Marzullo Domenico
Professore Associato
Università degli Studi di Trieste
Sito istituzionale
SCOPUS ID: 56568205000
Orcid: 0000-0001-9764-1725
Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Abstract: The Radial Neutron Camera (RNC) is a diagnostic system located in the ITER Equatorial Port 1 (EP01) composed by two sub-systems (i.e.: in-port and ex-port RNC) probing a poloidal section of the plasma through a set of fan-shaped Lines of Sight (LOS). The RNC is designed to provide a time resolved measurement of the neutron and alpha particles source profiles and of the total neutron source strength, through the application of reconstruction techniques to the line-integrated neutron fluxes. The Ex-port sub-system is composed by 16 LOS distributed in two different toroidal planes and enclosed in a massive shielding unit, extending from the EP01 closure plate through the Port Interspace, up to the Bioshield Plug. Neutrons, generated in the plasma core, stream through dedicated optical paths hollowed out in the central EP01 diagnostic shielding module and reach the detectors units located at the end of collimating structures. Each detector unit contains one 4He gas scintillator, one plastic scintillator as well as one single Crystal Diamond (sCD) matrix. The performed nuclear analysis allowed the selection of the SWX-277Z-5 castable borated hydrogenated mix as suitable material for the RNC shielding block; moreover, the evaluation of the nuclear heating on the ex-port RNC subcomponents, provided as input for structural analyses, highlighted that the impact of the radiation streaming is negligible with respect to the environmental thermal loads.
Keywords: ITER | MCNP | Neutron diagnostics | Neutronics | Radial Neutron Camera
Abstract: The Water-Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket System (WCLL-TBS) is one of the European TBS candidates for being installed and operated in ITER. The ongoing activities toward the Preliminary Design Review of the WCLL-TBS Ancillary Systems include the reallocation of their units in the reserved space, also in the view of the proper execution of the maintenance activities. Starting from the available documentation (System Design Description, Process Flow Diagrams, Process and Instrumentation Diagrams), detailed 3D CAD models have been developed for two Ancillary Systems to be installed in the Process room: the Tritium Extraction System (TES) and the Tritium Accountancy System (TAS). In the Process room (PR), the largest part of the TES process units is placed inside a Glove-box, as enclosure to avoid the contamination of the room in case of radioactive release due to failure of units. Based on the expected radioactivity content, all the TAS units are placed inside the Glove-box. Maintainability studies have been performed, focusing on the preventive (i.e. planned) and corrective (i.e. required by failures) maintenance tasks on the units installed inside the Glove-box. They were based on the 3D CAD models and supported using Virtual Reality as intuitive and immersive human-computer interface. They provided insights for the iterative improvement and consolidation of the Systems design and information for the evaluation of their availability.
Keywords: Glove-box | ITER | Process Room | TBM | WCLL
Abstract: RAMI (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Inspectability) assessments are mandatory part of the design process for all ITER systems to anticipate possible risks in terms of reliability and availability and support reliability growth program. A RAMI assessment performed on the ITER Radial Neutron Camera (RNC) diagnostic system is presented. The assessment is aimed at evaluating the RNC design capability to provide the neutron emissivity radial profile measurement with required reliability and availability. The RNC is composed by two collimating structures equipped with neutron flux detectors, the In-Port RNC sub-system and the Ex-Port RNC sub-system respectively. Such systems radially view different plasma locations thus enabling the emissivity profile reconstruction. Both In-Port and Ex-Port detection systems (sensors, collimators, shielding) and full acquisition system chain (front-end and back-end electronics) are considered in the analysis. The RAMI performance was assessed by means of reliability block diagrams (RBDs) with respect to required mean inherent availability for 2 years of operations fixed at 99.5% for the Ex-Port system and at 88.3 % for the In-Port system. A set of failure events for each RNC component was defined by means of a failure mode and effect analysis. The resulting unavailability conditions of the systems were then identified. Hence identified groups of events were used to feed the RBDs model definition according to reliability-wise integration of the considered components. The integrated RAMI performance of RNC systems was finally estimated. Considering the current level of design development, In-Port RNC system appears able to meet stated requirement thanks to design redundancy. Ex-Port RNC, which includes Back End Electronics for data acquisition, is still below the RAMI target and requires further design improvement.
Keywords: RAMI ITER diagnostic neutron camera
Abstract: An integrated approach to product development methods is necessary to connect and rationalize in a single framework the different design phases. Moreover, it allows to map and facilitate the decision-making process, especially when many stakeholders are involved. This paper presents a methodology for the design and development of a new product or component that integrates Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods, from the definition of the user requirements to the generation and simulation of the concept models. The evaluation of the results is carried out at different stages of the process with a customer-driven approach. Initially QFD, combined with the Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP), is applied to define the product requirements from the customer needs. Thereby, the focus of the subsequent development is identified. The concept generation phase is therefore implemented throughout a series of brainstorming sessions. A first selection among the generated solutions is conducted using a summarizing function, according to the level of requirement satisfaction. Several refinements of the chosen concepts are then derived from manufacturability considerations and Finite Element Analyses. Finally, according to the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) a ranking of the developed products is obtained following the performance specifications. The presented methodology was applied to the development of a new router bit with insert knives, allowing to report the decision-making reasoning and to consider the user needs throughout the product design.
Keywords: Concept design | Multi Criteria Decision Making MCDM | Quality Function Deployment QFD
Abstract: The Radial Neutron Camera is an ITER diagnostic designed to measure the un-collided 14 MeV and 2.5 MeV neutrons from deuterium-tritium (DT) and deuterium-deuterium (DD) fusion reactions, through an array of detectors covering a poloidal plasma section along collimated Lines Of Sight (LOS). It is composed by two fan-shaped collimating structures viewing the plasma radially through vertical slots in the diagnostic shielding module of ITER Equatorial Port 1: the In-Port RNC, devoted to plasma edge coverage, and the Ex-Port RNC, devoted to the plasma core coverage. This paper presents an overview of the mechanical design of the Ex-Port RNC at the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) stage. The Ex-Port RNC is located in the Port Interspace and consists of a massive shielding structure hosting the detector units and two sets of collimators lying on different toroidal planes. The Ex-Port RNC design is presented both from the point of view of functional requirements (e.g. LOS positions and angles, radiation shielding, weight limitations) and of manufacturability. Finally, the Ex-port RNC structural integrity is assessed, and its design validated against the main loads and load combinations.
Keywords: Design description | Ex-Port | Finite element method | ITER | Radial neutron camera | Structural integrity
Abstract: In the context of EUROfusion activities for the development of the DEMO reactor project, the divertor design is a major challenge. It must sustain very high heat, ion particle and neutron fluxes allowing, at the same time, the shielding of the vacuum vessel and the vacuum pumping for reducing the plasma pollution. The conceptual divertor design is based on the use of EUROFER97 for the divertor cassette body, while tungsten monoblocks bonded to CuCrZr pipes are used for plasma-facing targets. EUROFER97 was selected considering its reduced long-term activation and superior creep and swelling resistance under neutron irradiation. However, depending on the operating temperature under neutron irradiation, a pronounced shift of the Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT) is expected. At the same time, for the plasma-facing targets, the coolant temperature has to be identified such to allow sufficient heat removal capacity at the strike point. This study explores alternative cooling conditions for the divertor system that are able to ensure the fulfillment of functional and system requirements and to allow for divertor cassette body re-use during plant lifetime. The main aim is to identify the best water cooling thermal-hydraulic conditions avoiding material embrittlement (for EUROFER 97) and softening/hardening (for copper alloy pipes). At the same time, the goal is to reduce the inventories (enthalpy of the cooling circuit) and the radwaste at the end of divertor lifetime.
Keywords: DEMO | Divertor | Thermo-hydraulic | Water-cooling
Abstract: One of the main challenges for the construction of DEMO, the first fusion demonstration reactor, is the power exhaust issue. To deal with it, EUROfusion has undertaken the construction of DTT (Divertor Tokamak Test) facility which will be held in Frascati, Italy. It aims to test various divertor models which can be integrated and used under different plasma confinement configurations. The current design of DTT embed 54 divertor cassettes which must be anchored to the vacuum vessel using suitable fixation systems. This paper deals with the initial monotonic load assessment of the fixation system of the Fixation System which must ensure compliance with multiple design requirements. The Remote Handling compatibility is one of the most demanding, since it includes a preloading phase of the divertor necessary to mitigate the shaking of the cassette due to dynamic forces. Moreover, the system must withstand the conspicuous loads acting on the Divertor due to the full or partial loss of plasma confinement (Disruptive Events). Structural verifications through Finite Element Method (FEM) have been performed on the Divertor-Fixation System, considering a set of load combinations, with particular focus on the most demanding case related to Fast-transient Vertical Disruption Event-downward.
Keywords: Concept design | Divertor | DTT | FEA
Abstract: The Radial Neutron Camera (RNC) is an ITER diagnostic system devoted to the radial measurement of the plasma neutron emissivity during ITER operation. In particular, plasma core measurements will be performed using 48 detectors located in the Ex-Port RNC subsystem and viewing the plasma through 16 lines-of-sight (LOS). Since discrepancies concerning the position of the LOS and the related optical path can occur during RNC installation and ITER operation, a Position Monitoring System (PMS) is foreseen to evaluate the misalignment and provide a correction tool for the neutrons count rate. During the design of the PMS for the RNC, optic fiber-based displacement sensors have been identified as the best solution to measure the displacements from reference positions along the radial, vertical and toroidal directions. Potential issues that could arise during the installation and operation of such sensors have been evaluated; MCNP calculations have been performed to determine the radiation level at the position of the PMS components. Finally, mechanical tests have been carried out at ENEA to evaluate the performance of the sensors: results indicate compliance with the specifications provided by the producer and the ITER RNC design requirements.
Keywords: ITER | Position monitoring system | Radial neutron camera
Abstract: Technologies such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR-VR) are changing the way to design the models. These technologies prove useful across all design phases, yet their greatest application lies in supporting the entire life cycle of a system. They shine during maintenance operations and training sessions, effectively teaching operators intricate procedures. The Virtual Reality is a useful technology in the nuclear fusion field, where the immersive visualization scenarios can be applied in to simulate maintenance operation to be conducted in radioactive environment. This study was applied on the ITER Water-Cooled-Lead-Lithium Test-Blanket-Module (WCLL-TBM) ancillary systems. The performances of the virtual reality have been tested simulating an entire maintenance operation, focusing on three main parameters: i) time, crucial aspect in nuclear field where is important to reduce the exposition to the radioactive material; ii) obstacles identification, to avoid interference with other objects during maintenance operation; iii) ergonomic standard, to consider all ergonomic parameters like the mass of the object and the verify of a correct position of an operator in each single operation. A maintenance simulation has been developed through use of a Virtual Reality tool (HTC-VIVE pro-2).
Keywords: ITER | Maintenance | Virtual Reality
Abstract: The challenge of the quest for energy from fusion is being addressed in the EU through a significant programme articulated in a roadmap combining the design of a Demonstration Fusion Power Plant (DEMO) and substantial R&D activities. Following the recent transition of the DEMO project to Concept Design phase, emphasis is being put on ensuring self-consistent integrated DEMO plant design concepts emerging from a system-oriented approach. A staged design approach has been adopted and the various elements of its foundation are currently being pursued. The paper provides an overview of the organized effort leading to the development of a concept for the maintenance of the breeding blanket of DEMO as an example of the overall process of concept selection and concept validation laid out for the DEMO Concept Design phase. This specific effort is done in a collaborative framework with the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor programme that seeks to resolve the same issues on the way to a first-of-a-kind fusion power plant.
Keywords: DEMO | remote handling | remote maintenance | tokamak
Abstract: The conceptual design stage is one of the main challenging phases in System Engineering. Starting from the High-Level Requirements (provided by the project needs), defining the broad features and conditions that a product must ensure, different design solutions are often implemented. Several methodologies can aid whenever a decision-making process has to be performed. Among these, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) stands out, providing a rational framework for a needed decision by quantifying its criteria and alternative options, and for relating those elements to the overall goal. Fuzzy AHP centralizes the opinion of experts who, through objective and subjective opinions, can rank the conceptual alternatives. The paper deals with the assessment of components for thermonuclear reactors, in particular the design of the DTT Divertor In-Vessel Fixation System. The main requirements that the Fixation System must guarantee are strictly related to the geometric-dimensional constraints concerning the presence of the various in-vessel components. Furthermore, the Fixation System must withstand the strong loads acting on the Divertor due to the partial or full loss of plasma confinement (Disruption Events). The aim is, therefore, to identify, through Fuzzy AHP, among different alternatives, the solution which best matches the functional requirements, geometrical constraints and Remote Handling compatibility.
Keywords: AHP | DTT Divertor | System Engineering
Abstract: The engineering design phase usually requires the integration of different types of studies and analyses for the definition of the whole system. Depending on their nature, these studies can be carried out thanks to specific FEM models and tools which differ from each other on the basis of the physics problem under investigation. A proper methodology for integration of different analyses is needed, in order to transfer information and integrate the multi-physics issues. The aim of this paper is to present a methodological framework supporting the analyses integration process and the results assessment. Based on a CAD-centric approach, the framework is applied in the software Ansys Workbench, to show how to deal with this problem in such tool, thanks to the Import Load function. A study case is considered in the nuclear fusion research field: multiphysics analysis on DEMO divertor, where several physics interact with each other due to the relevant complexity of such systems. In this study, force results from FEM EM analysis are imported into the structural analyses, in order to evaluate the effect of such loads on the cassette structure. Problems dealt with concern the difference of meshes’ specifics and the varying of load interpolation settings.
Keywords: Data transfer | DEMO divertor | FEM analysis | Loads interpolation | Multiphysics analysis
Abstract: The Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems lead the development of a product or a system from the early concept design until the end of the life allowing the knowledge management step by step. Among these systems, the 3DExperience platform adopts a Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach and allows to implement each phase of the design in a single co-simulation environment. This platform has been chosen for the development of the Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) facility. The DTT tokamak, under construction at ENEA site in Frascati, has the main aim to contribute to the development of a reliable solution for power exhaust in a reactor, one of the major issues in the roadmap towards the realization of a nuclear fusion power plant. The divertor is one of the most challenging systems whose requirements coming from different physics and interfaces shall be balanced. The fixation system is the interface between the vacuum vessel and the divertor cassette body whose concept design has been carried out in a PLM system. This paper deals specifically with the application of the Requirement, Functional, Logical, Physical (RFLP) approach to the DTT divertor fixation system from the requirement elicitation and definition until the preliminary physical design, implementing each phase in the 3DExperience platform.
Keywords: Divertor Fixation System | DTT | MBSE | Requirements Management | RFLP
Abstract: The aim of this work is to describe some experiences of additive manufacturing - AM - for nuclear fusion applications. In this paper, a first case study is introduced concerning the realization of a scale prototype of an in-vessel component for tokamak nuclear fusion reactors, a wishbone of the deflector made in Ti-6Al-4V alloy. The 3D model of the wishbone component was designed, optimized with simulation, and then fabricated using AM in collaboration with the Laboratory for Advanced Mechatronics - LAMA FVG - and researchers at the University of Udine. For the construction of the prototype, a SLM machine using powder bed metal laser melting was used. The design, simulation and fabrication activities of the AM mock-up are presented in this paper, discussing the main limitations and possibilities arising from the 3D printing of titanium alloy. In addition, a further scale prototype of the wishbone was produced using conventional milling techniques, allowing an economic comparison and evaluation of the two manufacturing processes. The prototypes will then be used for a future evaluation of the mechanical properties of this material (Ti-6Al-4V), first on material samples and then on the mock-ups, under irradiations conditions, due to nuclear fusion applications.
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing | Cost evaluation | DEMO divertor | Nuclear fusion | SLM | Ti-6Al-4V alloy
Abstract: This research focuses on the requirements management phase in the conceptual stage following a Systems Engineering approach. The development of a parametric associative master model is useful to implement requirements and available knowledge in the CAD model. The vertical decomposition from higher level requirements to lower level requirements is carried out. The decomposition of design parameters follows the mapping process according to Axiomatic Design principles. The functional requirements and design parameters relations enable to develop the parametric associative master model. Modifications related to requirements can be automatically propagated to the down-stream geometries, maintaining the relationships among geometrical features in the following design steps to choose the optimal candidate. The case study deals with the mechanical design of nuclear fusion devices focusing on the improvement of the concept design of neutron shielding plates, a divertor subsystem added to satisfy a high level requirement about divertor shielding performances on vacuum vessel. Among several variants, a few feasible configurations are generated.
Keywords: DEMO | Divertor | Nuclear fusion engineering | Requirements management | Systems Engineering
Abstract: The Radial Neutron Camera (RNC) is a diagnostic system located in ITER Equatorial Port #1 providing several spatial and time-resolved parameters for the fusion power estimation, plasma control and physics studies. The RNC measures the uncollided 14 MeV and 2.5 MeV neutrons from deuterium-tritium (DT) and deuterium-deuterium (DD) fusion reactions through an array of neutron flux detectors located in collimated Lines of Sight. Signals from RNC detectors (fission chambers, single Crystal Diamonds and scintillators) need preamplification because of their low amplitude. These preamplifiers have to be as close as possible to the detectors in order to minimize signal degradation and must be protected against fast and thermal neutrons, gamma radiation and electromagnetic fields. The solution adopted is to host the preamplifiers in a shielded cabinet located in a dedicated area of the Port Cell, behind the Bioshield Plug. The overall design of the cabinet must ensure the necessary magnetic, thermal and nuclear shielding and, at the same, satisfy weight and allocated volume constraints and maintain its structural integrity. The present paper describes the nuclear design of the shielded cabinet, performed by means of 3D particle transport calculations (MCNP), taking into account the radiation streaming through the Bioshield penetrations and the cross-talk effect from the neighboring Lower and Upper Ports. We present the assessment of its nuclear shielding performances and analyze the compliancy with the alert thresholds for commercial electronics in terms of neutron flux and cumulated ionizing dose.
Keywords: Electronics | ITER | MCNP | Neutron diagnostics | Neutronics | Radial neutron camera
Abstract: Systems Engineering allows to address the design of complex systems from the early stage until the end of its lifetime with the aim to realize successful systems. The intrinsic complexity of tokamak design requires to adopt Systems Engineering guidelines to write correctly and efficiently a large set of system requirements. Well-formed requirements would make efficient and consistent the downstream design, integration, and verification of a system. The process of requirements definition, conformed to Guide to System Requirements Definition recommended in fusion field, is far from simple and fast. The requirements definition phase encourages the early identification of issues that can be acted in the life cycle. This paper firstly highlights a new procedure to include requirements of a tokamak component in the requirement management tool of the whole system. This work identifies engineering requirements and constraints and describes their impact on the selection of the design principles of the EU-DEMO divertor system. The new identified procedure is developed using a participative approach involving experts belonging to different working groups.
Keywords: DEMO divertor | Requirements management | Systems engineering
Abstract: In a power plant scale fusion reactor, a huge amount of thermal power produced by the fusion reaction and external heating must be exhausted through the narrow area of the divertor targets. The targets must withstand the intense bombardment of the diverted particles where high heat fluxes are generated and erosion takes place on the surface. A considerable amount of volumetric nuclear heating power must also be exhausted. To cope with such an unprecedented power exhaust challenge, a highly efficient cooling capacity is required. Furthermore, the divertor must fulfill other critical functions such as nuclear shielding and channeling (and compression) of exhaust gas for pumping. Assuring the structural integrity of the neutron-irradiated (thus embrittled) components is a crucial prerequisite for a reliable operation over the lifetime. Safety, maintainability, availability, waste and costs are another points of consideration. In late 2020, the Pre-Conceptual Design activities to develop the divertor of the European demonstration fusion reactor were officially concluded. On this occasion, the baseline design and the key technology options were identified and verified by the project team (EUROfusion Work Package Divertor) based on seven years of R&D efforts and endorsed by Gate Review Panel. In this paper, an overview of the load specifications, brief descriptions of the design and the highlights of the technology R&D work are presented together with the further work still needed.
Keywords: DEMO | Divertor | Fusion reactor | High-heat-flux | Plasma-facing component | Power exhaust
Abstract: The radial neutron camera (RNC) is a key ITER diagnostic system designed to measure the uncollided 14-and 2.5-MeV neutrons from deuterium–tritium (DT) and deuterium–deuterium (DD) fusion reactions, through an array of detectors covering a full poloidal plasma section along collimated lines of sight (LoS). Its main objective is the assessment of the neutron emissivity/<inline-formula> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\alpha $</tex-math> </inline-formula> source profile and the total neutron source strength, providing spatially resolved measurements of several parameters needed for fusion power estimation, plasma control, and plasma physics studies. The present RNC layout is composed of two fan-shaped collimating structures viewing the plasma radially through vertical slots in the diagnostic shielding module (DSM) of ITER Equatorial Port 1 (EP01): the ex-port subsystem and the in-port one. The ex-port subsystem, devoted to the plasma core coverage, extends from the Port Interspace to the Bioshield Plug: it consists of a massive shielding unit hosting two sets of collimators lying on different toroidal planes, leading to a total of 16 interleaved LoS. The in-port system consists of a cassette, integrated inside the port plug DSM, containing two detectors per each of the six LoS looking at the plasma edges. The in-port system must guarantee the required measurement performances in critical operating conditions in terms of high radiation levels, given its proximity to the plasma neutron source. This article presents an updated neutronic analysis based on the latest design of the in-port system and port plug. It has been performed by means of the Monte Carlo MCNP code and provides nuclear loads on the in-port RNC during normal operating conditions (NOC) and inputs for the measurement performance analysis.
Keywords: Collimators | Detectors | Heating systems | ITER | MCNP | Monte Carlo methods | neutron diagnostics | neutron measurements | Neutrons | Plasmas | Plugs | radial neutron camera (RNC) | radiation transport | Solid modeling
Abstract: The main aim of this article is to describe the design of a new sensor to study the electromagnetic field portions of gravitational waves. On August 17, 2017, the observation of the gravitational wave event started the era of multi-messenger astronomy. Therefore, new tools and optimal synchronization of the available telescopes are needed. The sensor that is designed is a cross-cutting technology, it is named Crystal Eye: a wide field of view in the energy field from 10 keV to 10 meV with a structure made of pixels. As the detector will be involved in the mission in 2023, the virtual prototype phase needed for optimization and production of the payload has been completed. Particular attention was paid to the results of the FEM analysis carried out to examine and predict the thermal and vibration behavior of the conceived mock-up during the launch phase and under strong temperature variations in the space environment.
Keywords: Detector | FEM | Vibration and thermal analysis | Virtual prototyping
Abstract: Today it is more and more mandatory for all commercial companies to comply with the principles and methodologies of Industry 4.0 and to achieve the related capabilities protecting their competitiveness and taking a leading-edge position on market as regards technologies. Specifically, the whole production and sale system must achieve the fundamental characteristics of Industry 4.0 approach, but specially the manufacturing companies must also change and update their management procedures, internal organization, resource training, assets and all production process to keep safe their current business capacities. This evolution process is even more critical for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), that traditionally tend to be conservative and to protect their way of operation, usually characterized by a low level of automation. The work presented focuses on the design and integration of a semi-automatic welding cell of train bolster in a SME which is currently realizing a project aimed to the acquisition of Industry 4.0 capabilities, with special focus on manufacturing processes. Among them, one of the most important is the production of welded-steel critical structures, that the Company supplies to prime manufacturer of railway rolling stock systems. The experience gained during the activity, the criticalities due to the integration processes and the adopted design methodologies are here described. The work has been carried out consistently with the Systems Engineering principles, starting from the requirements elicitation and analysis to the systematic approach for the design and integration activities.
Keywords: CAD | Design methodologies | Industry 4.0 | Internet of things (IoT) | Systems engineering | Welding process
Abstract: The realization of nuclear fusion reaction as energy source is under investigation, among the scientific community, through the design and development of tokamak reactors. Among the several experiments worldwide, the ITER project is the major international experiment and it involves several research institutes from several countries. In such a project, a Systems Engineering (SE) approach is requested to organize and manage the design due to its highly integrated design, the safety requirements related to nuclear aspects and the complex procurement scheme. The SE discipline focuses the attention on the requirements which are crucial for every successful project, defining what the stakeholders want from a potential new system, namely what the system must do to satisfy stakeholders need. Correctly stating WHAT is needed for the system, it is possible to obtain its conceptual design (HOW) as much as possible complying the requirements. The incorrect definition of requirements often leads to the failing of a project. Stakeholders’ needs are written in Natural Language that is generally ambiguous, imprecise, incomplete and redundant. Their transformation into SMART requirements is crucial to avoid design failure. However, it requires a great expertise, unless a specific procedure is assessed. To this end, this work presents a specific procedure based on “like-mind” processes to make systematic the SMART requirements definition and assessment from stakeholders needs. The procedure is based on a demand/response framework and it is developed to obtain ITER requirements. However, it can be easily extended to every project using its own specifications. A specific case study on ITER Remote Handling is presented in this paper as example of the conceived requirements transformation procedure.
Keywords: ITER tokamak | Requirements engineering | SMART requirements | Systems engineering
Abstract: The paper presents an overview of the design status of the Radial Neutron Camera (RNC), that, together with the Vertical Neutron Camera, will provide, through reconstruction techniques applied to the measured line-integrated neutron fluxes, the time resolved measurement of the ITER neutron and α-source profile (i.e. neutron emissivity, neutrons emitted per unit time and volume). The RNC is composed of two subsystems, the In-Port RNC and Ex-Port RNC located, respectively, inside and outside the Plug of Equatorial Port #01. The In-Port subsystem is in a more advanced design stage since it has recently undergone the Final Design Review in the ITER procurement process. The paper describes the diagnostic layout, the interfaces, the measurement capabilities and the main challenges in its realization. Prototyping and testing of neutron detectors and electronics components were carried out and led to the choice of the component solutions that can match the environmental and operational constraints in terms radiation hardness, high temperature and electromagnetic compatibility. The performance of the RNC in terms of neutron emissivity measurement capability was assessed through 1D and 2D reconstruction analysis. It is proven that the neutron emissivity can be reconstructed in real-time within the measurement requirements: 10% accuracy, 10 ms time resolution and a/10 (a = plasma minor radius) space resolution.
Keywords: ITER | Neutron camera | Neutron detector | Tomography
Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation (HERD) detector is one of the prominent space-borne instruments to be installed on-board the Chinese Space Station (CSS), around 2027. Primary scientific goals regarding this initiative include: precise measurements of cosmic ray (CR) energy spectra and mass composition, at energies up to the PeV range; contributions to high energy gamma-ray astronomy and transient studies; as well as indirect searches for Dark Matter (DM) particles via their possible annihilation/decay to detectable products. HERD is configured to accept incident particles from both its top and four lateral sides. Owing to its pioneering design, an order of magnitude increase in acceptance is foreseen, with respect to previous and ongoing experiments. The Plastic Scintillator Detector (PSD) constitutes an important sub-detector of HERD, particularly aimed towards anti-coincidence (discriminating incident photons from charged particles), while providing precise charge measurement of incoming cosmic-ray nuclei in a range of Z = 1-26. Main requirements concerning its design, include: high detection efficiency, broad dynamic range and good energy resolution. In order to select the optimal layout, two geometries are currently under investigation: one based on long scintillator bars and the other on square tiles, with both layouts being readout by Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). Ongoing activities and future plans regarding the HERD PSD will be presented in this work.
Keywords: Charged particles | Cosmology | Gamma rays | Scintillation counters | Space stations
Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility has been proposed as a space astronomy payload onboard the future China's Space Station. HERD is planned for operation starting around 2027 for about 10 years In addition to the unprecedented sensitivity for dark matter searches and cosmic-ray measurements up to the knee energy, it should perform gamma-ray monitoring and full sky survey from few hundred MeV up to tens of TeV. We present the first study of the HERD gamma-ray performance obtained with full simulations of the whole detector geometry. HERD will be a cubic detector composed with 5 active faces. We present a study conducted inside the HERD analysis software package, which includes a detailed description of the detector materials. In this work we present the HERD effective area, the point spread function and the resulting gamma-ray sensitivity.
Keywords: Cosmology | Gamma rays | Optical transfer function | Space stations
Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility is a space payload proposed to be installed onboard the China’s Space Station (CSS). The aims of HERD are the indirect detection of dark matter, the direct detection of cosmic rays towards the “knee” of the spectrum (∼ 1 PeV) and the monitoring of the full gamma-ray sky from 100 MeV. The HERD core is a calorimeter capable of accepting particles incident on its top and four lateral sides, each equipped with a sector of the scintillating fiber tracker: FIT. The FIT sectors host 7 tracking planes made of modules. The module, composed of a fiber mat and three arrays of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), is the elementary brick of FIT. Several FIT modules have been built and tested with particle beams at CERN. A FIT demonstrator, made of two partially instrumented tracking planes, has been assembled and sent through vibration tests. The results of the performed tests as well as the current design of FIT are presented in this contribution.
Keywords: Cosmology | Gamma rays | Scintillation | Space stations
Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility is a next generation spaceborne detector to be installed onboard the Chinese Space Station for about 10 years. HERD will address major problems in fundamental physics and astrophysics, providing precise measurements of charged-cosmic rays up to PeV energies, performing indirect searches for dark matter in the electron spectrum up to few tens of TeV and monitoring the gamma-ray skymap for surveys and transient searches. HERD is composed of a 3D imaging calorimeter (CALO) surrounded by a scintillating fiber tracker (FIT), a plastic scintillator detector (PSD) and a silicon charge detector (SCD). In addition, a transition radiation detector (TRD) is placed on a lateral side to provide accurate energy calibration. Based on this innovative design, the effective geometric factor of HERD will be one order of magnitud larger than that of current space-based detectors. The HERD trigger strategy is designed to accomplish the scientific goals of the mission, and is based on trigger definitions that rely on the energy deposited in CALO and the PSD. The trigger performances are evaluated using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation that includes the latest HERD geometry. In addition, alternative trigger definitions based on the event topology can be established thanks to the photodiode readout of CALO crystals. The feasibility of these topological triggers is also investigated and presented.
Keywords: Cosmology | Gamma rays | Intelligent systems | Monte Carlo methods | Space stations | Tellurium compounds | Topology
Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) is a future space experiment which will be installed on the China’s Space Station around 2027. The main goal of the experiment is the measurement of cosmic rays up to energies which are not explored by the instruments currently operating in space, in particular protons with energies up to PeV, nuclei up to hundreds of TeV per nucleon and electrons up to tens of TeV. HERD will consist of silicon charge detectors, anti-coincidence scintillators, scintillating fiber trackers, a transition radiation detector and a calorimeter. The latter is a homogeneous, deep, 3D segmented calorimeter made of about 7500 LYSO cubic crystals: thanks to this innovative design, it will achieve large acceptance, good energy resolution and excellent electron/proton discrimination. In order to increase both energy calibration capabilities and redundancy of the instrument, the LYSO scintillation light will be read-out by two independent systems: the first is made of wave-length shifting fibers coupled with imaged intensified CMOS cameras, and the second one consists of photodiodes with different active areas connected to a custom front-end electronics. Both read-out systems are designed to have a large dynamic range, up to 107, and a low power consumption. The design of the calorimeter is validated by several Monte Carlo simulations and beam test results obtained with detector prototypes. In this paper we describe the anticipated performances of the calorimeter and the current status of the double read-out system, and we discuss the recent developments of both the HERD prototype and the flight model design.
Keywords: Cosmic rays | Cosmology | Intelligent systems | Monte Carlo methods | Scintillation counters | Silicon detectors | Space stations
Abstract: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation (HERD) detector is one of the prominent space-borne instruments to be installed on-board the Chinese Space Station (CSS), around 2027. Primary scientific goals regarding this initiative include: precise measurements of cosmic ray (CR) energy spectra and mass composition, at energies up to the PeV range; contributions to high energy gamma-ray astronomy and transient studies; as well as indirect searches for Dark Matter (DM) particles via their possible annihilation/decay to detectable products. HERD is configured to accept incident particles from both its top and four lateral sides. Owing to its pioneering design, an order of magnitude increase in acceptance is foreseen, with respect to previous and ongoing experiments. The Plastic Scintillator Detector (PSD) constitutes an important sub-detector of HERD, particularly aimed towards anti-coincidence (discriminating incident photons from charged particles), while providing precise charge measurement of incoming cosmic-ray nuclei in a range of Z = 1-26. Main requirements concerning its design, include: high detection efficiency, broad dynamic range and good energy resolution. In order to select the optimal layout, two geometries are currently under investigation: one based on long scintillator bars and the other on square tiles, with both layouts being readout by Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). Ongoing activities and future plans regarding the HERD PSD will be presented in this work.
Keywords: Charged particles | Cosmology | Gamma rays | Scintillation counters | Space stations
Abstract: The ITER Radial Neutron Camera is a diagnostic whose objective is measuring neutron emissivity and fusion power density through an array of detectors placed in collimating structures. The RNC is composed of two subsystems (In-Port RNC and Ex-Port RNC), located in the Equatorial Port 01 of the ITER tokamak. Although the measurements from the RNC are required for ITER D-T phase, its In-Port components must be ready for Assembly phase 2. Consequently, the two subsystems will be delivered at different times. At the current status of the design the In-Port RNC interfaces must be defined, if not fully specified, in order to allow for the subsystem integration in the Port Plug. A thorough assessment of the interfaces of the subsystem with all the diagnostics, plants and services in the port has been made, taking into account the concurrent development of the Equatorial Port 01 and the progress in the design of some of the subsystem components that may affect the identification of interfacing Plant Systems. This paper deals with the process that led to definition of the internal and external interfaces of the In-Port RNC, highlighting the main issues and the solutions adopted to perform integration within the Equatorial Port Plug 01.
Keywords: Integration | Interfaces | Iter diagnostics | Radial neutron camera
Abstract: A physics and engineering analysis of alternative divertor configurations is carried out by examining benefits and problems by comparing the baseline single null solution with a Snowflake, an X- and a Super-X divertor. It is observed that alternative configurations can provide margin and resilience against large power fluctuations, but their engineering has intrinsic difficulties, especially in the balance between structural solidity and accessibility of the components and when the specific poloidal field coil positioning poses further constraints. A hybrid between the X- and Super-X divertor is proposed as a possible solution to the integration challenge.
Keywords: Alternative divertor configurations | DEMO | Divertor design
Abstract: Main targets of this activity research are the making and the optimization of new detectors by means of the Systems Engineering methods. With the observation of the gravitational wave event of August 17th, 2017 and then with those of the extragalactic neutrino of September 22nd, the Multimessenger Astrophysics era began. It is a new way of exploring the Universe, powered by globally coordinated observations of several experiments. So, new X and gamma rays’ detectors solutions are needed in order to provide competitive results in the energy range 10 keV–10 meV. Here is briefly described how the Systems Engineering can improve the development of the proposal of a new technique: The Crystal Eye, a wide field of view detector with a good spatial resolution obtained thanks to a high pixelation.
Keywords: Astrophysics | Crystal Eye | Detectors | Optimization | Systems Engineering
Abstract: The pre-concept design of the DEMO Vacuum Vessel is going on in view of the 2020 gate review; moreover the nuclear heat loads on the vessel inner shell were determined and found to be about one order of magnitude higher compared to ITER. A subsequent thermal-structural analysis of the vessel inner shell revealed high thermal stresses and a large temperature gradient through the inner shell thickness. Given the simultaneous occurrence of primary membrane stresses in the entire vessel inboard wall and, in proximity of the vessel ribs, high bending stresses due to the coolant pressure, a survey of all options within the design rules was required to identify the inter-dependencies of the individual stress limits (primary membrane, primary bending, thermal membrane plus bending). In order to face this kind of issues a detailed assessment on the design of the inboard wall of DEMO Vacuum Vessel has been conducted and is presented here. The current work evaluates both P and S type damages for the inboard wall of DEMO Vacuum Vessel in case of high nuclear heat load, vacuum vessel coolant pressure and toroidal field coil fast discharge. The elastic analysis method has been used to check the rules for prevention of both types of damage. The rules applied to prevent the aforementioned damages are compliant to Level A criteria, in case of negligible creep and negligible irradiation. In order to check the structural integrity of the inboard wall of DEMO VV against high thermal and mechanical loads, optimization structural analyses were performed and checked against the rules provided in the applicable design code (RCC MRx).
Keywords: Breeding blanket | CAD | DEMO | FEM | Ratcheting | Vacuum vessel
Abstract: The pre-conceptual design of the DEMO divertor cassette with a novelty, alternative path of the main cooling pipes inside cassette body is presented in this paper, focusing on cassette design and Plasma Facing Components (PFC) integration. The divertor cassette design is reviewed, considering recent updates in the DEMO configuration model as presented by the Programme Management Unit (PMU) in 2018. The new configuration requires the cooling pipes to be integrated inside the cassette body. The components affected by these changes and the impact on the divertor design are analyzed. The study focuses on a new integration system between cassette and cooling pipes. The paper describes the integration on the new cassette geometry and the divertor sub-systems. The design activities related to this system are discussed in detail in terms of CAD modeling and considerations with respect to manufacturing such as welding technologies and non-destructive testing.
Keywords: Cooling pipes | DEMO | Divertor cassette | Divertor target
Abstract: One of the main challenges in the roadmap to the realization of fusion energy is to develop a heat and power exhaust system able to withstand the large loads expected in the divertor of a fusion power plant. The challenge of reducing the heat load on the divertor targets is addressed, within the mission 2 ‘Heat-exhaust systems’, through the investigation of divertor configurations alternative to the standard Single Null (SN), such as the Snowflake (SF), Double Null (DN), X and Super-X (SX) divertors. This paper focuses on a preliminary engineering assessment of the alternative configurations proposed for the EU DEMO reactor. Starting from the description of the optimized plasma shape developed for each configuration, the 3D geometrical description of the Magnet System and of the main Mechanical Structures (Vacuum Vessel and in-vessel components) is presented. Based on the 3D geometry, the compatibility of the location and dimensions of ports with Remote Maintenance needs is discussed and possible design optimizations are proposed both for the Magnets system and the mechanical structures design. Finally, the various configurations are compared with regard to the engineering and feasibility aspects.
Keywords: Alternative magnetic configurations | CAD | Conceptual design | DEMO | Divertor concept
Abstract: The design activities of an insulated Plasma Facing Components-Cassette Body (PFCs-CB) support has been carried out under the pre-conceptual design phase for Eurofusion-DEMO Work Package DIV-1 “Divertor Cassette Design and Integration” - Eurofusion Power Plant Physics & Technology (PPPT) program. The Eurofusion-DEMO divertor is a key in-vessel component with PFCs which directly interact with the plasma scrape-off layer. The PFCs have to cope with high heat loads, neutron irradiation and electromagnetic loads. The mechanical integrity of the PFCs and water cooling pipes can be jeopardized by high heat loads and by electromagnetic loads generated in a disruption event. In European-DEMO the possibility to estimate the heat load by measuring the relative thermocurrents is under investigation. In order to allow thermocurrents measurements, a divertor design option provides that PFCs are electrically insulated from CB. In this work authors aim to analyze the opportunity that the PFC-CB fixing system incorporates an electrical insulation system, thus acquiring also an important diagnostic role in the measurement of the thermocurrents and in the management of the current flows. The possible use of ceramic material (e.g. alumina) as the insulating layer between the support components is investigated.
Keywords: Divertor assembly | Divertor Plasma Facing Componentsfixation system | Eurofusion-DEMO
Abstract: The Eurofusion-DEMO design will complete the Pre Conceptual Design phase (PCD) with a PCD Gate, named G1, scheduled to take place in Q4 2020 that will focus on assessing the feasibility of the plant and its main components prior to entering into the Conceptual Design phase. In the paper first an overview is given of the Eurofusion-DEMO Divertor Assembly including design and interface description, systems and functional requirements, load specification, system classification, manufacturing procedures and cost estimate. Then critical issues are discussed and potential design solutions are proposed, e.g.: - Neutron material damage limits of the different (structural) materials present in the divertor assembly (as CuCrZr, Eurofer) and in the vacuum vessel (AISI 316 L(N)-IG); - Temperature hot spots in parts of the divertor assembly exposed to high nuclear heating and high heat radiation (from the plasma core or the separatrix) causing difficulties for active or passive cooling (e.g. cassette body structure, liner support structures, mechanical supports, divertor toroidal rails); - Arrangement and design of plasma-facing components and liner with pumping slot in the divertor cassette to enable pumping of exhaust gases from the lower port.
Abstract: Within the EUROfusion Power Plant Physics and Technology Department the DEMOnstrational fusion power plant (DEMO) is being developed. One of the fundamental challenges is the integration of ports in the vacuum vessel. The lower port of the DEMO machine is particularly challenging due to tight space constraints imposed by the toroidal field (TF) coils and the requirement to provide a large open duct through both the divertor and inside the port to enable for vacuum pumping. In addition, feeding pipes of divertor and tritium breeding blanket need to be integrated and access space must be provided for various remote handling operations. Several neutronics requirements need to be fulfilled, e.g. the nuclear heating of the superconducting TF coils and the gamma radiation levels inside the cryostat need to be limited to reduce occupational exposure to personnel during maintenance, and the irradiation damage and neutron heating in different components need to be considered in the design and limited. The results of neutronic analyses show that further shielding optimization is needed as maximum TF coil heating is still 5× the design limit and the SDDR values orders of magnitude above the target values inside the lower port duct. With this in mind the direction of future design developments is discussed.
Keywords: DEMO | Lower port | Material damage | Nuclear heating | Port integration
Abstract: Plasma exhaust has been identified as a major challenge towards the realisation of magnetic confinement fusion. To mitigate the risk that the single null divertor (SND) with a high radiation fraction in the scrape-of-layer (SOL) adopted for ITER will not extrapolate to a DEMO reactor, the EUROfusion consortium is assessing potential benefits and engineering challenges of alternative divertor configurations. Alternative configurations that could be readily adopted in a DEMO design include the X divertor (XD), the Super-X divertor (SXD), the Snowflake divertor (SFD) and the double null divertor (DND). The flux flaring towards the divertor target of the XD is limited by the minimum grazing angle at the target set by gaps and misalignments. The characteristic increase of the target radius in the SXD is a trade-off with the increased TF coil volume, but, ultimately, also limited by forces onto coils. Engineering constraints also limit XD and SXD characteristics to the outer divertor leg with a solution for the inner leg requiring up-down symmetric configurations. Capital cost increases with respect to a SND configuration are largest for SXD and SFD, which require both significantly more poloidal field coil conductors and in the case of the SXD also more toroidal field coil conductors. Boundary models with increasing degrees of complexity have been used to predict the beneficial effect of the alternative configurations on exhaust performance. While all alternative configurations should decrease the power that must be radiated in the outer divertor, only the DND and possibly the SFD also ease the radiation requirements in the inner divertor. These decreases of the radiation requirements are however expected to be small making the ability of alternative divertors to increase divertor radiation without excessive core performance degradation their main advantage. Initial 2D fluid modeling of argon seeding in XD and SFD configurations indicate such advantages over the SND, while results for SXD and DND are still pending. Additional improvements, expected from increased turbulence in the low poloidal field region of the SFD also remain to be verified. A more precise comparison with the SND as well as absolute quantitative predictions for all configurations requires more complete physics models that are currently only being developed.
Keywords: DEMO | divertor | fusion reactor | plasma exhaust
Abstract: The ITER Radial Neutron Camera (RNC) is a diagnostic system designed as a multichannel detection system to measure the uncollided neutron flux from the plasma, generated in the tokamak vacuum vessel, providing information on neutron emissivity profile. The RNC consists of array of cylindrical collimators located in two diagnostic structures: the ex-port system and the in-port system. The in-port system, contains the diamond detectors which need a temperature protection. Feasibility study of the efficiency of the cooling system for the In-port Detector Modules of the RNC during baking process was the main goal of thermo-hydraulic numerical modeling. The paper presents the concept of the cooling system layout and the original way of integration of numerical thermo-hydraulic analyses of the in-port detector cassette. Due to the large extent of the detector cassette it is impossible to include all relevant thermal and hydraulic effects in one global model with sufficient level of details. Thus the modelling strategy is based on the concept of three stage modelling from details to global model. The presented paper includes results of numerical calculations made with ANSYS Fluent software in order to provide the final answer, including calculation of heat loads in the detector cassette from adjacent walls during baking and normal operation conditions.
Abstract: In a demonstrational fusion power plant (DEMO), divertor is supposed to protect vacuum vessel and superconducting magnets against neutron flux in the bottom region of the vessel. The vessel is subject to a strict design limit in irradiation damage dose and the magnets in nuclear heating power, respectively. Thus, the DEMO divertor must have the capability to protect sufficiently the vessel and the magnets against neutron flux being substantially stronger than in ITER. In this paper, a first systematic neutronics study for the European DEMO divertor is reported. Results of the extensive assessment of key nuclear loading features (nuclear heating, irradiation damage & helium production) are presented for two optional concepts, namely, dome and shielding liner including minor geometrical variants. The shielding performance of the two competing design options is discussed together with the case of a bare cassette (no shielding), particularly in terms of damage dose compared with the design limits specified for the European DEMO. It was found that both the dome and shielding liner were able to significantly reduce the nuclear loads in the cassette body and the vessel. The maximum damage dose at the end of the lifetime remained subcritical for the cassette body for both cases whereas it exceeded the limit for the vessel under the dome, but only locally on the surface underneath the pumping duct. But, the damage could be reduced below the limit for the vessel by increasing the size of the dome or by deploying the shielding liner. The most critical feature was the excessive damage occurring in the own body of the shielding components where the maximum damage dose in the steel heat sink of the dome and the shielding liner far exceeded the design limit at the end of the lifetime.
Keywords: DEMO | Divertor | Neutron damage | Neutronics | Nuclear loads | Shielding | Vacuum vessel
Abstract: Most occupational safety regulations and international standards recognize the importance of keeping a corporate document that set all the safety procedures prescribed for a certain workplace. However, experience show that, to be truly effective, any piece of information must be kept updated and correctly delivered to the right recipient. From this point of view, the possibility, given by modern technology, to receive, process and send information in real time using common smartphones is a great opportunity. The authors developed a solution for mobile devices, which is based on augmented reality technologies and indoor positioning algorithms, aimed at speeding up and simplifying the information flow among safety managers, workers and casual users about safety-related content. Safety managers can use it as a support tool for the preparation of the risk assessment documentation, on the workers' side, the same application acts as an informational tool providing safety-related content when and where needed through augmented reality technologies. Preliminary results from in situ testing show that augmented reality may be a powerful tool to improve the occupational safety.
Keywords: Augmented reality | Mobile technologies | Workplace safety
Abstract: Most occupational safety regulations and international standards recognize the importance of keeping a corporate document that set all the safety procedures prescribed for a certain workplace. However, experience show that, to be truly effective, any piece of information must be kept updated and correctly delivered to the right recipient. From this point of view, the possibility, given by modern technology, to receive, process and send information in real time using common smartphones is a great opportunity. The authors developed a solution for mobile devices, which is based on augmented reality technologies and indoor positioning algorithms, aimed at speeding up and simplifying the information flow among safety managers, workers and casual users about safety-related content. Safety managers can use it as a support tool for the preparation of the risk assessment documentation, on the workers’ side, the same application acts as an informational tool providing safety-related content when and where needed through augmented reality technologies. Preliminary results from in situ testing show that augmented reality may be a powerful tool to improve the occupational safety.
Keywords: Augmented reality | Mobile technologies | Workplace safety
Abstract: This research discusses the use of a systematic design method, the Iterative and Participative Axiomatic Design Process (IPADeP), for the early conceptual design stage of large-scale engineering systems. The involvement of multiple and competing requirements has imposed high challenges for achieving an affordable design of complex systems in a reasonable lead time. Systems Engineering (SE) focuses on how to design and manage complex systems over their life cycles. Both must begin by discovering the real problems that need to be resolved and identifying from the early stage of the design the main stakeholder requirements and customer needs. The Axiomatic Design (AD) methodology is widely recognized in the literature to efficiently support the design of complex systems from the early conceptual stage. IPADeP provides a systematic methodology for applying AD theory in the conceptual design of large-scale engineering systems, aiming to minimize the risks related to the uncertainty and incompleteness of requirements and to improve the collaboration of multi-disciplinary design teams. IPADeP has been adopted as design methodology in the pre-conceptual design stage of a subsystem of the DEMOnstration fusion power plant (DEMO): the divertor cassette body-to-vacuum vessel locking system. In this paper improvements in IPADeP are presented and its validity is discussed by presenting the application to the divertor system design.
Keywords: Axiomatic Design | Design methods | Systems Engineering | Tokamak design
Abstract: In this work we present the latest progresses (September 2018) in the conceptual design of the main containment structures of DTT fusion reactor. The previous DTT baseline design is revised in terms of structural materials and overall reactor shape. The major change involves the vacuum vessel, which now foresees a welded double-wall stainless steel structure. The basic design includes eighteen sectors, with novel ports configuration for remote maintenance systems, diagnostics and heating equipment. New supports are designed for the first wall, which is conveniently segmented in view of assembly and remote replacement. The cryostat of the machine is conceived as a single-wall cylindrical vessel reinforced by ribs. The cryostat base is also in charge of supporting the vacuum vessel and the magnets system. A preliminary FEA analysis confirms that the main mechanical structure might withstand the design loads, in particular the ones resulting from possible plasma disruptions.
Keywords: CAD | DTT | EU-DEMO | FEM | Fusion reactor | Structural analysis
Abstract: The paper presents the design activities and testing plan of a vertical target mock-up, developed within the pre-conceptual design phase for DEMO Work Package DIV-1 “Divertor Cassette Design and Integration” - EUROfusion Power Plant Physics & Technology (PPPT) program. Activities concerning the Divertor Outboard Vertical Target cooling mock-up are presented in term of CAD model, thermal-hydraulic numerical simulation, structural analysis, structural integrity verification and manufacturing procedure. Moreover, the mechanical dimensions of support systems for Plasma Facing Components (PFCs), manifold and diffuser have been analyzed in detail, in order to avoid structural fault during the test. Test procedures are discussed, taking into account design parameters, design code and facility performances. The CuCrZr alloy selected for the PFCs of EU DEMO divertor has been used also for the mock-up, while two options are still under evaluation for manifolds/diffuser, CuCrZr and stainless Steel 316 L(N)-IG, depending on the joining technology. Since the mock-up is mainly intended to verify hydraulic performances, it has been simplified by removing the W monoblocks from its PFCs.
Keywords: DEMO | Divertor cassette | Divertor target cooling mock-up
Abstract: As part of an ongoing divertor upgrade of the TCV tokamak it is planned to add gas baffles to form a divertor chamber of variable closure. The baffles promise to increase the compression of neutral particles in the divertor and, thereby, extend the research on the TCV divertor towards more reactor relevant, highly dissipative divertor regimes. It is foreseen to construct the baffles entirely of polycrystalline graphite that was used for the existing TCV protection tiles. The thermal considerations of the baffle design are based on the heat loads expected during normal operation, where even an extremely large increase in the power carrying plasma channel towards the baffle over the entire 2 seconds duration of a TCV discharge gives no cause for concern. An electromagnetic analysis considers halo currents flowing through the baffles, which can occur during disruptions, as a worst-case scenario. It is found that a halo current of 250 kA results in an average vertical force in the baffles of up to 950 kN/m3. The fixture of the baffle tiles to the vacuum vessel is designed for a maximum tensile stress of 31 MPa and maximum compressive stress of 60 MPa that remains a factor of two below their respective material limits. The obtained results of the thermal, electromagnetic and structural analysis thus validate the proposed baffle design.
Keywords: Divertor | Finite element analysis | Plasma facing components | TCV
Abstract: This paper presents the recent progress in the pre-conceptual design activities for the EU-DEMO divertor Cassette Body, performed in the framework of the work package “Divertor” of the EUROfusion Power Plant Physics & Technology (PPPT) program. According to Systems Engineering Principles, the divertor CAD model is reviewed, considering the updates in the DEMO configuration model presented by the Programme Management Unit (PMU) in 2017. The design parameters affected by these changes and their impact on the divertor design and on the interfaced systems are analysed. Then, the paper focuses on the integration on the new cassette geometry of the divertor sub-systems. This includes the design of a “shielding liner” for cassette body and Vacuum Vessel protection, as well as the development of the cassette body-to-Vacuum Vessel fixation system. The design activities related to these main sub-systems are discussed in detail, in terms of CAD model and thermo-mechanical calculations.
Keywords: 3D CAD modelling | Divertor | Divertor fixation system | EU-DEMO | Shielding liner
Abstract: This paper presents the enhancements related to the structural analyses of DEMO Divertor in the framework of the EUROfusion Power Plant Physics & Technology (PPPT) program. This activity started two years ago and its preliminary results were published in previous papers. It has been divided in some areas defined by the similarity of the matters they contain: the structural analysis, of utmost importance, has been preceded by a preliminary phase, like the geometry definition or the thermal and the electric-magnetic analysis for loads evaluation; then the structural analysis has been finally confirmed with further evaluations related to excessive deformation or plastic instability. This paper discusses the improvements adopted either in the preliminary analysis or in the main structural analysis. Specifically it highlights the introduction of the thermal and electro-magnetic loads application in terms of a detailed spatial distribution that is now available. More the supports have been introduced in the model and their structural behavior has been investigated considering their interaction with the cassette. The structural assessment, according to the Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of Nuclear Installation (RCC-MRx), has been performed either for the cassette or for the attachments: for the former it is positive while for the latter case serious limitations have been found.
Keywords: DEMO | Divertor | FEM | RCC-MRx | Structural analysis | Thermal analysis
Abstract: System engineering is an established methodology meant to support engineering design activities for complex systems design. Nuclear fusion devices design complexity derives from contextual presence of both a challenging operating domain requiring frontier technology and a restrictive regulation on safety or systems compatibility aspects. System engineering methodologies adapted to nuclear design environment reduce risks of late design changes related to compatibility problems emerging at integration stage. Present work describes the methodology developed for the conceptual design phase of a nuclear fusion neutronic diagnostic, the Radial Neutron Camera for ITER plant. In particular the focus is on the characterization of design intents and the structured exploration of design domain aiming at baseline architecture to be engineered in next design phase. A formal definition of design domain space in terms of architectural elements has been developed to allow the instantiation of a set of candidate options. The instantiation process was structured according to sub-system intrinsic information content and potential mutual impact. Finally, architectural options have been assessed according to a specifically defined ranking function able to integrate information characterizing the candidate architectures deriving from different domains enabling a close collaboration with stakeholders.
Keywords: Architecture selection | Design ranking | Design space | Neutron diagnostic
Abstract: The DEMOnstration Fusion power Plant (DEMO) will be a key step towards Fusion Power Plant technology. It represents the single step to a commercial fusion power plant, in charge of demonstrating the viability of relevant technologies. Indeed, the development of tokamak sub-systems has to take into account interface, structural and functional requirements and multi-physics issues that can be completely known only during the development of the design process. This leads to difficulties to be faced during the conceptual design, mainly related to the identification of the main requirements, the change management and the sub-system integration. The Systems Engineering approach aims to support the design and management of complex systems over their life-cycles, providing a systematic approach for the definition of customer needs and required functionality from the early stage of the design, as well as for the design synthesis and the system validation and verification. Among the tokamak sub-systems, the divertor is the one devoted to power exhaust management and represents, at the same time, one of the most challenging components, in terms of materials, technologies and manufacturing. Current design activities, conducted in the in the framework of EUROfusion Consortium are in a pre-conceptual phase. Despite the early design stage, a systems engineering approach is being applied as an integrated, interdisciplinary R&D effort. The paper therefore presents the modeling effort to the conceptual design of DEMO divertor aimed at identifying both system main functions and expected behavior, given the constraints imposed from either project requirement or from current viability of technological solutions. To allow for flexibility in design needed to explore the feasibility of different solutions at this pre-conceptual stage, the impact of possible changes in high level requirement or interfaces is also investigated. This is also achieved through the allocation of the requirements to the affected components and providing efficient traceability. Therefore, the proposed modelling approach is intended to support the whole divertor conceptual design stage, allowing for requirements identification, traceability and change management.
Abstract: One of the main objectives of the DTT project is to test many divertor designs and configurations, so that the concept of the machine could change from the initial single null (SN) configuration to other configurations such as the SnowFlake Divertor (SFD). Furthermore the design of Vacuum Vessel, ports and In-Vessel Components should take into account the application and testing of a Liquid Metal Divertor. For this reason the divertor design has been developed having in mind the possibility of easily replacing the divertor itself by remote handling.
Keywords: Divertor | DTT | Liquid metal | Remote handling
Abstract: This paper describes the activity addressed to the conceptual design of the first wall and the main containment structures of DTT device. The work moved from the geometrical constraints imposed by the desired plasma shape and the configuration needed for the magnetic coils. Many other design constraints have been taken into account such as remote maintainability, space reservations for diagnostic and heating equipment, etc. The basic vessel design resulted in an all-welded single-wall toroidal structure made of 18 sectors. Proper supports have been designed for the first wall, which was conveniently segmented in view of remote maintenance. This provisional model allowed evaluating the electromagnetic loads on the metallic structure of the vacuum vessel resulting from the current quench due to a plasma disruption. After a FEA mechanical assessment, which was conducted according to ASME code, INCONEL® 625 has been provisionally selected as reference material for vacuum vessel. The design principles of the cryostat were chiefly based on cost minimization and functionality; thus it was conceived as a single-wall cylindrical vessel supported by a steel frame structure. The same structure will hold the vacuum vessel and the magnets.
Keywords: 3D CAD modeling | Conceptual design | Cryostat | FEM | First wall | Mechanical analysis | Vacuum vessel
Abstract: In the EU DEMO design (Romanelli, 2012; Federici et al., 2014), due to the large number of complex systems inside the tokamak vessel it is of vital importance to address the in-vessel integration at an early stage in the design process. In the EU DEMO design, after a first phase in which the different systems have been developed independently based on the defined baseline DEMO configuration, an effort has been made to define the interface requirements and to propose the strategies for the mechanical integration of the auxiliary heating and fuelling systems into the Vacuum Vessel and the Breeding Blanket. This work presents the options studied, the engineering solutions proposed, and the issues highlighted for the mechanical in-vessel integration of the DEMO fuelling lines, auxiliaries heating systems, and diagnostics.
Keywords: Breeding Blanket | Fuelling systems | Heating systems | In-vessel components | Vacuum Vessel
Abstract: Since 2014 preconceptual design activities for European DEMO divertor have been conducted as an integrated, interdisciplinary R&D effort in the framework of EUROfusion Consortium. Consisting of two subproject areas, ‘Cassette’ and ‘Target’, this divertor project has the objective to deliver a holistic preconceptual design concept together with the key technological solutions to materialize the design. In this paper, a brief overview on the recent results from the subproject ‘Cassette’ is presented. In this subproject, the overall cassette system is engineered based on the load analysis and specification. The preliminary studies covered multi-physical analyses of neutronic, thermal, hydraulic, electromagnetic and structural loads. In this paper, focus is put on the neutronics, thermohydraulics and electromagnetic analysis.
Keywords: Cooling | DEMO | Divertor cassette | Electromagnetic loads | Neutronics | Thermohydraulics
Abstract: This paper refers to the activity of structural design of DEMO Divertor in the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium. The structural analysis and its preparatory assessments were carried on since a year and the first results were published in a previous paper. The Cassette Body has been examined considering the most conservatives loads (e.g. coolant pressure, volumetric nuclear heating and electro-magnetic loads) according to their latest estimates. This work is based on the design-by-analysis approach adopted in the conceptual design phase of the DEMO Divertor. This design activity has been focused on some key parameters e.g. loads, main geometric dimensions, positions of the Cassette attachments on the vacuum vessel, way of loads application to characterize the structural behavior of the Divertor Cassette. In addition to the existing 3D solid element model, a shell element model has also been developed: with this new model a parametric analysis can be done for a fast optimization. The structural assessment was done according to the Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of Nuclear Installation (RCC-MRx).
Keywords: DEMO | Divertor | FEM | RCC-MRx | Structural analysis | Thermal analysis
Abstract: One of the fundamental input parameters required for the thermo hydraulic and structural design of a divertor cassette is the operation temperature range. In the current design activities to develop European DEMO divertor in the frame of EUROfusion, reduced activation steel EUROFER97 was chosen as structural material for the divertor cassette body considering its low long-term activation and superior creep and swelling resistance under neutron irradiation (You et al., 2016) [1]. For specifying an operation temperature range (i.e. cooling condition) various, often conflicting requirements have to be considered. In this article the lower limit of allowed operation temperature window is defined for EUROFER97 for structural design of DEMO divertor cassette body. The underlying rationale and supporting experimental data from a number of previous irradiation tests are also presented. The motivation of this survey study is to explore the possibility to use EUROFER97 for water-cooled divertor cassette at temperatures below 350 °C which has been regarded as limit temperature to preserve ductility under irradiation. Based on the literature data of FTTT (Fracture Toughness Transition Temperature) calibrated by Master Curve method, it is concluded that EUROFER97 at the envisaged maximum dose of 6 dpa will have to be operated above 180 °C taking the embrittlement due to helium production into account.
Keywords: DEMO | Divertor cassette | EUROFER97 | Neutron fluence
Abstract: This paper presents the pre-conceptual design activities conducted for the European DEMO divertor, focusing on cassette design and Plasma Facing Components (PFC) integration. Following the systems engineering principles, a systematic design method, the Iterative and Participative Axiomatic Design Process (IPADeP), has been adopted. Basing on Axiomatic Design, IPADeP supports the early conceptual design of complex systems. The work moved from the geometrical and interface constraints imposed by the 2015 DEMO configuration model. Then, since different materials will be used for cassette and PFCs, the divertor geometry has been developed taking into account the cooling parameters of the cassette Eurofer steel and the integration of PFCs cooling system. Accordingly, the design process led to a double wall cassette structure with internal reinforcing ribs to withstand cassette coolant pressure and three different kinds of piping schemes for PFCs with dual circuits. These three solutions differs in the feeding pipes layouts and target manifold protection and they have been proposed and evaluated considering heat flux issues, shielding problems, interface requirements with blanket and vacuum vessel and remote maintenance needs. A cassette parametric shell model has been used to perform first structural analyses of the cassette body against coolant pressure. Taking advantages of the parametric surface modelling and its linkage with Finite Element (FE) code, the cassette ribs layout and thickness has been evaluated and optimized, considering at the same time the structural strength needed to withstand the coolant parameters and the maximum stiffness required for cassette preloading and locking needs.
Keywords: DEMO | Divertor cassette | Divertor cooling | Divertor structural analysis
Abstract: As indicated in the European Fusion Roadmap, the main objective of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility (DTT) is to explore alternative power exhaust solutions for DEMO so as to mitigate the risk that the conventional divertor based on detached conditions to be tested on the ITER device cannot be extrapolated to a fusion reactor. The issues to be investigated by DTT include: • demonstrate a heat exhaust system capable of withstanding the large load of DEMO in case of inadequate radiated power fraction;• close the gaps in the exhaust area that cannot be addressed by present devices;• demonstrate that the possible (alternative or complementary) solutions (e.g., advanced divertor configurations or liquid metals) can be integrated in a DEMO device. In this paper, we describe a proposal for such a DTT, presented by ENEA in collaboration with a European team of scientists. The selection of the DTT parameters (a major radius of 2.15 m, an aspect ratio of about 3, an elongation of 1.6-1.8, a toroidal field of 6 T, and a flat top of about 100 s) has been made according to the following specifications: • edge conditions as close as possible to DEMO in terms of dimensionless parameters;• flexibility to test a wide set of divertor concepts and techniques;• compatibility with bulk plasma performance.• an upper bound of 500 M€ for the investment costs. This paper illustrates this DTT proposal showing how the basic machine parameters and concept have been selected so as to make a significant step toward the accomplishment of the power exhaust mission.
Keywords: Design | Divertor | Tokamak devices
Abstract: This paper presents eligere, a new open-source distributed software platform for group decision making in engineering design. It is based on the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (fuzzy AHP), a multiple criteria decision making method used in group selection processes to rank a discrete set of alternatives with respect to some evaluation criteria. eligere is built following the paradigm of distributed cyber-physical systems. It provides several features of interest in group decision making problems: a web-application where experts express their opinion on the alternatives using the natural language, a fuzzy AHP calculation module for transforming qualitative into quantitative data, a database for collecting both the experts' answers and the results of the calculations. The resulting software platform is: distributed, interactive, multi-platform, multi-language and open-source. Eligere is a flexible cyber-physical information system useful in various multiple criteria decision making problems: in this paper we highlight its key concepts and illustrate its potential through a case study, i.e., the optimum selection of design alternatives in a robotic product design.
Keywords: Distributed information systems | Fuzzy AHP | Fuzzy sets | Multiple criteria decision making | Product design | Robotics
Abstract: The main goal of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility (DTT) is to explore alternative power exhaust solutions for DEMO. The principal objective is to mitigate the risk of a difficult extrapolation to fusion reactor of the conventional divertor based on detached conditions under test on ITER. The task includes several issues, as: (i) demonstrating a heat exhaust system capable of withstanding the large load of DEMO in case of inadequate radiated power fraction; (ii) closing the gaps in the exhaust area that cannot be addressed by present devices; (iii) demonstrating how the possible implemented solutions (e.g., advanced divertor configurations or liquid metals) can be integrated in a DEMO device. In view of these goals, the basic physical DTT parameters have been selected according to the following guidelines: (i) edge conditions as close as possible to DEMO in terms of dimensionless parameters; (ii) flexibility to test a wide set of divertor concepts and techniques; (iii) compatibility with bulk plasma performance; (iv) an upper bound of 500 M€ for the investment costs.
Abstract: In parallel with the programme to optimize the operation with a conventional divertor based on detached conditions to be tested on the ITER device, a project has been launched to investigate alternative power exhaust solutions for DEMO, aimed at the definition and the design of a divertor tokamak test facility (DTT). The DTT project proposal refers to a set of parameters selected so as to have edge conditions as close as possible to DEMO, while remaining compatible with DEMO bulk plasma performance in terms of dimensionless parameters and given constraints. The paper illustrates the DTT project proposal, referring to a 6 MA plasma with a major radius of 2.15 m, an aspect ratio of about 3, an elongation of 1.6-1.8, and a toroidal field of 6 T. This selection will guarantee sufficient flexibility to test a wide set of divertor concepts and techniques to cope with large heat loads, including conventional tungsten divertors; liquid metal divertors; both conventional and advanced magnetic configurations (including single null, snow flake, quasi snow flake, X divertor, double null); internal coils for strike point sweeping and control of the width of the scrape-off layer in the divertor region; and radiation control. The Poloidal Field system is planned to provide a total flux swing of more than 35 Vs, compatible with a pulse length of more than 100 s. This is compatible with the mission of studying the power exhaust problem and is obtained using superconducting coils. Particular attention is dedicated to diagnostics and control issues, especially those relevant for plasma control in the divertor region, designed to be as compatible as possible with a DEMO-like environment. The construction is expected to last about seven years, and the selection of an Italian site would be compatible with a budget of 500 M.
Keywords: divertor | plasma facing components | tokamak
Abstract: This paper focuses on a preliminary structural analysis of the current concept design of DEMO vacuum vessel (VV). The VV structure is checked against a vertical load due to a Vertical Displacement Event in combination with the weight force of all components that the main vessel shall bear. Different configurations for the supports are considered. Results show that the greatest safety margins are reached when the tokamak is supported through the lower ports rather than the equatorial ports, though all analyzed configurations are compliant with RCC-MRx design rules.
Keywords: DEMO vacuum vessel | Elastoplastic analysis | Finite element method (FEM)
Abstract: This paper describes the development of a master model concept of the DEMO vacuum vessel (VV) conducted within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium. Starting from the VV space envelope defined in the DEMO baseline design 2014, the layout of the VV structure was preliminarily defined according to the design criteria provided in RCC-MRx. A surface modelling technique was adopted and efficiently linked to the finite element (FE) code to simplify future FE analyses. In view of possible changes to shape and structure during the conceptual design activities, a parametric design approach allows incorporating modifications to the model efficiently.
Keywords: CAD-FEA associativity | Conceptual design | DEMO vacuum vessel | Surface modelling
Abstract: The EUROfusion Consortium is setting up – as part of the EU Fusion Roadmap – the framework for the implementation of the (pre)conceptual design phase of the DEMO reactor. Configuration management needs have been identified as one of the key elements of this framework and is the topic of this paper, in particular the configuration of the CAD design data. The desire is to keep the definition and layout of the corresponding systems “light weight” and relatively easy to manage, whilst simultaneously providing a level of detail in the definition of the design configuration that is fit for the purpose of a conceptual design. This paper aims to describe the steps followed during the definition of the configuration management system of the DEMO design data in terms of (i) the identification of the appropriate product data management system, (ii) the description of the philosophy of the configuration management of the design data, and (iii) the introduction of the most important enabling processes.
Keywords: CDA | Configuration | DEMO | Design | Management
Abstract: In the European fusion roadmap, reliable power handling has been defined as one of the most critical challenges for realizing a commercially viable fusion power. In this context, the divertor is the key in-vessel component, as it is responsible for power exhaust and impurity removal for which divertor target is subjected to very high heat flux loads. To this end, an integrated R&D project was launched in the EUROfusion Consortium in order to deliver a holistic conceptual design solution together with the core technologies for the entire divertor system of a DEMO reactor. The work package ‘Divertor’ consists of two project areas: ‘Cassette design and integration’ and ‘Target development’. The essential mission of the project is to develop and verify advanced design concepts and the required technologies for a divertor system being capable of meeting the physical and system requirements defined for the next-generation European DEMO reactor. In this contribution, a brief overview is presented of the works from the first project year (2014). Focus is put on the loads specification, design boundary conditions, materials requirements, design approaches, and R&D strategy. Initial ideas and first estimates are presented.
Keywords: Conceptual design | DEMO | Divertor | Eurofusion | Plasma-facing component | Tokamak
Abstract: Divertor is a crucial component in Tokamaks, aiming to exhaust the heat power and particles fluxes coming from the plasma during discharges. This paper focuses on the optimization process of FAST divertor, aimed at achieving required thermo-mechanical capabilities and the remote handling (RH) compatibility. Divertor RH system final layout has been chosen between different concept solutions proposed and analyzed within the principles of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). The design was aided by kinematic simulations performed using Digital Mock-Up capabilities of Catia software. Considerable electromagnetic (EM) analysis efforts and top-down CAD approach enabled the design of a final and consistent concept, starting from a very first dimensioning for EM loads. In the final version here presented, the divertor cassette supports a set of tungsten (W) actively cooled tiles which compose the inner and outer vertical targets, facing the plasma and exhausting the main part of heat flux. W-tiles are assembled together considering a minimum gap tolerance (0.1-0.5 mm) to be mandatorily respected. Cooling channels have been re-dimensioned to optimize the geometry and the layout of coolant volume inside the cassette has been modified as well to enhance the general efficiency.
Keywords: Digital Mock-Up | Divertor | FAST | Finite element EM and mechanical analyses | Remote handling
Abstract: The present paper proposes a structured Product Development Lifecycle (PDL) model to deal with the concept design stage of complex assemblies. The proposed method provides a systematic approach to design, aimed to improve requirements management, project management and communication among stakeholders as well as to avoid project failures reducing project development time. This research also provides suggestions and recommendations for utilizing different analysis, synthesis and assessment methodologies along with the proposed approach. The process developed, named Iterative and Participative Axiomatic Design Process (IPADeP), is consistent with ISO/IEC 15288:2008 – “Systems and software engineering”, and INCOSE Systems engineering handbook. It is an iterative and incremental design process, participative and requirements driven, based on the theory of Axiomatic Product Development Lifecycle (APDL). IPADeP provides a systematic methodology in which, starting from a set of experts’ assumptions, a number of conceptual solutions are generated, analysed and evaluated. Based on the results obtained, new iterations can be performed for each level of decomposition while product requirements are refined. In this paper, we applied IPADeP to the initial phase of conceptual design activities for DEMO divertor-to-vacuum vessel locking system in order to propose new innovative solutions.
Keywords: Axiomatic Design | Concept design | DEMO divertor locking system | Fuzzy-AHP | Systems engineering
Abstract: The Iterative and Participative Axiomatic Design Process (IPADeP) deals with the early conceptual design stage of complex mechanical assemblies. It provides a systematic approach based on the theory of Axiomatic Product Development Lifecycle and aims to minimize the risks related to the uncertainty and incompleteness of the requirements, considering that the requirements will be refined and completed during the process. IPADeP has an iterative nature and is focused on the experience of the people involved in the design process. The functional requirements and the design parameters are conceived through brainstorming sessions and the concept selection is performed involving several experts through a Multi Criteria Decision Making technique. IPADeP has been adopted as methodology to address the early conceptual design stage of a subsystem of the DEMOnstration fusion power plant: the divertor cassette-to-vacuum vessel locking system. A first iteration was performed, resulting in the selection of a "high level" rough solution. According with IPADeP this paper presents an improvement of this solution, performing a new iteration of the process, since the system is ripe to proceed with the decomposition and zigzagging to the second level and new requirements are coming in from the development of the interfaced systems.
Keywords: Axiomatic Design | Conceptual Design | fusion engineering | IPADeP
Abstract: This paper deals with pre-concept studies of DEMO divertor cassette-to-vacuum vessel locking system under the work program WP13-DAS-07-T06: Divertor Remote Maintenance System pre-concept study. An iterative design process, consistent with Systems Engineering guidelines and named Iterative and Participative Axiomatic Design Process (IPADeP), is used in this paper to propose new innovative solutions for divertor locking system, which can overcome the difficulties in applying the ITER principles to DEMO. The solutions conceived have been analysed from the structural point of view using the software Ansys and, eventually, evaluated using the methodology known as Fuzzy-Analytic Hierarchy Process. Due to the lack and the uncertainty of the requirements in this early conceptual design stage, the aim is to cover a first iteration of an iterative and incremental process to propose an innovative design concept to be developed in more details as the information will be completed.
Keywords: Concept design | DEMO divertor locking system | FEM analysis | Fuzzy-AHP | Remote maintenance | System engineering