Virtual Reality (VR) identifies synthetic environments capable of simulating real spaces, situations and behaviors with the help of specific interfaces. Therefore, developing new models of fruition of technical, educational, and artistic content is possible, even using several sensory channels simultaneously. Furthermore, VR in technical training guarantees an improvement in the results achievable in terms of transfer and retention of knowledge by ensuring conditions of absolute safety. Moreover, VR can be used during the design process to support feasibility analyses, anticipating the study and optimization of the various aspects (e.g. layout, visibility and accessibility, ergonomics, usability) before the product-process is created.

Augmented Reality (AR) allows you to insert virtual elements into the real world. The literature recognizes the advantages of AR for field training or for the support of specific tasks, including the reduction of the cognitive load, the decrease in learning times, greater accuracy, or greater user involvement.

The research aims to exploit VR, AR, XR, and spatial interaction systems in general, including haptic, in industrial, medical, cultural, educational, and promotion/marketing contexts, exploring new solutions and testing the user experience in terms of usability and effectiveness compared to existing methods.

Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality; Mixed Reality; eXtended Reality; Human Computer Interface; Metaverse; User experience.

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