots with deformable bodies and flexible joints. The framework builds on top of the screw theory, and uses geometrically exact nonlinear beam models for describing the behavior of deformable bodies, as well as the finite element method for space discretization. The computer implementation of this framework results in SimSOFT, a physics engine for soft robots. The capabilities of the framework are illustrated with one general example, an articulated chain of rigid and soft links connected through rigid and flexible joints. Furthermore, several case studies are shown for industrial and medical applications.
Keywords: Continuum mechanics | Design methods | Multibody dynamics | Soft robotics | Virtual prototyping
Abstract: This paper shows how studies on the biomechanics and neuroscience of human movements might be used for the design of wearable systems customized for humans. Such design is driven by key biomechanical and neuromuscular parameters extracted from accurate measurements made on the human body motion, as well as by subjective data collected from the end-users of the products through questionnaires. We present three case studies developed at ERGOS Lab: a wearable system for sports performance analysis; a synergy-based approach for industrial wearable robots; a soft wearable robotic glove for hand rehabilitation.
Keywords: Biomechanics | Design methods | Neuromuscular activity | Wearable technology
Abstract: Mathematical modeling of soft robots is complicated by the description of the continuously deformable three-dimensional shape that they assume when subjected to external loads. In this article we present the deformation space formulation for soft robots dynamics, developed using a finite element approach. Starting from the Cosserat rod theory formulated on a Lie group, we derive a discrete model using a helicoidal shape function for the spatial discretization and a geometric scheme for the time integration of the robot shape configuration. The main motivation behind this work is the derivation of accurate and computational efficient models for soft robots. The model takes into account bending, torsion, shear, and axial deformations due to general external loading conditions. It is validated through analytic and experimental benchmark. The results demonstrate that the model matches experimental positions with errors <1% of the robot length. The computer implementation of the model results in SimSOFT, a dynamic simulation environment for design, analysis, and control of soft robots.
Keywords: continuum robots | Cosserat rods | differential geometry | dynamics | mathematical modeling | soft robotics
Abstract: Systems Engineering (SE) allows addressing the design of complex systems from a holistic standpoint, starting from the early stage until the end of its lifetime. Using a SE approach, all the stakeholders’ needs can be considered, encompassing requirements coming from all the different fields connected to design. Adopting SE, the ranking of the proposed design alternatives can be carried out using Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods, which foresee the involvement in the decision-making process of a team of experts. Among MCDM methods, fuzzy-based ones could be advantageous whenever the decision-making process is mainly based on experts’ sensibility, because there is a lack of reliable quantitative information and/or the project is in the very early stage. This is the typical case of R&D activities on nuclear fusion, where big projects (ITER, DEMO) must contend with significant uncertainties. Therefore, a MCDM-based SE approach could help to improve the progress of these projects. Several applications are recalled in this paper and a further case study, regarding the Automated Inspection and Maintenance Test Unit (AIM-TU) concept design, is presented. In the framework of EU DEMO project, the AIM-TU has been proposed to provide to the international community a facility able to perform, with high reliability, robotic maintenance and inspection procedures in DEMO-oriented environments. In this paper the SE approach has been applied to the AIM-TU concept selection, adopting the fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process MCDM method for the best option selection. To this purpose, a novel fuzzy-based decision support tool named ELIGERE has been used.
Keywords: AIM-TU | DEMO | ELIGERE | FAHP | MCDM | Systems engineering
Abstract: The goal of this paper is to disseminate the main results achieved within the FlexARM project. The project deals with advanced modeling techniques and predictive control strategies for flexible mechanical systems intended to be used in remote tasks inside advanced nuclear fusion reactors. This article aims at underlying the main aspect of the FlexARM methodology and paves the way towards future research in the field.
Keywords: DEMO remote maintenance | Flexible mechanical systems | Modeling | Vibration control
Abstract: In this work we present the latest progresses (September 2018) in the conceptual design of the main containment structures of DTT fusion reactor. The previous DTT baseline design is revised in terms of structural materials and overall reactor shape. The major change involves the vacuum vessel, which now foresees a welded double-wall stainless steel structure. The basic design includes eighteen sectors, with novel ports configuration for remote maintenance systems, diagnostics and heating equipment. New supports are designed for the first wall, which is conveniently segmented in view of assembly and remote replacement. The cryostat of the machine is conceived as a single-wall cylindrical vessel reinforced by ribs. The cryostat base is also in charge of supporting the vacuum vessel and the magnets system. A preliminary FEA analysis confirms that the main mechanical structure might withstand the design loads, in particular the ones resulting from possible plasma disruptions.
Keywords: CAD | DTT | EU-DEMO | FEM | Fusion reactor | Structural analysis
Abstract: Soft continuum robots provide high dexterity in constrained spaces, while guaranteeing a compliant interaction with the surrounding environment. Over the last years, they have been used to improve many manipulation tasks, going from maintenance, inspection and repair in industrial-related environments to minimally invasive surgery in the medical field. This paper investigates the use of soft continuum robots for remote measurement tasks, and focuses on the following application scenarios where they have already demonstrated their benefits: space, aerospace, nuclear, marine and medical fields. The limitations of existing applications and perspectives of future directions are also discussed.
Abstract: Advanced measurement systems and techniques from neuroscience are used in this work to extrapolate reduced- order muscle activation patterns corresponding to the execution of overhead tasks classic of automotive industry. The approach is based on the analysis of electromyographic (EMG) signals measured from muscles of the upper limb. The preliminary experiments show that, for the selected tasks, one muscle synergy could account for > 98% of the total muscle activation. This approach might pave the way towards the development of bionic, synergy-based upper limb wearable robots for augmenting human performances in industrial workplaces.
Keywords: EMG | muscle synergies | wearable robots
Abstract: The musculoskeletal disorders represent one of the most common problems in industrial environment; they impact the health of workers and employees. In this work we present a preliminary study towards the use of biomechanical models for improving classic methods for ergonomic assessment in industry. To this end, we use OpenSim, a software for biomechanical simulation and analysis. With OpenSim, we reconstruct the human motion corresponding to the execution of industrial tasks, performed in laboratory settings. In particular, we compute the evolution over time of the joint angles that, according to a classic observation method for ergonomic assessment, are needed to evaluate the risks associated to the musculoskeletal disorders for the upper limb.
Keywords: biomechanics | digital human model | ergonomics | industry
Abstract: In this work we present a study for the experimental reconstruction of the human shoulder torque in the sagittal plane, since this is usually overloaded in industrial overhead tasks. To this end, we measure the three-dimensional motion of the human upper limb while performing selected movements using an optical motion capture system. Then, using a skeleton model implemented in one of the most common software for industrial ergonomic assessment, we reconstruct the shoulder angle and torque in the sagittal plane. A possible exploitation of this reconstruction strategy is presented for active compensation of this torque. The implementation of this simple strategy in a custom developed assistive device could augment human workers in performing repetitive jobs.
Keywords: biomechanics | digital human models | human motion analysis | industrial assistive devices
Abstract: In this work we will show some preliminary results on the use of a wearable inertial system for assessment of performances and infringements in race-walking. The proposed system is composed by two parts, one for measurement and one for management purposes. The management unit is based on biomechanical-based parameters for evaluating performances and infringements. The preliminary experimental results are promising towards the use of this system in real field training and competition scenarios, to respectively assist coaches and judges.
Keywords: race-walking | sports biomechanics | wearable inertial sensors
Abstract: The use of fast and accurate scanning systems for human body digitization might pave the way towards the development of less invasive processes for medical manufacturing. In this work, an advanced measurement system for human body 3D reconstruction is used to design tailored assistive devices. The system is a photogrammetric 3D body scanner developed by the authors.
Keywords: 3D body measurements | assistive devices | medical manufacturing
Abstract: In this paper, a novel concept of robotic manipulator is developed for direct additive manufacturing on non-planar surfaces. The application scenario is the metal coating of the internal surface of radome systems, using frequency selective surface patterns. The manipulator is presented from the design, modeling, and control point of view. It is developed following an application-driven approach, meaning that the requirements from the application and the additive manufacturing technology are translated into the design specifications of the robotic system. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed control strategy based on a decentralized architecture is satisfactory to accurately control the motion of the robotic mechanisms along the trajectory foresees by the direct additive manufacturing task.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing | Aerosol jet printing | Design method | Robot control | Virtual prototyping
Abstract: Introduction and Objectives Fabrication processes for spinal orthoses require accurate three-dimensional (3D) models of the patients' trunk. Current methods for 3D reconstruction used in this field mainly include laser or structured light scanning; these methods are time expensive and invasive, especially for patients with partial disabilities. Therefore, a theoretically instant system for data acquisition of anatomical structure is highly desirable. The objective of this work is to show the feasibility of using digital photogrammetry for human body digitization to generate accurate 3D models of the patients' trunk for spinal orthoses fabrication. Materials and Methods Multiple synchronized two-dimensional images of the human torso are captured from different points of view using a photogrammetric scanner. A 3D model is generated using the state-of-the-art algorithms for point cloud and surface reconstruction. The digitized model is then used as input for the standard computer-aided design (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) process of fabrication. R4D from Rodin4D is used as prosthetics and orthotics CAD software. A robotic cell constituted by a six-axis KUKA KR 30-3 is used for milling a polyurethane foam. Vacuum forming is then adopted to generate the orthosis. Two spinal orthoses are fabricated using this approach and a classical one; then, they are evaluated using quantitative and qualitative metrics. Results The data acquisition using this approach lasts 50 milliseconds. The 3D reconstruction accuracy averages 0.21 ± 1.27 mm, which suits for the considered health care scenario. Results of the initial fitting of the orthoses fabricated with the presented method show better performances in terms of time (44%), product quality (35%), and patient experience (30%). Conclusions Digital photogrammetry can be used to enhance the data acquisition and data processing of anatomical surfaces for the CAD/CAM process of spinal orthoses. The data acquisition time, almost instant, allows an easy compliance of many patients. The data processing allows generating accurate models of the patient's body. The overall process generates orthoses with a better quality with respect to those manufactured using conventional procedures. ©
Keywords: CAD/CAM | fabrication techniques | photogrammetry | prosthetics and orthotics | spinal orthoses | three-dimensional reconstruction
Abstract: We propose to use an industrial redundant manipulator (KUKA LBR iiwa robot) as a haptic device to provide high force feedback for an orthopedic surgeon while performing the reaming of the acetabula in a virtual environment. Real experiments have been performed to validate the virtual reality training framework. The results show that the system resulted to be intuitive and reliable from the users experience.
Keywords: medical robotics force feedback virtual reality training
Abstract: Remote handling of heavy in-vessel components inside nuclear fusion reactors requires the use of large robotic mechanisms, whose numerical analysis is highly complex. As a matter of fact, these robots are subject to large deformations, either induced by the geometric configuration of their mechanical structure or by the heavy payloads they usually transport. This work was motivated by the need of deriving physical-based predictive models able to simulate the mechanical behavior of such large robotic mechanisms, while performing dynamic tasks. The method formulates the dynamics of robotic manipulators on a Lie group, and uses a finite element procedure to discretize the flexible bodies. The method is applied to a complex mechanism, the serial/parallel flexible manipulator which has been recently selected for DEMO blanket remote handling. The case studies investigated in this paper involve the simulations of this manipulator while handling the inboard and outboard blanket segments according to the sequence of maneuvers planned for their removal processes from the vessel. The results show that such dynamic simulations could give useful information for design, analysis and control of remote handling equipment. The generality of the method makes this approach prone to be easily used in simulating the dynamics of other flexible manipulators for remote handling of large in-vessel components inside nuclear fusion reactors.
Keywords: DEMO | Flexible manipulators | Remote maintenance | Robot dynamics | Tokamak
Abstract: Kinematic modeling of continuum robots is challenging due to the large deflections that these systems usually undergone. In this paper, we derive the kinematics of a continuum robot from the evolution of a three-dimensional curve in space. We obtain the spatial configuration of a continuum robot in terms of exponential coordinates based on Lie group theory. This kinematic framework turns out to handle robotic helical shapes, i.e. spatial configurations with constant curvature and torsion of the arm.
Keywords: Continuum robotics | Differential geometry | Kinematics
Abstract: In this paper we present the design, prototyping and validation of a novel adjustable foot stretcher for indoor rowing training. The overall process is user-centered, in the sense that the athletes are directly involved in all the phases of the product development, from conceptual design to evaluation and validation. The conceptual design starts from well-known rowers needs. Accordingly, two design factors are selected to parametrize the prototype, namely the inter-axle spacing feet and the foot angle. The experimental evaluation and validation involve two phases, one based on a quantitative analysis of the performance, one based on subjective questionnaires submitted to the athletes. The performance-based analysis comprises the derivation of three pressure indices and one power transmission index. Indeed, the subjective analysis regards the users comfort and power transmission feelings. The results of both evaluations testify that an improvement in performance and comfort of the indoor rowing training session can be achieved.
Keywords: Performance evaluation | Robust design | Sports engineering | Sports equipment and technology | User-centered design
Abstract: Effective identification of the optimal design in the early stages of product development is critical in order to obtain the best chances of eventual customer satisfaction. Currently, the advancements in prototyping techniques offer unique chances to evaluate the features of different design candidates by means of product experts acting as assessors and/or customers enrolled as testers. In this paper, the candidate identification using virtual and physical prototypes is described and a practical fuzzy approach toward the evaluation of the optimal design is presented. The proposed methodology is tested on a full case study, namely the choice of optimal design for the traditional Neapolitan coffeemaker, inspired by the prototypes of the Italian designer Riccardo Dalisi. Several concepts are developed in a virtual environment and four alternatives among them are realized using Additive Manufacturing. By allowing experts to interact with virtual and physical prototypes, they were able to express their opinion on a custom fuzzy evaluation scale (i.e. they were freely choosing more or less coarse linguistic scales as well as the related shapes of fuzzy sets to adequately represent the level of fuzziness of their judgments). Once the opinions are collected, the set of best candidate(s) is easily identified and useful suggestion can be obtained for further developing the product.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing | Concept design | Concept selection | Design method | Fuzzy set | Virtual prototyping
Abstract: In this paper we derive the analytic solutions for the statics of cantilever soft arm under external loading. The main motivation behind this work is the development of manageable and ready-to-use mathematical models of soft robotic arm for various purposes. We formulate the problem exploiting the Lie group structure of the arms' configuration space. This allows using the powerful mathematical tools from differential geometry. The model builds upon the theory of Cosserat rods: The mechanics-based perspective used to describe the kinematics and statics allows including into the model the large deformations due to axial, shear, torsion and bending effects. The position fields of the manipulators' shapes are analytically integrated and validated with respect to exact solutions and experiments.
Keywords: Cosserat rods | differential geometry | mathematical modeling | Soft robotics
Abstract: This paper presents a novel instant 3D whole body scanner for healthcare applications. It is based on photogrammetry, a digital technology which allows to reconstruct the surface of objects starting from multiple pictures. The motivation behind this work is the development of minimally invasive procedures for instant data acquisitions of anatomical structure. The scanner provides several features of interests in 3D body scanning technologies for the healthcare domains: (i) instant capture of human body models; (ii) magnitude of accuracy in the order of 1 mm; (iii) simplicity of use; (iv) possibility to scan using different settings; (v) possibility to reconstruct the texture. The system is built upon a modular and distributed architecture. In this paper we highlight its key concepts and the methodology which has led to the current product. We illustrate its potential through one of the most promising 3D scanning healthcare applications: the data acquisition and processing of human body models for the digital manufacturing process of prostheses and orthoses. We validate the overall system in terms of conformity with the the initial requirements.
Keywords: 3D reconstruction | Body scanning | Healthcare | Human body measurements | Human body visualization | Photogrammetry | Proshetics and orthotics
Abstract: This paper proposes to use robust command shaping methods for reducing the vibrations during remote handling of in-vessel components. The need of deriving efficient vibration control strategies for a safe transportation of large and heavy payloads during maintenance procedures in nuclear fusion reactors is the main motivation behind this work. The approach shapes the reference motion command to the component such that the vibratory modes of the system are canceled. We perform the dynamic simulations of a large in-vessel component of the DEMOnstrating fusion power reactor during a remote handling operation. The simulations shows that the method is a possible solution to reduce the vibrations induced by the motion, in both the transient and residual phases. The benefits introduced by command shaping make the method promising towards building control framework for remote handling of in-vessel components in various tokamak devices.
Abstract: Kinematic modeling of continuum robots is challenging due to the large deflections that these systems usually undergone. In this paper, we derive the kinematics of a continuum robot from the evolution of a three-dimensional curve in space. We obtain the spatial configuration of a continuum robot in terms of exponential coordinates based on Lie group theory. This kinematic framework turns out to handle robotic helical shapes, i.e. spatial configurations with constant curvature and torsion of the arm.
Keywords: Continuum robotics | Differential geometry | Kinematics
Abstract: This paper presents the foundation of a new class of input shapers, designed using a predictive approach. The method is used to control the transient and residual vibrations in flexible nonlinear systems with time-varying parameters. The motivation is the development of simple algorithms and architectures for controlling the motion in flexible nonlinear systems with minimal modeling effort. The approach trains an artificial neural network to obtain closed-form expressions used for calculating, in real time, the amplitudes and the time locations of the impulses required by a common input-shaping technique. In this work we use this idea to design a command shaper for controlling the motion of the simplest flexible nonlinear system, an overhead crane with a suspended payload. We validate the approach using simulations and experiments. The benefits of such a control system will, in the end, enable using this method for controlling the motion of complex nonlinear systems, resulting in almost zero vibrations.
Keywords: command shaping | Nonlinear dynamical systems | predictive control | vibration control
Abstract: This paper presents eligere, a new open-source distributed software platform for group decision making in engineering design. It is based on the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (fuzzy AHP), a multiple criteria decision making method used in group selection processes to rank a discrete set of alternatives with respect to some evaluation criteria. eligere is built following the paradigm of distributed cyber-physical systems. It provides several features of interest in group decision making problems: a web-application where experts express their opinion on the alternatives using the natural language, a fuzzy AHP calculation module for transforming qualitative into quantitative data, a database for collecting both the experts' answers and the results of the calculations. The resulting software platform is: distributed, interactive, multi-platform, multi-language and open-source. Eligere is a flexible cyber-physical information system useful in various multiple criteria decision making problems: in this paper we highlight its key concepts and illustrate its potential through a case study, i.e., the optimum selection of design alternatives in a robotic product design.
Keywords: Distributed information systems | Fuzzy AHP | Fuzzy sets | Multiple criteria decision making | Product design | Robotics
Abstract: This work lays the foundations of a self-collision aware teleoperation framework for compound robots. The need of an haptic enabled system which guarantees self-collision and joint limits avoidance for complex robots is the main motivation behind this paper. The objective of the proposed system is to constrain the user to teleoperate a slave robot inside its safe workspace region through the application of force cues on the master side of the bilateral teleoperation system. A series of simulated experiments have been performed on the Kuka KMRiiwa mobile robot; however, due to its generality, the framework is prone to be easily extended to other robots. The experiments have shown the applicability of the proposed approach to ordinary teleoperation systems without altering their stability properties. The benefits introduced by this framework enable the user to safely teleoperate whichever complex robotic system without worrying about self-collision and joint limitations.
Keywords: haptic rendering | joint limits | self-collision
Abstract: This paper presents a nonlinear finite element formalism for modelling the dynamics of flexible manipulators using the special Euclidean group SE(3) framework. The method is based on a local description of the motion variables, and results in a singularity-free formulation which exhibits important advantages regarding numerical implementation. The motivation behind this work is the development of a new class of model-based control systems which may predict and thus avoid the deformations of a real flexible mechanism. Finite element methods based on the geometrically exact beam theory have been proven to be the most accurate to account for flexibility: in this paper we highlight the key aspects of this formulation deriving the equations of motion of a flexible constrained manipulator and we illustrate its potential in robotics through a simple case study, the dynamic analysis of a two-link manipulator, simulating different model assumptions in order to emphasize its real physical behavior as flexible mechanism.
Keywords: differential geometry | Flexible manipulators | motion formalism | nonlinear finite element | robot simulation | soft robots
Abstract: Dip-Brazing is a metal-joining process in which two or more metal items are joined together using a low-temperature melting element as filler. In telecommunication field, this process is used to fabricate radar antenna systems. The process begins with the assembly of the parts constituting the antenna and the thin filler sheet used to join the parts. The mechanical deformations of the micro-pins of the parts allow to obtain a more compact mechanical assembly, before than the antenna system is subjected to an immersion cycle used for adjoining the parts. In this work, we present the design of the robotic cell to automate the assembly procedure in the aluminum dip-brazing of antenna in MBDA missile systems. In particular, we propose a robotic cell using two stations: i) assembly, using a SCARA manipulator; ii) riveting, using a three-axis cartesian robot designed for positioning a radial riveting unit. Motion control of the robots and scheduling of the operations is presented. Experiments simulated in a virtual environment show an almost perfect tracking of the designed trajectories. The standardization of the procedure as well as the reduction of its execution time is thus achieved for the industrial scenario.
Keywords: industrial robots | manufacturing automation | motion control | radar antennas | robotic assembly
Abstract: This paper presents the implementation of a new boarding strategy that exploits passenger and hand-luggage detection and classification to reduce the boarding time onto an airplane. A vision system has the main purpose of providing passengers data, in terms of agility coefficient and hand-luggage size to a seat assignment algorithm. The software is able to dynamically generate the passenger seat that reduces the overall boarding time while taking into account the current airplane boarding state. The motivation behind this work is to speed up of the passenger boarding using the proposed online procedure of seat assignment based on passenger and luggage classification. This method results in an enhancement of the boarding phase, in terms of both time and passenger experience. The main goal of this work is to demonstrate the usability of the proposed system in real conditions proving its performances in terms of reliability. Using a simple hardware and software setup, we performed several experiments recreating a gate entrance mock up and comparing the measurements with ground truth data to assess the reliability of the system.
Keywords: Agility measurement | Boarding strategy | Computer vision
Abstract: The minimization of the turnaround time, the duration which an aircraft must remain parked at the gate, is an important goal of airlines to increase their profitability. This work introduces a procedure to minimize of the turnaround time by speeding up the boarding time in passenger aircrafts. This is realized by allocating the seat numbers adaptively to passengers when they pass the boarding gate and not before. Using optical sensors, an agility measure is assigned to each person and also a measure to characterize the size of her/his hand-luggage. Based on these two values per passenger and taking into account additional constraints, like reserved seats and the belonging to a group, a novel seat allocation algorithm is introduced to minimize the boarding time. Extensive simulations show that a mean reduction of the boarding time with approximately 15% is achieved compared to existing boarding strategies. The costs of introducing the proposed procedure are negligible, while the savings of reducing the turnaround time are enormous, considering that the costs generated by inactive planes on an airport are estimated to be about 30 $ per minute.
Keywords: Agility coefficient | Boarding | Cost saving | Seat allocation algorithm | State feedback | Turnaround time
Abstract: This paper presents the role of distributed information systems in enhancing multiple criteria decision making problems. This goal is achieved showing the architecture and implementation of ELIGERE, a distributed software platform designed to rank a discrete set of alternatives with respect to multiple evaluation criteria. ELIGERE distributed architecture provides several features of interest in group decision making: A web-based interface where experts express their opinion, a remote computational module implementing a multiple criteria decision making method (fuzzy AHP) for ranking the alternatives, a database for collecting both the answer of the experts and the results of the calculations from the computational module. The motivation behind this work is to speed up the concept selection in product design. An illustrative example, the concept selection of a sensored platform for mobile robots, shows how the distributed architecture of ELIGERE results in an enhancement of the concept selection, in terms of both time and experts' interactive experience.
Keywords: distributed information systems | fuzzy AHP | group decision making | product design and development | robotics | web services